When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amus перевод - When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amus английский как сказать

When we have time for leisure, we u

When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this. People use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best. Some people like music. They listen (o various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are the most popular kinds of sports. There are a lot of fans among people. They can also see championships in athletics and other kinds of sports.-Everybody likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. Television helps us to 'visit' different lands, see new plants, animals, unusual birds, fish and insects, mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers, and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and towns and people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. This is what we can do at home. If we want to go out, there arc a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, Houses of Culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time. In big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. Newspapers tell us what is on at cinemas and theatres. If you are a theatre-goer, you will choose a play you want to see. If you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. When new interesting plays are on. it is not easy to get tickets, because the theatres play to full houses every night. Then you must book tickets. In small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a big town or a city to show plays. Everyone likes to see the plays. Schools usually get tickets for their pupils. They go to the theatre with their teachers and have talks about the play they have seen. The cinema has really become the most popular kind of art. Films are shown in cinemas, clubs. Houses of Culture and even schools in villages. Young and old people like to see films very much, and when a good film is on, the house is usually full.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this. People use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best. Some people like music. They listen (o various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are the most popular kinds of sports. There are a lot of fans among people. They can also see championships in athletics and other kinds of sports.-Everybody likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. Television helps us to 'visit' different lands, see new plants, animals, unusual birds, fish and insects, mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers, and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and towns and people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. This is what we can do at home. If we want to go out, there arc a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, Houses of Culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time. In big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. Newspapers tell us what is on at cinemas and theatres. If you are a theatre-goer, you will choose a play you want to see. If you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. When new interesting plays are on. it is not easy to get tickets, because the theatres play to full houses every night. Then you must book tickets. In small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a big town or a city to show plays. Everyone likes to see the plays. Schools usually get tickets for their pupils. They go to the theatre with their teachers and have talks about the play they have seen. The cinema has really become the most popular kind of art. Films are shown in cinemas, clubs. Houses of Culture and even schools in villages. Young and old people like to see films very much, and when a good film is on, the house is usually full.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can amuse and interest us. There are several ways to do this. People use radio or television. They switch on the radio set or TV set and choose the programme they like best. Some people like music. They listen (o various concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, and see dances. Those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. These are the most popular kinds of sports. There are a lot of fans among people. They can also see championships in athletics and other kinds of sports.-Everybody likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. Television helps us to 'visit' different lands, see new plants, animals, unusual birds, fish and insects, mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers, and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and towns and people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. This is what we can do at home. If we want to go out, there arc a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, Houses of Culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time. in big cities like Moscow and St. Petersburg it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. Newspapers tell us what is on at cinemas and theatres. If you are a theatre-goer, you will choose a play you want to see. If you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. When new interesting plays are on. it is not easy to get tickets, because the theatres play to full houses every night. Then you must book tickets. In small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a big town or a city to show plays. Everyone likes to see the plays. Schools usually get tickets for their pupils. They go to the theatre with their teachers and have talks about the play they have seen. The cinema has really become the most popular kind of art. Films are shown in cinemas, clubs. Houses of Culture and even schools in villages. Young and old people like to see films very much, and when a good film is on, the house is usually full.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
when we have time for this, we need something that can give their and interest. there are several ways to do this. people use radio or television. the switch on the radio set or tv set and choose the programme they like best. some people like music. they listen (o) concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs, dances, and see. those who are fond of sports listen to or watch football and hockey matches. these are the most popular kinds of sports. there are a lot of fans among people. they can also see championships in athletics and other kinds of sports. - everybody likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. radio and television extend our knowledge about the world in which we live. television helps us to "visit" different), see new plants, animals, at the birds, fish and insects, mountains and valleys, lakes, rivers and seas. there are shown different countries, cities and towns and people who live there. on tv, people could not see both sides of the moon. this is what we can do at home. if we want to go out, there is a lot of cinemas, theatres, museums, houses of culture and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time. in big cities like moscow and st. petersburg. it is often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. newspapers tell us what is on in cinemas and theatres. if you are a service - goer, you will choose a play you want to see. if you are a film fan, you will go to a cinema. when new interesting plays are on. it is not easy to get tickets, because the countryside play to full houses every night. then you must book tickets. in small towns and villages, they have no actors of their own. so they invite a group of actors from a big city or a city to show for. everyone likes to see the plays. if people get tickets for their pupils. they go to the theatre with their teachers and have talks about the play they have seen. the cinema has also become the most popular kind of art. films are shown in cinemas, clubs. houses of culture and even schools in villages. young and old people like to see movies very much, and when a good film is on, the house is full of people.
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