Не могу сказать, что наша семья чем-то сильно отличается от других сем перевод - Не могу сказать, что наша семья чем-то сильно отличается от других сем английский как сказать

Не могу сказать, что наша семья чем

Не могу сказать, что наша семья чем-то сильно отличается от других семей нашей страны. Нет в ней ничего необычного и выдающегося. Однако для меня она самая лучшая.
Я очень люблю свою маму.
Для меня мама – самый дорогой и близкий человек. Она всегда поддержит и поможет, даст дельный совет. Моя мама умеет многое. Она очень хорошо готовит, умеет шить и вязать. В нашем доме всегда чисто и уютно, и в этом заслуга моей мамы. Я люблю разговаривать с ней, и из каждой беседы узнаю много нового и интересного для себя. Я её очень люблю. Люблю не за что-то, а просто так, просто за то, что она у меня есть. Я очень горжусь и дорожу своей мамой. Ближе неё у меня никого нет. Мою маму зовут Людмила. Она красивая. Люблю мамину улыбку и большие карие глаза, которые сверкают озорными огоньками, задорный смех и её руки, заботливые, тёплые, дорогие мне две ладошки. Моя мама очень добрая, хорошо ладит с людьми, все её уважают и любят. Она умеет поддержать в трудную минуту и согреть своей теплотой, когда иногда мне бывает грустно и горько.

В нашем доме есть и животные. У нас живут три кошки . Они тоже чувствуют себя здесь уютно и знают, что их здесь любят. Хоть моя семья и не большая но она очень дружная, вот почему она для меня самая лучшая.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I can't say that our family is something very different from other families in our country. It is not unusual and outstanding. But for me she is the best.I love my mommy. For me, my mom is the most expensive and close people. She always support and help, will give useful advice. My mom knows a lot. She is a very good cook, able to sew and knit. In our House are always clean and comfortable, and the credit goes to my mom. I love talking with her, and from every conversation learn many new and interesting things for themselves. I like very much. Love not for something, and just like that, just for the fact that it I have. I am very proud of and cherish his mom. Closer to her I have no one. My mother name is Lyudmila. She is beautiful. Love the mother's smile and big brown eyes that sparkle with lights, a mischievous playful laughter and her hands, caring, warm, dear me two hands. My mom is very kind, well get along with people, all her respect and love. It can support in difficult times and warm its warmth when sometimes I sometimes sad and bitter.In our House there are animals. We have three cats. They too feel here comfortable and know that they are loved. Although my family and not much but she is very friendly, which is why it is the best for me.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I can not say that our family is something very different from other families of our country. No there is nothing unusual and outstanding. However, it is the best for me.
I love my mom.
For my mom - the most expensive and close person. She will always support and help to give practical advice. My mom knows how much. She is a very good cook, knows how to sew and knit. In our house is always clean and comfortable, and it is due to my mother. I love to talk to her, and from each conversation, learn a lot of new and interesting for yourself. I love her so much. I love not for something, and just like that, just for the fact that I have it. I am very proud of and cherish his mother. Near her I have no one. My mother's name is Lyudmila. She's beautiful. I love my mother's smile and big brown eyes that sparkle with mischief, mischievous laughter and her hands, caring, warm, dear me two palms. My mother is very good, get along well with people, all her respect and love. She is able to support in difficult times and warm their warmth, sometimes when I am sad and bitter.

In our house there are animals. We live three cats. They also feel comfortable here, and they know that they are loved. Though my family is not big but it is very friendly, which is why it is the best for me.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i can't say that our family is different from other families of our country. no, it's nothing out of the ordinary and the extraordinary. however, for me it's the best.i very love my mom.my mom is the most dear and intimate friend. she always support and help, give some advice. my mom knows a lot. she is very good, knows how to sew and knit. our house is always clean and comfortable, and it goes to my mom. i love to talk to her, and from every interview i know a lot of new and interesting things for themselves. i love her very much. love is not something, and just like that, just because i have it. i am very proud of, and i care about her mother. closer to her, i have no one. my mom's name). she's beautiful. i love my mother's smile and big brown eyes that sparkle озорными lights, chipper laughter and her hands, caring, warm, and my two hands. my mother is very kind, good with people, all her respect and love. it can support up and warm up your warmth, when sometimes i am sad and bitter.in our house there are animals. there are three cats. they, too, feel comfortable here, and know that it is love. even though my family is not big, but very warm, that is why she is for me the best.
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