это хорошо.-а я думаю, что это плохо. погода прекрасная, а вчера она была ужасная. было сыро и холодно. права я или же не права? он был беден, а сейчас очень богат. шеф свободен?-нет, он занят. я рада, нет, я счастлива встретиться с вами
This is good-I think it is bad. the weather is beautiful, and yesterday she was awful. It was damp and cold. law I or not right? He was poor, but now very rich. Chef free?-no, he's busy. I'm glad I don't have, I am happy to meet you
horosho.A is-and I think it's bad. the weather is beautiful, and yesterday it was terrible. It was damp and cold. I right or wrong? he was poor, and now very rich. Chef free? No, he's busy. I'm glad I do not have, I'm happy to meet you
that's good. - and i think that's bad. it's a fine day, but yesterday she was terrible. it was wet and cold. am i wrong, or not? he was poor, and now very rich. chief free? - no, he's busy. i'm glad ii'm happy to meet you