В 1914 году в детском журнале «Мирок» впервые были опубликованы стихот перевод - В 1914 году в детском журнале «Мирок» впервые были опубликованы стихот английский как сказать

В 1914 году в детском журнале «Миро

В 1914 году в детском журнале «Мирок» впервые были опубликованы стихотворения Есенина.

В 1915 году Есенин переехал из Москвы в Петроград, читал свои стихотворения А. А. Блоку, С. М. Городецкому и другим поэтам. В январе 1916 года Есенина призвали на войну и, благодаря хлопотам друзей, он получил назначение («с высочайшего соизволения») в Царскосельский военно-санитарный поезд № 143 Её Императорского Величества Государыни Императрицы Александры Фёдоровны. В это время он сблизился с группой «новокрестьянских поэтов» и издал первые сборники («Радуница» — 1916), которые сделали его очень известным. Вместе с Николаем Клюевым часто выступал, в том числе перед императрицей Александрой Фёдоровной и её дочерьми в Царском Селе.

В 1915—1917 годах Есенин поддерживал дружеские отношения с поэтом Леонидом Каннегисером[7], впоследствии убившим председателя Петроградской ЧК Урицкого.

К 1918 — началу 1920-х годов относится знакомство Есенина с Анатолием Мариенгофом и его активное участие в московской группе имажинистов.

В период увлечения Есенина имажинизмом вышло несколько сборников стихов поэта — «Трерядница», «Исповедь хулигана» (оба — 1921), «Стихи скандалиста» (1923), «Москва кабацкая» (1924), поэма «Пугачёв».

В 1921 году поэт вместе со своим другом Яковом Блюмкиным ездил в Среднюю Азию, посетил Урал и Оренбуржье. С 13 мая по 3 июня гостил в Ташкенте у своего друга и поэта Александра Ширяевца. Там Есенин несколько раз выступал перед публикой, читал стихотворения на поэтических вечерах и в домах своих ташкентских друзей. По словам очевидцев, Есенин любил бывать в старом городе, чайханах старого города и Урды, слушать узбекскую поэзию, музыку и песни, посещать живописные окрестности Ташкента со своими друзьями. Он совершил также короткую поездку в Самарканд.
Есенин и Айседора Дункан, 1922

Осенью 1921 года в мастерской Г. Б. Якулова Есенин познакомился с танцовщицей Айседорой Дункан, на которой он через полгода женился. После свадьбы Есенин с Дункан ездили в Европу (Германия, Франция, Бельгия, Италия) и в США (4 месяца), где он находился с мая 1922 года по август 1923 года. Газета «Известия» опубликовала записи Есенина об Америке «Железный Миргород». Брак с Дункан распался вскоре после их возвращения из-за границы.

В начале 1920-х годов Есенин активно занимался книжно-издательской деятельностью, а также продажей книг в арендованной им книжной лавке на Большой Никитской, что занимало почти всё время поэта. Последние годы жизни Есенин много путешествовал по стране. Он трижды посетил Кавказ, несколько раз съездил в Ленинград, семь раз — в Константиново.
Гостиница «Новая Европа» в Баку, где останавливался Есенин

В 1924—1925 годах Есенин посетил Азербайджан, выпустил сборник стихов в типографии «Красный восток», печатался в местном издательстве. Есть версия о том, что здесь же, в мае 1925 года, было написано стихотворное «Послание евангелисту Демьяну». В Баку Есенин оставался в гостинице «Новая Европа». Жил также в селении Мардакян (пригород Баку). В настоящее время здесь находятся его дом-музей и мемориальная доска.
Есенин и Софья Андреевна Толстая, 1925

В 1924 году Есенин решил порвать с имажинизмом из-за разногласий с А. Б. Мариенгофом. Есенин и Иван Грузинов опубликовали открытое письмо о роспуске группы.

В газетах стали появляться резко критические статьи о нём, обвиняющие его в пьянстве, дебошах, драках и прочих антисоциальных поступках, хотя поэт своим поведением (особенно в последние годы жизни) иногда сам давал основание для подобного рода критики. На Есенина было заведено несколько уголовных дел, в основном, по обвинениям в хулиганстве; известно также Дело четырёх поэтов, связанное с обвинением Есенина и его друзей в антисемитских высказываниях.

Советская власть беспокоилась о состоянии здоровья Есенина. Так, в письме Раковского к Дзержинскому от 25 октября 1925 года Раковский просит «спасти жизнь известного поэта Есенина — несомненно самого талантливого в нашем Союзе», предлагая: «пригласите его к себе, проборите хорошо и отправьте вместе с ним в санаториум товарища из ГПУ, который не давал бы ему пьянствовать…» На письме резолюция Дзержинского, адресованная его близкому товарищу, секретарю, управляющему делами ГПУ В. Д. Герсону: «М. б., Вы могли бы заняться?» Рядом пометка Герсона: «Звонил неоднократно — найти Есенина не мог».

В конце ноября 1925 года Софья Толстая договорилась с директором платной психоневрологической клиники Московского университета профессором П. Б. Ганнушкиным о госпитализации поэта в его клинику. Об этом знало только несколько близких поэту людей. 21 декабря 1925 года Есенин покинул клинику, аннулировал в Госиздате все доверенности, снял со сберкнижки почти все деньги и через день уехал в Ленинград, где остановился в № 5 гостиницы «Англетер».

В Ленинграде последние дни жизни Есенина отмечены встречами с Н. А. Клюевым, Г. Ф. Устиновым, Иваном Приблудным, В. И. Эрлихом, И. И. Садофьевым, Н. Н. Никитиным и другими литераторами
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the year 1914 in the children's magazine "World" were first published poem of Esenin.In the year 1915 Yesenin moved from Moscow to Petrograd, read their poems, a., s. m. Gorodetsky and other poets. In January 1916 year Yesenin called to war and, thanks to the efforts of friends, he got an appointment (with the highest "assent") in Tsarskoye Selo military-sanitary train No. 143 of her Imperial Majesty Empress Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna. During this time he became friendly with the band "novokrest′ânskih poets and published the first compilations (" Radunytsya "— 1916), which made him very famous. Together with Nikolai Klûevym often performed, including in front of the Empress Alexandra Fëdorovnoj and her daughters in Tsarskoye Selo.In 1915-1917 years Yesenin maintained friendships with poet Leonid Kannegiserom [7] subsequently, the Chairman of the Petrograd CHEKA mp Uritsky.To 1918-beginning of the 1920-ies refers acquaintance Yesenin with Anatoly Mariengofom and its active participation in the Moscow group imažinistov.During entrainment Yesenin imažinizmom came out several collections of poems by the poet — "Trerâdnica", "hooligan's confession (both 1921)," skandalista "(1923)," Moskva kabatskaya "(1924), the poem" Pugachev ".In the year 1921 the poet with his friend James Blûmkinym traveled to Central Asia, visited the Ural and Orenburg region. From 13 May to 3 June in Tashkent visited his friend and poet Alexander Širâevca. There several times spoke to Oprah Winfrey audience, read poems at poetry evenings and Tashkent in the homes of their friends. According to witnesses, Yesenin liked to be in the old town, the old town and tearooms Urda, listen to Uzbek poetry, music and songs, visit the picturesque surroundings of Tashkent with their friends. He also made a short trip to Samarkand.Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, 1922In the autumn of 1921 year in the workshop of g. b. Yakulov Yesenin met with dancer Isadora Duncan, whom he married in six months. After the wedding with Irma Duncan traveled to Europe (Germany, France, Belgium, Italy) and in the United States (4 months), where he stayed from May 1922 to August 1923 years. The newspaper Izvestia published an entry about America "Yesenin Iron Myrhorod. Marriage with Duncan broke up shortly after their return from abroad.At the beginning of the 1920-ies Yesenin was actively engaged in book-publishing and selling books in a rented them book shop on Bolshaya nikitskaya that occupied almost all the time. The last years of his life, Yesenin traveled across the country. He visited the Caucasus, several times went to Leningrad, seven times — in konstantinovo.Hotel «new Europe» in Baku, where stayed YeseninIn 1924-1925 years Yesenin visited Azerbaijan, has released a collection of poems in the printing plant "Krasny Vostok, printed at a local publishing company. There is a version that same year in May 1925, it was written "message stihotvornoe evangelist Dem′ânu. Yesenin in Baku remained in the hotel "new Europe". He lived also in the village of Mardakan (suburb of Baku). Now here are his House-Museum and memorial plaque.Yesenin and Sofia Andreevna Tolstaya, 1925In 1924 year Oprah Winfrey decided to break up with imažinizmom due to differences with a. b. Mariengofom. Yesenin and Ivan Georgian published an open letter to disband the group.Began to appear in newspapers sharply critical article about him, accusing him of drunkenness, debošah, fights and other anti-social acts, although the poet his behavior (especially in the last years of his life) sometimes gave rise to this kind of criticism. On multiple has been Yesenin criminal cases, mostly on charges of disorderly conduct; It is also the case of the four poets associated with the prosecution of Esenin and his friends in the anti-Semitic.Советская власть беспокоилась о состоянии здоровья Есенина. Так, в письме Раковского к Дзержинскому от 25 октября 1925 года Раковский просит «спасти жизнь известного поэта Есенина — несомненно самого талантливого в нашем Союзе», предлагая: «пригласите его к себе, проборите хорошо и отправьте вместе с ним в санаториум товарища из ГПУ, который не давал бы ему пьянствовать…» На письме резолюция Дзержинского, адресованная его близкому товарищу, секретарю, управляющему делами ГПУ В. Д. Герсону: «М. б., Вы могли бы заняться?» Рядом пометка Герсона: «Звонил неоднократно — найти Есенина не мог».In late November, 1925 year Sofya Tolstoy agreed with the Director of the neuropsychiatric clinic paid Moscow University Professor p. b. Gannuškinym on hospitalization of the poet in his clinic. About it knew only a few close to the poet of the people. December 21, 1925 year Esenin left the clinic, annulled in all State Attorney, withdrew from a bank savings book almost all the money and one day went to Leningrad, where he stayed at no. 5 hotel angleterre.Last days in Leningrad Yesenin's life marked by meetings with n. a. Klûevym, g. f. Ustinov, Ivan Pribludnym, Ehrlich, i. Sadof′evym, n. Nikitin and other writers
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In 1914, in the children's magazine "Small World" were first published poem Esenina. In 1915, Yesenin moved from Moscow to Petrograd, read his poems AA Block, SM Gorodetsky and other poets. In January 1916 Esenina called to war and, thanks to the efforts of friends, he was appointed ( "with highest permission") in Tsarskoye Selo military hospital train № 143 Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. During this time he became friends with a group of "novokrestyanskih poets" and published the first collection ( "Radunica" - 1916), which made ​​him very famous. Along with Nikolai Klyuev frequently appeared, including the Empress Alexandra Fyodorovna and her daughters in Tsarskoye Selo. In the years 1915-1917 Yesenin maintained friendly relations with the poet Leonid Kannegiser [7], then who killed the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka Uritskogo. By 1918 - early 1920 's, Esenina include familiarity with Anatoly Mariengof and its active participation in the Moscow group Imagist. during hobbies Esenina imagism published several collections of poems of the poet - "Treryadnitsa," "Confessions of a bully" (both - 1921), "the rowdy poems" (1923) "Moscow Taverns" (1924), the poem "Pugachev". in 1921, the poet and his friend Jacob Bliumkin traveled to Central Asia, visited the Urals and the Orenburg region. From May 13 to June 3 in Tashkent he visited his friend and poet Alexander Shiryaevtsa. There Yesenin several times addressed the audience, read poems in poetry readings in the homes of their friends in Tashkent. According to witnesses, Yesenin liked to stay in the old town, the tea houses of the old town and Urda, listen to Uzbek poetry, music and songs, visiting picturesque surroundings of Tashkent with his friends. He also made ​​a short trip to Samarkand. Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, 1922 In the fall of 1921 in the studio GB Yakulov Yesenin met with the dancer Isadora Duncan, whom he married six months later. After the wedding, Yesenin with Duncan traveled to Europe (Germany, France, Belgium, Italy) and the USA (4 months), where he stayed from May 1922 to August 1923. The newspaper "Izvestia" published Esenina write about America "Iron Mirgorod". Marriage with Duncan broke up soon after their return from abroad. At the beginning of 1920 Yesenin was actively engaged in book-publishing and sale of books in a rented them a bookshop on Nikitskaya, which took almost all the time of the poet. The last years of his life Yesenin traveled around the country. Three times he visited the Caucasus, several times went to Leningrad, seven times - in Konstantinovo. Hotel "New Europe" in Baku, where he stayed Yesenin In the years 1924-1925 Yesenin visited Azerbaijan, published a collection of poems in the printing house "Red East", published in the local publishing. There is a version that here, in May 1925, was written in verse "Message Evangelist Demyan." Baku Yesenin stayed at the hotel "New Europe". He lived in Mardakan settlement (Baku suburb). Currently, there are his house-museum and a memorial plaque. Yesenin and Sophia Tolstaya 1925 In 1924 Yesenin decided to break with imagism because of disagreements with AB Mariengof. Yesenin and Ivan Georgians published an open letter on the dissolution of the group. The newspapers began to appear sharply critical articles about him, accusing him of drunkenness, fights, brawls and other antisocial acts, although the poet by his behavior (especially in the last years of his life), he sometimes gave grounds for this kind of criticism. Esenina on several criminal cases were opened, mostly on charges of disorderly conduct; The case is known as the four poets associated with the prosecution Esenina and his friends in the anti-Semitic statements. The Soviet government was worried about the health of Esenina. So, in a letter to Rakovsky to Dzerzhinsky on October 25, 1925 Rakovsky asks "to save the life of the famous poet Esenina - undoubtedly the most talented in the Soviet Union", offering "invite him to her, parting well and send with it in Sanatorium friend of the GPU, who would not give him to drink ... "In a letter to Dzerzhinsky resolution, addressed to his close friend, secretary, manager of the GPU works VD Gerson:" M. . B, you could do "Next mark Gerson:" Called repeatedly - could not find Esenina? ". At the end of November 1925 Sophia Tolstaya agreed with the director of the Moscow University paid neuropsychiatric clinic Professor PB Gannushkina hospitalization poet in his clinic . I knew about it only a few people close to the poet. December 21, 1925 Yesenin left the clinic in the State Publishing House quashed all the power of attorney, withdrew from the passbook almost all the money and the next day went to Leningrad, where he stayed in number 5 of the hotel "Angleterre". In the last days of Leningrad Esenina life marked by meetings with NA Klyuev, Mr. Ustinov, Ivan stray VI Ehrlich, I. Sadofevym, N. Nikitin and other writers

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in 1914, in the children"s magazine "мирок» first published poem есенина.in 1915, jesenin moved from moscow to petrograd, read their poems as well. as well. block with. m. городецкому and other poets. in january 1916 есенина called to war, and the frustration of friends, he received the appointment of "(with the highest соизволения») in царскосельский military hospital train no. 143 her imperial majesty the empress alexandra государыни фёдоровны. at that time, he became close with the group новокрестьянских поэтов» and issued the first "(" радуница» - 1916), which made him very famous. however, by using a key phrase like often performed, including фёдоровной empress alexandra and her daughters in tsarskoe selo.in 1915 - 1917, jesenin maintained friendly relations with the poet leonid каннегисером [7], subsequently killed president petrogradskaya che урицкого.in the beginning of 1918 - 1920 is an есенина with anatoly мариенгофом and his active participation in the moscow group имажинистов.in the period of entrainment есенина имажинизмом out several collections of poetry, the poet "трерядница»," confession хулигана» (both - 1921), "poems скандалиста» (1923)," moscow кабацкая» (1924), the poem "пугачёв».in 1921, the poet with his friend james блюмкиным went to central asia, ural and оренбуржье visited. from 13 may to 3 june in tashkent, visiting his friend and poet alexander ширяевца. there"s yesenin himself several times performed in front of a live audience, read the poem on the poetry nights and in the homes of their friends in tashkent. according to witnesses, jesenin liked to be in the old city, old city and чайханах урды, listen to the uzbek poetry, music and song, to visit the area of tashkent with their friends. he also made a short trip to samarkand.i. and isadora duncan, 1922in the fall of 1921 in the shop. b. якулова"s yesenin met dancer айседорой duncan, whom he married in six months. after the wedding, jesenin with duncan went to europe (germany, france, belgium, italy and in the united states (four months), where he had been held in may 1922 to august 1923. the newspaper izvestia published records есенина about america "iron mirgorod. marriage with duncan broke up shortly after their return from abroad.in the early 1920s, i. active in anniversary of publishing activities, as well as the sale of books in his rental bookstore in the big hall, which took almost all of the poet. the last years of his life, jesenin travelled through the country. three times he had visited the region several times to go to leningrad, seven times in the константиново.the "new europe" in baku, where was i.in 1924 - 1925, jesenin visited azerbaijan, released a book of poems in the printing house "red east" published in the local publishing house. there are верси
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