Все изменения, которые происходят с человеком и миром, который окружае перевод - Все изменения, которые происходят с человеком и миром, который окружае английский как сказать

Все изменения, которые происходят с

Все изменения, которые происходят с человеком и миром, который окружает человека, как правило, происходят достаточно плавно. То есть, заметить их можно лишь в ретроспективе, тогда, когда они уже произошли. Наблюдать за миром и за самим собой в нем всегда очень интересно, это позволяет многое понять, сделать некоторые выводы на будущее, получить чрезвычайно важную информацию относительно собственного существования.

Вспоминая свое самое раннее детство, я могу отметить сразу несколько черт, которые были для меня характерны, но затем прошли. Во-первых, такой чертой является некоторая наивность. Будучи младше, я представлял мир проще, нежели нахожу его сейчас. Я думал, что люди всегда руководствуются искренними побуждениями. Теперь же я понимаю, что в поведении людей нередко господствует желание обмануть, найти личную выгоду и получить пользу за счет всего этого. Когда я понял это, то несколько изменился. Нельзя сказать с уверенностью, что я ожесточился, вот только доверять людям после этого мне достаточно сложно. Произошло еще много изменений, связанных с моим взрослением. К примеру, я перестал принимать некоторые вещи слишком близко к сердцу, стал спокойнее, увереннее в себе, научился рассчитывать и прогнозировать события наперед.

Изменился ли мир вокруг меня за счет такого изменения моей личности? Я думаю да, изменился. Мир всегда меняется в зависимости от того, как его воспринимает человек. Меняется он, прежде всего, потому, что человек смотрит на него по-другому и воспринимает несколько
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
All changes that occur with the man and the world that surrounds a person tends to occur quite smoothly. That is, you can notice them only in retrospect, when they have already happened. Watch the world and for myself it is always very interesting, it helps a lot to understand, draw some conclusions for the future, get vital information about your own existence.Remembering my earliest childhood, I can point out several features that were typical for me, but then passed. First, this feature is some naivete. Being younger, I imagined the world easier than finding it now. I always thought that people are motivated by sincere motives. Now, I understand that the behavior of people, often dominated by the desire to cheat, find personal gain and benefit from all of this. When I realized this, it has changed somewhat. We cannot say with certainty that I will, but I trust people quite difficult. There was still a lot of changes in my growing up. For example, I stopped to take some things too close to my heart, became calmer, more confident in myself, learned to calculate and predict events in advance. Changed the world around me through this change my personality? I think Yes, has changed. The world is always changing, depending on how it treats people. He is, above all, because the person looking at him differently and perceives more
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
All changes that occur with the man and the world that surrounds us, tend to occur quite smoothly. That is, you can see them only in retrospect, when they have already happened. Watch the world and ourselves in it is always very interesting, it allows you to understand many things, to draw some conclusions for the future, to get crucial information about its own existence. Remembering his earliest childhood, I noted several features that have been characterized to me but then passed. Firstly, such a feature is a certain naivety. Being the youngest, I was the world easier than finding it now. I thought that people always guided by sincere motives. Now, I understand that people's behavior is often dominated by the desire to deceive, to find personal benefit and to benefit at the expense of it all. When I realized this, it has changed a bit. We can not say with certainty that I will harden, only trust people after that I was quite difficult. There has been many more changes associated with my growing up. For example, I stopped to take some things too personally, became calmer, more confident, learned to expect and predict events in advance. Has the world around me due to this change in my personality? I think yes, changed. The world is always changing depending on how a person perceives it. I have it, first of all, because people look at him differently and perceive more

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
All the changes that are taking place with the man and to the world, which surrounds rights, as a rule, are sufficiently smooth. That is, notice they can be only in retrospect, when they have already taken place.To observe the world and for themselves in it is always very interesting, it allows much to understand, to make some conclusions for the future, to obtain extremely important information concerning the existence of their own mouth.As I recall their earliest childhood, I can point out several features, which have been characterized by for me, but then passed. In the first place, such a feature is a little naive. Being younger, I represented world easier,Rather than find it now. I thought, that the people are always motivated by good faith. Now, I understand that, in the conduct of human beings are often dominated the desire to deceive,Find a personal benefit and to benefit at the expense of the this. When I realized this, the few has changed. We cannot say with certainty that I am Oromia region continued, but only trust people after this i is difficult to obtain.There is still a lot of changes, associated with my participation. For example, I stopped to take some things too close to the heart, has become calmer, more confident in itself,Learned how to count and to forecast events it backwards.

has changed the world around me at the expense of such change my identity? I think yes, has changed. Peace is always changing depending on theAs it is perceived by people. It is, above all, because the people looking at it in a different way and picks up a few
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