я не могу сказать, что мои родители думали о том, каким именем меня назвать. насколько я знаю, моя мама очень долго не могла найти имя для меня, но в один прекрасный день она просто услышала его по телевизору и решила, что это то самое имя
I can't say that my parents thought about what name to call me. as far as I know, my mom is a very long time to find the name for me, but one day she just heard it on tv and decided that this is the name of the
I can not say what my parents were thinking about what name to call me. As far as I know, my mother for a long time could not find a name for me, but one day she just heard it on TV and decided that this is the name
i can't tell you what my parents thought about what name to call me. as far as i know, my mother for a long time could not find the name for me, but one day she just heard it on tv and thoughtthat's the name.