Малый бизнес не знает тупиков16.01.2014 | 0Андрей Колпаков.Андрей Колп перевод - Малый бизнес не знает тупиков16.01.2014 | 0Андрей Колпаков.Андрей Колп английский как сказать

Малый бизнес не знает тупиков16.01.

Малый бизнес не знает тупиков

16.01.2014 | 0
Андрей Колпаков.
Андрей Колпаков.
Андрей Колпаков, уполномоченный по защите прав предпринимателей Калужской области:

Cитуация с малым бизнесом у нас в регионе чуть лучше, чем в целом по стране.

У нас растет промышленное производство и благодаря этому открываются новые малые предприятия. Если на территории появляются деньги, эти деньги тратятся, и они достаются в том числе и малому бизнесу: строятся гостиницы, развивается общественное питание, индустрия туризма и т. д. А у малого бизнеса оседают в основном деньги населения, это нужно понимать. Следовательно, чем богаче население, тем лучше живется этому сегменту экономики.

Прошлый год был тяжелым для бизнеса, и я не думаю, что год нынешний будет хуже. Но и то, что он будет принципиально лучше, тоже маловероятно. Дело в том, что все последние годы мы находились в фазе роста, сейчас он замедлился. Весь мир это понимает — есть фаза роста и есть кризисное время. Надо учиться жить и в таких условиях. Причем кризис - очень важная фаза для бизнеса. Он заставляет улучшать свою работу, минимизировать издержки. В конечном итоге кризис стимулирует бизнес развиваться. Появляется возможность эволюционировать. Если предприниматель готов выйти на новый уровень, то он, без сомнения, выживет и будет жить лучше.

Не надо бояться перемен. К примеру, ваш бизнес потерпел крах и вы уходите работать внаем в другую среду. Вы её изучаете и понимаете, что, оказывается, есть и другие возможности зарабатывать деньги. И освоившись за год—два в новом для вас деле, вы можете уйти из наемных рабочих и основать своё предприятие. Поймите: тупика не существует, по крайней мере для тех, кто хочет работать. Наглядный пример — частное такси. Ведь кто-то первый догадался создать такую фирму. Вслед подтянулись другие. Возникла конкуренция. В результате постоянно улучшаются условия для потребителей и совершенствуется процесс у бизнесменов.

Кстати, приходят в упадок часто не только субъекты малого бизнеса. Возьмите «Кодак». Раньше казалось, что это гигант, повалить который невозможно. Однако пришли новые технологии - и фотопленка этой марки оказалась невостребована. Фирма берет кредиты, перестраивает производство и вновь входит на равных в мировой рынок с новым продуктом. Точно такие же механизмы действуют и в сфере малого бизнеса. Если, конечно, предприниматель винит в случившемся всех, кроме себя, «садится на площади» и начинает кричать, что ему кто-то чего-то должен, в этом случае, соглашусь, тупик возможен. Но таких людей сложно назвать предпринимателями. Они, как говорится, певцы иной оперы. Для любого предпринимателя умение адаптироваться к новым условиям — очень хорошее качество, а в некоторых случаях это качество жизненно необходимо.

Правительства России и региона должны делать и уже делают позитивные шаги в сторону малого бизнеса. И, кстати, деньги здесь не самое главное, важно создавать условия для успешного развития предпринимательства. Особенно на начальной стадии развития бизнеса. Впрочем, здесь важно не пропустить момент, когда необходимо отпустить бизнес в свободное плавание, потому что помощь может превратиться в подачки, а они развращают. Важно понять, что никто не обязан постоянно помогать предпринимателю. Функция помощи со стороны власти в основном может рассматриваться исключительно на этапе становления бизнес-процесса. Дальше все зависит от твоей головы и рук, от твоих способностей.

У нас есть фонд поддержки предпринимательства, куда люди делают заявки на финансовую поддержку. Но здесь уже область сама выбирает для оказания помощи те направления, которые она считает для себя важными. Помощь оказывается не всем, а только тем, чья деятельность, по мнению фонда, является нужной в данный момент для области. Это в первую очередь промпроизводство, сельхозпроизводство, инновации. Я считаю, что надо помогать создавать узнаваемые калужские бренды и продвигать их не только на внутреннем рынке региона, но и по всей России.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Small business knows no dead ends16.01.2014 | 0Andrew Hoods.Andrew Hoods.Andrew Hoods, the Commissioner for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs of Kaluga oblast:The situation with small business in our region, slightly better than the national average.We have a growing industrial production and thus opens up new small enterprises. If there are money, this money is being spent, and they come in small business: building hotels, developing the catering, tourism and so on. but small businesses settle mainly money people, it needs to be understood. Therefore, the richer people are, the better off this segment of the economy.The past year has been heavy for the business, and I don't think this year will be worse. But also that it would be fundamentally better, too, is unlikely. The fact is that all the past years we were in a phase of growth, now it has slowed down. The whole world understands this is the growth phase and there is a time of crisis. We have to learn to live in such conditions. The crisis is a very important phase for business. It does improve its performance, and minimize costs. Eventually the crisis stimulates business development. You can evolve. If the employer is prepared to reach a new level, he no doubt will survive and live better. Don't be afraid of change. For example, your business crashed and you go work out in a different environment. You learn and understand that, it turns out, there are other opportunities to earn money. And learn in a year or two in your new business, you can get away from the workers and found your company. Understand: there is no impasse, at least for those who want to work. A telling example is a private taxi. After all, someone first thought to create such a company. Following the contract among others. There was competition. As a result of continuously improved conditions for consumers and improved the process of with businessmen. By the way, the decline is often not the only small businesses. Take The Kodak. Before, it seemed that this giant, which is not allowed. However, new technologies-and the film of this brand has been nevostrebovana. The company takes credit, rebuilds manufacturing and re-enters the world market with a new product. Exactly the same mechanisms operate in the sphere of small business. Unless, of course, blames the incident on the entrepreneur everyone except themselves, "sits on the square" and starts screaming that someone should do something, in this case, I agree, deadlock is possible. But such people can hardly be called entrepreneurs. They are, as they say, some opera singers. For any entrepreneur's ability to adapt to new conditions-very good quality, and in some cases, this quality is vital.The Governments of Russia and the region should do and already make positive steps towards small business. And, by the way, money is not the most important thing, it is important to create conditions for successful business development. Especially in the early stages of business development. However, it is important not to miss the moment when you have to let go of business in free floating, because help can turn into handouts they corrupt. It is important to understand that no one is obliged to help the owner. The power function can be considered only at the stage of the business process. Everything depends on your head and hands of your abilities.We have business support fund where people make applications for financial support. But here area chooses to assist those areas that it considers important. Assistance is provided not for all, but only those whose activities, according to the Fund, is necessary at this time for the field. It is primarily the industrial output, agriculture, innovation. I believe that we must help create a recognizable kaluzhsky brands and promote them not only on the domestic market of the region, but also throughout Russia.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Small business does not know puffins 16.01.2014 | 0 Andriy Kolpakov. Andriy Kolpakov. Andriy Kolpakov, Commissioner for the Protection of the rights of entrepreneurs Kaluga Region: Situation with small businesses in our region is slightly better than in the whole country. We have a growing industrial production and This opens up new small businesses. If the territory there is money, this money is spent, and they get including small business, hotels are under construction, develops catering, tourism industry, and so on. D. And small businesses are mainly accumulated money of the population, it must be understood. Consequently, the richer people, the better off this segment of the economy. Last year was tough for business, and I do not think that the current year will be worse. But the fact that he will be fundamentally better, too unlikely. The fact is that in recent years we were in the growth phase, it is now slowed. The whole world knows it - has a growth phase and there is a time of crisis. We must learn to live in such conditions. And the crisis - a very important phase for the business. He forces to improve their work, to minimize costs. Ultimately crisis stimulates business development. There is an opportunity to evolve. If the entrepreneur is ready to reach a new level, he, no doubt, will survive and live better. Do not be afraid of change. For example, your business has crashed and you go to work in another medium lease. You study it and understand that, it turns out, there are other opportunities to earn money. And spent a year or two for you in a new business, you can get away from wage-workers and set up his business. Understand the deadlock does not exist, at least for those who want to work. An illustrative example - a private taxi. After all, someone guessed first to create such a company. Following tightened others. There was competition. As a result of constantly improving conditions for consumers and improving the process in business. By the way, are in decline are often not only small businesses. Take the "Kodak". Previously, it seemed that this giant, which is impossible to knock down. However, new technologies have come - and this film marks were not in demand. The company takes credit, rebuilds and re-enters production on an equal in the world market with a new product. Exactly the same mechanism of action and in small business. Unless, of course, the businessman blames the incident on everyone except themselves, "sits on the square" and starts screaming that he someone needs something, in this case, agree, deadlock is possible. But such people can hardly be called entrepreneurs. They are, as they say, another opera singers. For any entrepreneur's ability to adapt to new conditions - very good quality, and in some cases, this quality is vital. Government of Russia and the region should be doing already and make positive steps towards the small business. And by the way, money is not the most important, it is important to create the conditions for successful business development. Especially at the initial stage of business development. However, it is important not to miss the moment when you need to let go of a business in the free swimming because aid can turn into a handout, and they are corrupt. It is important to understand that no one is obliged constantly to help entrepreneurs. Function assistance from the government basically can be considered solely on the stage of the business process. Then it all depends on your head and hands of your abilities. We have a fund to support entrepreneurship, where people make an application for financial support. But here already the region chooses to help those areas that it considers to be important. Help is not for everyone, but only those whose activity, in the opinion of the Fund, is currently required for the area. This is primarily industrial production, agricultural production, innovation. I believe that we must help to create recognizable brands Kaluga and promote them not only in the domestic market of the region, but all over Russia.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Small business does not know puffin

01.16.2014 | 0
Andrei caps.
the caps, the commissioner for the protection of rights of entrepreneurs Kaluga area:Lord the situation with small business in our region a little better,than in the country as a whole.lord we have industrial production and this opened up new small businesses. If the territory appear money, the money spent,And they accrue in including and small business: built hotels, is public power, tourism, and so forth. d. A small business settle in the main money population, this is to be understood. Consequently,than richer people, so much the better annoying this segment economy.Lord last year was heavy for the business, and I do not think that this year will be worse. But the fact that it will be a fundamentally better, but it is unlikely. In fact,That any of the last few years we were in the growth phase, and now it has slowed down. The entire world understands this - there is a growth phase and there is a critical time. We have to learn to live in such conditions. The crisis is a very important phase for the business.It has to improve its work, minimize costs. In the end, the crisis stimulates business grow. The ability to evolve. If the employer is ready to go to the next level,He, without a doubt, will survive and will be to live better.

there is no need to fear change. For example, your business collapsed and are you going to work rented in another environment. You its something else and understand, that, is,There are other opportunities to earn money. And good reason for the year-two in a new for you, you can withdraw from employees and establish your business. Do not misunderstand: deadlock does not exist, at least not for thoseWho wants to work. A good example is a private taxi. We don't have the first imagined to create such a firm. Following both his hands he hurriedly explained. There was a competition.As a result of ever-improving conditions for consumers and improving the process for business travelers. Lord incidentally, are on the wane is often not only small business entities. Take a "Kodak". Before it seemed,That this giant, felled which is not possible. However, new technologies, and film this brand has been невостребована. The firm undertakes credit,Transforming production and once again is on an equal footing in the global market with a new product. Exactly the same arrangements are in place and in the area of small business. If, of course, the entrepreneur blaming the incident all, in itself,"sits on the square" and starts to shout, that to him who in the must, in this case, yours, a deadlock is possible. But such people are difficult to entrepreneurs. They are, as stated, a opera singers.For any entrepreneur knows how to adapt to the new conditions - very good quality, and in some cases, this quality is vital.

The Government of Russia and the region must do and are already taking positive steps toward the small business. And, by the way, the money is not the most important of all, it is important to create the conditions for the successful development of entrepreneurship.Especially at the initial stage of development business. However, here, it is important not to miss, when it is necessary to loosen business in the free swimming, because the assistance can become a person individually, and they corrupt.It is important to understand that no one is obliged to continuously help entrepreneur. The assistance of the authorities in the main can be considered solely on the stage of development your business process.Further it all depends on your head and hands, from thy abilities.lord we have a fund to support entrepreneurship, where people make applications for financial support.But there is already an area itself chooses to assist those areas that it considers to be important. Assistance is being provided is not all, but only those whose activity in the view of the Fund,Is the correct for the current field. This is in the first place промпроизводство, direct dialog with Poland, innovation. I believeThat we must help to create a recognizable kaluga brands and promote them not only on the domestic market in the region, but also for the whole of Russia.
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