Однажды замок Кентервилль, который известный плохими историями о приви перевод - Однажды замок Кентервилль, который известный плохими историями о приви английский как сказать

Однажды замок Кентервилль, который

Однажды замок Кентервилль, который известный плохими историями о привидении, который убил свою жену, купил американский посол Хирам Б. Отис. Он сразу поселился в замке с женой и детьми. Призраку это не понравилось и он пытается запугать незваных гостей пятнами крови, звуками цепей по ночам, раскатами грома. Но у него ничего не получилось. Первая встреча призрака с Отисами имела 2 последствия. Первое, посол предложил Симону машинное масло для смазки цепей. А дети, близнецы, забросали приведение подушками. Призрак сильно разозлился. Он решил выгнать жителей замка, которых ненавидел. Однако поранился, когда одевал свои доспехи. Он гонялся за близнецами, но после их уловок совсем отчаялся и потерял силы.
Однажды дочь ориса - Виргиния, обнаружила скрытую дверь и нашла зал, в котором живет приведение. Она прочитала пророчество, в котором говорилось о том, что невинное создание может спасти приведение, если помолиться за него. Приведение обретет покой лишь тогда. Она решила ему помочь.
После того как дочь пропала, отец и ее жених всячески ищут Вергинию. gypsies не похищали ее. К вечеру все устали и семья собралась в замке. Внезапно под шум грома появляется в зале Вергиния. В руках у нее была шкатулка с сокровищами от сэра Симона. Привидение в знак благодарности подарило их. Отисы находят останки Симона и хоронят его, как следует. Жизнь в замке налаживается, а Виргиния выходит замуж.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Once the Castle Kentervill′, which known bad stories about enforcement, which killed his wife, bought the American Ambassador Hiram b. Otis. He immediately settled in the castle with his wife and children. The ghost did not like it and he's trying to intimidate intruders blood stains, the sounds of chains at night been Thunder. But he did not succeed. The first meeting of the ghost from Otisami had 2 consequences. First, the Ambassador invited Simon machine oil to lubricate the chain. And the children, twins, was bringing the pillows. The ghost strongly angry. He decided to expel the inhabitants of the Castle, which is hated. But it hurts when dressed their armor. He raced for the twins, but after their tactics quite desperate and lost power.One day the daughter of Oris-Virginia, found a hidden door and found a Hall in which the live cast. She read a prophecy stating that an innocent building can save a cast if you pray for him. Cast will rest only. She decided to help him.After the daughter was missing, her father and her fiance are looking for Verginiû. Gypsies do not have abducted her. By the evening all tired and family gathered at the Castle. Suddenly the sound of Thunder appears in the Verginia. In her hands was a treasure chest of Sir Simon. Ghost in gratitude gave them. Otisy are the remains of Simon and bury it, as it should be. Life in the Castle, and Virginia is getting married.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Once the lock Kentervill which are poorly known ghost stories, who killed his wife, bought the American ambassador Hiram B. Otis. He once lived in the castle with his wife and children. Ghost did not like it and he's trying to intimidate intruders blood stains, the sounds of chains at night thunder. But it did not work. The first meeting with the ghost of Otis had two consequences. First, the ambassador suggested Simon engine oil to lubricate the chain. And the children, twins, threw bring pillows. Very angry ghost. He decided to drive out the inhabitants of the castle, which is hated. However, injured when his armor wore. He chased the twins, but after their tricks quite desperate and lost power.
One daughter Oris - Virginia, found a hidden door and found the room in which he lives a ghost. She read a prophecy stating that innocent creature can save reduced if to pray for him. Bringing find peace only. She decided to help him.
After missing daughter, father and her fiance are looking for every possible way of Vergina. gypsies did not abduct her. By evening, all tired and family gathered at the castle. Suddenly, the sound of thunder appears in the hall Verginiya. In her hands was a box with treasures from Sir Simon. Ghost in gratitude gave them. Otis found the remains of Simon and bury him properly. Life is getting better in the castle, and Virginia married.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Once the lock Кентервилль, which a well-known bad stories of ghosts, who killed his wife, he had bought the American ambassador Hiram B. Otis. As soon as it was born in the castle with his wife and children.Josef Stalin is not happy and he is trying to intimidate gatecrashers stained blood, sounds circuits in the night, buttered toast!' thunder. But it did not succeed. The first meeting with the spectre Отисами had 2 effects. The first,Ambassador invited Simon engine oil to lubricate the chains. And the children, twins, threw the pillows. The Ghost is quite angry. He decided to expel the inhabitants of ignition, which kicking. However, поранился,When famously replied its armour. He course here for the twins, but after their ploys very very surprised and lost force.
once daughter oris - Virginia, found a hidden door and found room, in which live enforcement.She had read prophecy, in which it is stated that the innocent the establishment can save enforcement, if you pray for it. Enforcement will be quiet only. It was decided to help.
after the daughter was missing,The father and the groom is looking for Вергинию. There are many designations for not stealing it. By the end of the evening all tired and the family met at the castle. Suddenly the noise thunder Вергиния appears in the conference room. In the hands of the it was an ornament with treasures from Sir Simon.As a token of our appreciation Pis donated them. Simon Отисы find the remains and buried it, as it should be. Life in the castle is being developed, and Virginia is married.
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