Таким образом, можно утверждать, что внедрение CRM-систем – это долгос перевод - Таким образом, можно утверждать, что внедрение CRM-систем – это долгос английский как сказать

Таким образом, можно утверждать, чт

Таким образом, можно утверждать, что внедрение CRM-систем – это долгосрочные инвестиции компании, которые впоследствии гарантируют успех и конкурентные преимущества. Среди факторов, позволяющих компании приобрести дополнительные конкурентные преимущества, можно выделить следующие:
 информация о клиентах, поставщиках, конкурентах не будет потеряна;
 легко получить инициалы, телефон, должность необходимого контактного лица;
 узнать адрес удаленного склада поставщика и режим его работы;
 не допустить одновременного предложения клиенту одинаковых услуг или товаров разными сотрудниками компании;
 восстановить историю переговоров в какой-либо спорной ситуации;
 избежать ситуаций, когда уволенный сотрудник уносит с собой данные о контрагентах, и компания теряет их, неся убытки [19].
В Беларуси в течение последних двух лет наблюдается стремительный рост интереса к CRM-стратегии на фоне не стихающего интереса к CRM-системам. Причины, по которой клиенты обращаются за профессиональной помощью к бизнес-консалтингу:
 боязнь провального CRM-проекта из-за отсутствия связи между бизнес-задачами компании и целями внедрения CRM-системы;
 желание найти «арбитра» в ситуации, когда есть чрезмерный плюрализм мнений среди топов организации на счет того, в каком направлении развивать бизнес;
 отсутствие времени и/или компетенций у менеджмента для того, чтобы заниматься CRM-стратегией;
 большие масштабы бизнеса и отсутствие человеческих ресурсов для ведения проектов по изменениям самостоятельно;
 страх перед растущей конкуренцией на рынке, требующий свежего взгляда и мозгов на решение задачи по удержанию клиентов и увеличению прибыли.
Конечно, эта тенденция не является массовой. Ведь, большинство компаний только начинают самостоятельно разрабатывать и потихоньку внедрять стандартизованные бизнес-процессы и регламенты по работе с клиентами.
1.3 Виды и функциональные возможности клиентоориентированных информационных систем
Лет 10-15 лет назад, когда CRM-системы на белорусском рынке были еще в новинку, топ-менеджмент отечественных предприятий выслушивал предложения разработчиков с нескрываемым скепсисом: дескать, у меня и так отдел продаж боевой, обойдемся без этих ваших инноваций.
Однако уже в середине 2000-х гг. автоматизированное управление контактами с клиентами из волнующей экзотики превратилось в прозу жизни. Последнее кризисное пятилетие подтвердило: тот, кто сделал ставку на CRM, не прогадал.
В феврале 2014 года аналитики Gartner выступили с прогнозом относительно дальнейшего развития мирового рынка CRM-систем. В нем говорится о том, что CRM-системы останутся в центре попыток компаний перевести взаимоотношения с клиентами на "цифровой" уровень. Наиболее "горячими" сегментами глобального рынка управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами станут: мобильные и социальные CRM, веб-аналитика и e-commerce.
Темп роста рынка CRM-систем, однако, как полагают в Gartner, будет умеренным, поскольку в такие решения большинство компаний уже сделали значительные инвестиции. Объем рынка, вероятно, составит на конец 2014 года $23,9 млрд, из них 49% придется на облачные CRM. На облачные и SaaS CRM внедрения будет приходиться порядка 40% всех реализованных проектов, а к 2015 году этот показатель увеличится до 50% [9].
CRM (англ. Customer Relationship Management), или системы управления взаимодействием с клиентами, в сравнении с другими системами автоматизации управления имеют достаточно почтенный возраст, исчисляемый уже десятилетиями. Принцип их работы, если пересказать его языком, понятным бизнесмену, журналисту и любому другому «чайнику», прост: на входе – любые сведения о клиенте, разрастающиеся до полноценной клиентской базы, на выходе - полученная в результате автоматического анализа этой базы исчерпывающая информация о том, как с клиентом работать, что ему предлагать и т.п.
В идеале сотрудник отдела продаж или колл-центра не просто пользуется аккумулируемыми CRM данными, но и избавляется от бремени принятия многих решений. Имея под рукой персонализированные сведения о клиенте и истории его взаимодействия с компанией, работать легче. А если система еще и анализирует эти данные, проводит их экстраполяцию, классифицирует клиентов в целевые группы, выдает на гора не только отчетность и платежные документы, но и конкретные маркетинговые рекомендации, то это вообще рай.
В момент дебюта систем CRM на отечественном рынке их оценил, естественно, прежде всего финансовый сектор: нажми на кнопку - получи кредитную историю заемщика. Стандартизация обслуживания, без которой не может работать ни один банк, предопределила первую волну интереса к CRM. Вслед за банками подтянулись автодилеры, затем компании, специализирующиеся на оптовой и розничной торговле: бурное развитие дилерских и дистибьюторских сетей в конце 1990-х и начале 2000-х придало спросу на CRM новый импульс. Телеком, туроператоры, поставщики услуг b2b сделали спрос устойчивым, местами взрывным - в «нулевые» во многих странах СНГ рынок CRM рос за год в 2 и более раза.

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Thus, it can be argued that the introduction of CRM systems is a long-term investment companies that subsequently guarantee success and competitive advantage. Among the factors that enable the company to acquire additional competitive advantages include: information about customers, suppliers, competitors will not be lost; easily get initials, phone, post the required contact person; the remote address of the supplier's warehouse and his mode of work; prevent simultaneous offers to the client the same services or products by different employees of the company; Restore negotiating history in any dispute; to avoid situations when the employee dismissed kills the information about contractors and the company loses them, incurring losses [19].In Belarus over the last two years have seen the rapid growth of interest in CRM strategy was not beset on the background of interest in CRM systems. The reason for which clients seek professional help to business consulting: fear failed CRM project due to lack of communication between the business objectives of the company and the objectives of implementing a CRM system; desire to find "an arbitrator" in situations where there is excessive pluralism among the tops of the Organization at the expense of the direction in which to develop business; the lack of time and/or compentency management to CRM strategy; large scale business and the lack of human resources for project management for changes yourself; fear growing competition on the market, requiring a fresh look and brain to the task of customer retention and increased profits.Of course, this trend is not a mass. After all, most companies are just beginning to develop and implement standardized business processes and regulations.1.3 types and functionality of client-oriented information systemsYears 10-15 years ago when the CRM system on the Belarusian market were still a novelty, the top management of domestic enterprises listened to offers developers with unconcealed skepticism: I have, and so sales battle, we'll do without these your innovation.However, already in the mid 2000 's. automated management of contacts with clients from the exhilarating exotic turned into a prose life. Most crisis five years confirmed: the one who made the bet on CRM, did not disappoint.In February 2014 year Gartner analysts made the forecast on the further development of the world market for CRM systems. It says that CRM systems will remain at the heart of attempts by companies to translate customer relationships to "digital" level. The most "hot" segments of the global market for customer relationship management will include: mobile and social CRM, Web Analytics and e-commerce. Market growth rate of CRM-systems, however, believed in Gartner will be moderate, because such a decision most companies have already made a significant investment. The volume of the market probably will be at the end of 2014 year $ 23.9 billion, of which 49% will be in the cloud-based CRM. On the cloud and SaaS CRM implementation will occur in the order of 40% of all projects, and by 2015, the figure will increase to 50% [9].CRM (Engl. Customer Relationship Management), or customer relationship management systems, in comparison with other automation systems have a fairly venerable age calculated for decades. How they work, if you retell his language understandable to the businessman, journalist and any other "teapot" is simple: at the entrance of any client information, expanding to full-fledged client base, the output is obtained from the automatic analysis of this database comprehensive information on how to work with a client that he offer, etc.Ideally, a salesperson or call-center not just enjoys akkumuliruemymi CRM data, but also gets rid of the burden of many decisions. Having at hand a personalized client information and the history of its relationship with company work easier. And if another system and analyzes these data, conducts their extrapolation, classifies customers into target groups, gives Gore not only reporting and payment documents, but also specific marketing recommendations, this is paradise.At the time of the debut of CRM systems in the domestic market they appreciated, naturally, particularly financial sector: click on-get a credit history of the borrower. Standardization of services, without which it can not work no bank had predetermined the first wave of interest in CRM. Following the banks hauled car dealers, then companies specializing in wholesale and retail trade: rapid development of dealers and distib′ûtorskih networks in the late 1990 's and early 2000 's on demand CRM has given a new impetus. Telecom, tour operators, b2b service providers made the demand in a sustainable, sometimes explosive-"zero" in many countries of the CIS CRM market grew over the year in 2 or more times.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Thus, it can be argued that the introduction of CRM-systems - this is a long term investment company, which subsequently guarantee success and competitive advantage. Among the factors that allow the company to acquire additional competitive advantages are the following:
 information about customers, suppliers, competitors will not be lost;
 easily initials, phone, post the required contact person;
 know the address of the remote storage provider and its mode of operation;
 to prevent simultaneous offer customers the same services or products different employees;
 restore the negotiation history in any dispute;
 avoid situations where the dismissed employee carries with it information about counterparties, and the company loses them, bringing losses [19].
in Belarus has seen a rapid growth of interest in CRM-strategy in the background are not subsiding interest in CRM-system for the past two years. Reasons for which clients seek professional help from business consulting:
 fear disastrous of CRM-project due to lack of communication between the business objectives of the company and the objectives of the introduction of CRM-system;
 the desire to find a "referee" in a situation where there is excessive pluralism opinion among the tops organization on account of the direction in which to develop business;
 the lack of time and / or competencies in management in order to deal with CRM-strategy;
 large scale business and the lack of human resources to lead on change projects independently;
 fear increasing competition in the market, requires a fresh look and brains to the task of retaining customers and increase profits.
Of course, this trend is not a mass. After all, most companies are just beginning to independently develop and gradually implement standardized business processes and regulations to work with clients.
1.3 Types and Features customer-information system
10-15 years ago, when the CRM-system on the Belarusian market were still a novelty, top -management of domestic enterprises listened developers offer with undisguised skepticism: say, I have a sales department, and so the combat, do without these your innovation.
However, in the mid-2000s. automated management of contacts with clients from exciting exotic has become the prose of life. The last five years has confirmed the crisis: who made ​​a bet on the CRM, is not lost.
In February 2014 Gartner analysts made ​​predictions about the future development of CRM-systems of the world market. It says that the CRM-system will remain at the center of attempts to translate the company relationships with customers on a "digital" level. The most "hot" global governance segments of the market customer relationship will be:. Mobile and social CRM, web analytics and e-commerce
market growth of CRM-systems, however, is believed to to Gartner, will be moderate, since such decisions most companies already We have made ​​significant investments. The market volume is likely to be at the end of 2014 $ 23.9 billion, of which 49% will be in the cloud CRM. In the cloud and SaaS CRM implementation will account for about 40% of all completed projects, and by 2015 this figure will increase to 50% [9].
Of CRM (Eng. Customer Relationship Management), or management system CRM, compared with other systems management automation are quite advanced age, which is calculated for decades. Their work if paraphrase his language understandable to businessmen, journalists and any other "teapot" is simple: at the entrance - any information about the client, grows to full customer base, at the output - resulting from the automatic analysis of this database with comprehensive information on how to work with a client that it offered, etc.
Ideally, employee sales department or call center is not just CRM uses the accumulated data, but also gets rid of the burden of many decisions. Having a handy personalized customer information and history of its interaction with the company, it is easier to work. And if the system also analyzes the data, conducting their extrapolation, classifies customers into target groups, issues on the mountain not only statements and payment documents, and specific marketing recommendations, it is generally a paradise.
At the time of the debut of CRM systems in the domestic market they appreciated naturally, primarily the financial sector: click on the button - get the borrower's credit history. Standardization of service, without which it can not operate any bank, determined the first wave of interest in CRM. Following the banks tightened dealers, then a company specializing in wholesale and retail trade: rapid development and distibyutorskih dealer networks in the late 1990s and early 2000s, the demand for CRM gave new impetus. Telecom, tour operators, b2b service providers have made ​​the demand steady, sometimes explosive - in the "zero" in many countries of the CIS CRM market grew during the year in 2 or more times.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
thus, it can be argued that the implementation of crm systems is a long-term investment company, which subsequently ensures success and competitive advantage. among the factors, allowing the company to acquire additional competitive advantages include the following:photos information about customers, suppliers, competitors will not be lost;the photos can easily be initials, telephone, post the required contact person;the photos to know the address of the remote warehouse supplier and the mode of its work;the photos to avoid simultaneous supply customers the same services or products by different companies;the photos to restore the history of negotiations in a controversial situation;the photos to avoid situations where a laid-off employee carries with him the data of counterparties, and the company loses carrying losses [19].in belarus over the past two years, there has been a rapid growth of interest in crm strategy against the background of not стихающего interest in crm systems. the reason why clients seek professional help to business consulting.the photos of crm project failed because of a lack of communication between business goals and objectives of the company crm system.the photos to find "арбитра» in situations when there is excessive a plurality of views among the top like the about in what direction to develop business.photos lack of time and / or have management skills for dealing with crm strategy.photos big scale business and the lack of human resources for the conduct of projects to change yourself.photos the fear of growing competition in the market, which requires a fresh look at the challenge of brain and to retain customers and increase profits.of course, this trend is not widespread. indeed, most companies are just beginning to develop and to implement standardized business processes and rules for working with clients.the types and функци
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