4. В саду никого не было. Пахло свежескошенной травой. По-видимому, садовники косили. 5. Сад потерял свою прелесть: садовники скосили всю траву. 6. К счастью, он не заметил ее воспаленных глаз и не догадался, что она плакала. 7. Сью внимательно наблюдала за Джонси, когда та открыла глаза. 8. Сью, которая некоторое время наблюдала за своей больной подругой, подошла к ее кровати. 9. Она отложила в сторону книгу, которую читала. 10. Она написала письмо и читала книгу. 11. Пеготти уронила чулок, который она штопала. 12. Пеготти отложила чулок, который уже заштопала.
1. Нежданов до того удивился, что даже не поднялся с пня, на котором сидел. (Тургенев)2. Одинцова опустилась на то же самое кресло, на котором сидела накануне. (Тургенев)3. В это время один офицер, сидевший в углу комнаты, встал. (Лермонтов)4. Она [Елена] быстро захлопнула книгу, которую читала, и отошла от стола. (Достоевский). 5. Лена выпустила его руку, которую минуту тому назад так крепко сжимала. (Чаковский)6. Глаза у Сергея покраснели и чуть припухли. Неужели он плакал?.. (Слепухин)
Результаты (
английский) 1:
4. There was no one in the garden. Smelled of freshly cut grass. Apparently, gardeners mowed. 5. Garden lost its charm: gardeners mowed all the grass. 6. Fortunately, he didn't notice her inflamed eye and not guessed that she was crying. 7. Sue closely watched Dzhonsi, when she opened her eyes. 8. Sue, which for some time has watched his sick girlfriend, approached her bed. 9. She deferred toward a book that I read. 10. She wrote the letter and read the book. 11. Pegotti dropped her stocking, which she darned. 12. Pegotti deferred stocking that already zashtopala. 1. Nezhdanov before not even surprised that rose from the stump, which was sitting. (Turgenev) 2. Odintsov sank on the same Chair, which sat on the eve. (Turgenev) 3. At this time, one officer, who was sitting in the corner of the room stood up. (Lermontov) 4. It [Elena] quickly slammed the book you read, and moved away from the table. (Dostoyevsky). 5. Lena released his hand that a minute ago so tightly clenched. (Chakovskiy) 6. Eyes reddened and little Sergey pripuhli. Does he cry? (Slepukhin)
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
4. There was no one in the garden. There was a smell of freshly cut grass. Apparently, gardeners mowed. 5. Garden lost its charm: All gardeners mowed grass. 6. Fortunately, he did not notice her sore eyes and realized that she was crying. 7. Sue closely observed for Jones, when she opened her eyes. 8. Sue, who while watching his sick girlfriend, went to her bed. 9. She put aside the book she was reading. 10. She wrote a letter and read a book. 11. Pegotti dropped her stocking she was darning. 12. Pegotti delayed stocking, which has already mended.
1. Nezhdanov before surprised that not even got up from the stump on which he sat. (Turgenev) 2. Odintsov sat down on the same chair on which sat the day before. (Turgenev) 3. At this time, an officer, who was sitting in the corner of the room stood up. (Lermontov) 4. She [Helen] quickly shut the book he was reading, and walked away from the table. (Dostoevsky). 5. Lena released his hand, that a minute ago, so tightly clutched. (Chakovsky) 6. His eyes were red and Sergei bit swollen. Was he crying? .. (Slepuhin)
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
4. in the garden there was nobody. it smelled of freshly cut grass. apparently, the gardeners were. 5. garden lost its beauty: gardeners скосили all the grass. 6. fortunately, he didn"t notice her sore eyes and thought that she was crying. 7. sue"s closely watched jonesy, when she opened her eyes. 8. sue, who for a time was watching his sick friend, came to her bed. 9. she put away the book you read. 10. she wrote the letter and read the book. 11. пеготти dropped the stocking, which she darned. 12. пеготти put stockings, which already mended.1. нежданов before surprised that didn"t come up with the stump, which was sitting. (turgenev) 2. одинцова settles on the same chair, which was the day before. (turgenev) 3. at this time, one officer, sitting in the corner of the room, stand up. (lermontov) 4. [helen] quickly slammed the book read, and stepped away from the table. (pure). 5. lena released his hand, that a moment ago so tightly squeezed. (чаковский) 6. eyes are red and a bit of припухли. did he cry? ... (слепухин)
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