Главной функцией отеля является предоставление временного жилья людям, перевод - Главной функцией отеля является предоставление временного жилья людям, английский как сказать

Главной функцией отеля является пре

Главной функцией отеля является предоставление временного жилья людям, оказавшимся вне своего дома. С точки зрения гостя отель можно разделить на две зоны: жилые помещения и служебные. В жилой зоне происходят его контакты со служащими. Это холлы, коридоры, бары и рестораны. Служебные помещения — это невидимый мир администраторов, прачек, уборщиков и т.д. Фактически отель состоит из нескольких предприятий, каждое из которых ведет учет своих доходов и устанавливает свои цены. Ежедневно тысячи товаров и услуг реализуются отелем. Работа каждого специализированного подразделения требует добросовестности со стороны исполнителей и контроля качества со стороны соответствующего отдела, чтобы множество мелких дел выполнялось как надо. Успех этой работы зависит от согласованности действий огромного количества разных людей. Годфри Блер, управляющий элегантного 800-комнатного отеля «Генерал Эйзенхауэр», называет гостиничное дело «бизнесом, состоящим из мелочей». Другое умное-замечание по этому поводу сделал Мэтью Фокс: «Если в гостиничном бизнесе игнорировать мелкие просчеты, они превращаются в крупные».

Журналисты часто называют отели «дворцами». Некоторые из них настолько шикарны, что действительно напоми­нают дворцы (например такие, как Hotel del Coronado в Сан- Диего), другие более функциональны. В любом случае, у каждой гостиницы есть свое лицо. Оно создается совместными усилиями всех членов рабочего коллектива — усилиями, в которых материальное стимулирование сочетается с интересом к делу. Для избравших гостиничный бизнес своей профессией нет ничего более стимулирующего, чем атмосфера роскошного отеля. Это живой театр, а его управляющий справедливо сравнивается с режиссером актерской труппы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The hotel's main function is to provide temporary housing for those people who are outside of their homes. In terms of hotel guest can be divided into two zones: residential and Office premises. Occur in a residential area of his contacts with officials. It lobbies, hallways, bars and restaurants. Office space is the invisible world administrators, laundresses, cleaners, etc., in fact, the hotel consists of several enterprises, each of which maintains records of their income and sets its prices. Every day, thousands of goods and services are implemented at the hotel. Each specialized unit requires good faith on the part of artists and quality control by the relevant Department to many smaller cases run as it should. The success of this operation depends on the coherence of a huge number of different people. Godfrey Blair, Manager of an elegant hotel room-800 General Eisenhower ", calls the hospitality" business, which consists of trifles. " Another smart-comment on this occasion did Matthew Fox: "If in the hospitality industry to ignore minor failures, they become large.Journalists are often referred to as "palaces" hotels. Some of them are so elegant, that really resemble palaces (such as the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego), other more functional. In any case, each hotel has its own face. It is created through the joint efforts of all members of the workforce — efforts which material is combined with stimulating interest in the case. To have chosen the hotel business as a profession there is nothing more stimulating than the atmosphere of the hotel. This is live theater, and his managing fairly compared with the Director acting troupe.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

The main feature of the hotel is to provide temporary accommodation for people who find themselves outside their homes. In terms of hotel guest can be divided into two zones: the accommodations and service. The living area is its contacts with employees. It lobbies, corridors, bars and restaurants. Office space - this is the invisible world of administrators, laundresses, cleaners, etc. In fact, the hotel consists of several companies, each of which accounts for its income and sets their own prices. Every day, thousands of products and services sold by the hotel. The operation of each specialized unit requires good faith on the part of artists and quality control by the appropriate department to many small cases performed as expected. The success of this work depends on the coherence huge number of different people. Godfrey Blair, Managing elegant 800-room hotel, "General Eisenhower," calls Hospitality "business, consisting of small things." Other smart-observation on this subject did Matthew Fox: "If you ignore minor errors, they become large in the hospitality industry." Journalists are often called hotel "palaces". Some of them are so elegant, that really look like palaces (eg such as the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego), others are more functional. In any case, each hotel has its own face. It is created jointly by all members of the workforce - efforts in which financial incentives combined with an interest in the case. There is nothing more stimulating than a luxury hotel atmosphere for a select hotel business as a profession. This is live theater, and its managing director is true compared with the acting troupe.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the main function of the hotel is to provide temporary shelter to people living outside of their home. from the point of view of guest hotel can be divided into two zones: the accommodation and service. in the residential zone has its contacts with employees. it"s halls, halls, bars and restaurants. office space is the invisible world of administrators, cleaners, janitors, and so on. in fact, the hotel consists of several enterprises, each of which keeps records of their revenues and set its prices. every day thousands of goods and services are implemented by the hotel. the work of each specialized unit requires the integrity of artists and quality control by the division to many small cases performed well. the success of this work depends on the coherence of a huge number of different people. godfrey blair, the elegant indoor 800 hotel general эйзенхауэр» calls hospitality "business, consisting of мелочей». another clever comment about it did matthew fox: "if in the hotel industry to ignore minor mistakes, they become крупные».journalists are often referred to as the "дворцами» hotels. some of them so much that really напоми­нают palaces (such as the hotel del coronado in san diego), others are more functional. in any case, each hotel has its own face. it is the joint efforts of all the members of the working group"s efforts, in which the material incentives combined with interest in the case. for the hotel business in his profession have been nothing more stimulating than the atmosphere of a luxurious hotel. this is live theater, and it is compared with the direct acting troupe.
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