1. Аллерголог спросил меня, была ли у меня когда-либо аллергия на шоко перевод - 1. Аллерголог спросил меня, была ли у меня когда-либо аллергия на шоко английский как сказать

1. Аллерголог спросил меня, была ли

1. Аллерголог спросил меня, была ли у меня когда-либо аллергия на шоколад или какао. 2. Обратитесь к хирургу, если у вас болит живот. 3. Психиатры лечат болезни души, они самые сложные. 4. В настоящее время все больше мужчин становится акушерами. 5. Если у вас зуд на коже и высыпания, проконсультируйтесь у дерматолога. 6. Моя бабушка-гематолог, папа-узист, дядя – невролог, а я собираюсь стать кардиологом – вот такая у нас медицинская семья. 7. Офтальмолог проверил мое зрение и сказал, что у меня близорукость. 8. Если бы вы обратились к дантисту вовремя, вы бы не мучились сейчас от сильной зубной боли. 9. В Америке много семейных врачей, в России такая практика является редкостью. 10. Чтобы стать хорошим педиатром, нужно искренне любить детей. 11. Он закричал от боли, когда дантист вырвал ему зуб. 12. Я принимаю обезболивающие средства уже неделю, а лучше мне не становится. 13. Если бы ты не пролежала на пляже вчера целый день, ты бы не получила солнечный ожог. 14. Мои зубы очень чувствительны к холодному и горячему, вот почему я пользуюсь специальной зубной пастой. 15. Она в депрессии после разрыва с парнем. Ей нужно обратиться к психологу. 16. Почему у тебя все тело в синяках? 17. Он подрался с одноклассником вчера, и вот теперь у него фингал. 18. Я прооперировал больного на днях, но вчера возникли послеоперационные осложнения, и я сильно беспокоюсь. 19. Дети боятся уколов. 20. У вас должен быть абсолютный постельный режим, иначе возникнут осложнения, и вам придется лечь в больницу. 21. Многие раковые больные умирают в хосписе. 22. в аптеке мне дали все лекарства, которые прописал врач. 23. В нашем городе есть круглосуточные аптеки? 24. возьмите йод и аккуратно обработайте края раны. 25. Лекарство от кашля облегчило симптомы. 26. Больной умер от сердечного приступа, кардиологи сделали все возможное, но не смогли его спасти. 27. Смажьте это место вазелином. 28. Если бы у вас была страховка, вам бы не пришлось платить за операцию. Но, к сожалению, вам придется заплатить две тысячи долларов за операцию по поводу аппендицита. 29. Моя бабушка принимает лекарства от высокого давления. 30. Он в реанимации уже месяц, он не может дышать самостоятельно и подключен к аппарату искусственного дыхания.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. the Allergist asked me was whether I have ever allergic to chocolate or cocoa. 2. talk to a surgeon if you have stomach ache. 3. Psychiatrists are the soul, they are the most difficult. 4. at present, more and more men are becoming a midwife. 5. If you have itchy skin and rashes, consult a dermatologist. 6. my grandmother-hematologist, Dad-uzist, uncle-a neurologist, and I'm going to be a cardiologist, we have such a medical family. 7. the ophthalmologist checked my vision and said that I had myopia. 8. If you applied to the dentist on time, you wouldn't be in pain now from a severe toothache. 9. in the Americas, many family doctors in Russia this practice is rare. 10. in order to become a good pediatrician, to truly love children. 11. He cried out in pain when the dentist pulled the tooth. 12. I agree with anesthetics for a week now, and it is better for me not getting. 13. If you don't lay on the beach all day yesterday, you would have not received sunburn. 14. my teeth are very sensitive to cold and hot, that's why I take special toothpaste. 15. She was depressed after breaking up with a boyfriend. She needs to go to a psychologist. 16. Why do you have whole body bruised? 17. He had a fight with a classmate yesterday, and now he's Fingal. 18. I have operated on a patient the other day but today there post-surgical complications, and I am very worried. 19. children are afraid of injections. 20. you must be the absolute bed rest, otherwise there would be complications, and you have to go to hospital. 21. many cancer patients die in hospice. 22. the pharmacy gave me all of the medicine prescribed by the doctor. 23. in our city there is a 24-hour pharmacy? 24. take iodine and gently treat the wound edges. 25. the cure for coughing eased symptoms. 26. the patient had died of a heart attack, cardiologists did their best but were unable to save him. 27. lubricate it with Vaseline. 28. If you had insurance, you would have had to pay for the operation. But, unfortunately, you have to pay two thousand dollars for the operation for appendicitis. 29. my grandma takes medicine for high blood pressure. 30. He is in the intensive care unit for a month, he could not breathe on their own and connected to a respirator.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The allergist asked me if I had ever allergic to chocolate or cocoa. 2. Refer to the surgeon if you have a stomach ache. 3. Psychiatrists treat diseases of the soul, they are the most difficult. 4. At present, more and more men become midwives. 5. If you have itching and rashes on the skin, consult a dermatologist. 6. My grandmother hematologist, my father, uzist uncle - a neurologist, and I'm going to become a cardiologist - Here we have a medical family. 7. The ophthalmologist checked my eyes and said that I had myopia. 8. If you appealed to the dentist in time, you would not have suffered from severe now toothache. 9. In America, many family doctors in Russia, this practice is rare. 10. To become a good pediatrician must truly love children. 11. He cried out in pain when the dentist pulled out his tooth. 12. I take painkillers for a week, and I better not get. 13. If you do not lay on the beach all day yesterday, you would not get a sunburn. 14. My teeth are very sensitive to cold and hot, which is why I use a special toothpaste. 15. It depressed after breaking up with a guy. She needs to see a psychologist. 16. Why do you have the whole body covered in bruises? 17. He had a fight with a classmate yesterday, and now he has a black eye. 18. I operated on a patient the other day, but yesterday postoperative complications occurred, and I was very worried. 19. Children are afraid of injections. 20. You must have absolute bed rest, or complications arise, and you have to go to hospital. 21. Many cancer patients die in a hospice. 22. the pharmacy gave me all the medicines which have been prescribed by the doctor. 23. In our city there are all-night drugstore? 24. Take iodine and accurately process the edges of the wound. 25. cough medicines relieve symptoms. 26. The patient died of a heart attack, cardiologists have done everything possible, but could not save him. 27. Lubricate the place Vaseline. 28. If you had insurance, you would not have to pay for the operation. But, unfortunately, you have to pay two thousand dollars for an operation for appendicitis. 29. My grandmother is taking medication for high blood pressure. 30. It is in intensive care for a month, he can not breathe on their own and connected to a respirator.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. All questions asked me was whether I have ever allergic to chocolate or cocoa. 2. Please contact the surgeon, if you have a sore stomach. 3. Psychiatrists treat sick souls, they are the most complex. 4.At the present time all men become more obstetrics. 5. If you have itching on the skin and papillar, consult your dermatologist. 6. My grandmother-гематолог, Pope-узист, uncle - surgeon,And I'm going to become a cardiologist, a US medical family. 7. Ophthalmologist checked my eyes and said that i'm short-sighted. 8. If you would be asked to the dentist on time,Would you not thy dead men shall live now from the strong my toothache. 9. In America many family doctors, in Russia such a practice is very rare. 10. To be a good employer, you must sincerely love children. 11. He cried from pain,When dentist tooth tossed it across to him. 12. I accept analgesics a week already, and I did not become better. 13. If you are not on the beach image yesterday all day, you would not have received a sunburn. 14.My teeth are very sensitive to the cold and hot, this is why I take special toothpaste. 15. It was in the depression after a break with my boyfriend. It will need to refer to the psychologist. 16. Why don't you do all the body in Runggye Adak? 17.He fistfight with a boy yesterday, and now it фингал. 18. I прооперировал sick a few days ago, but yesterday there were postoperative complications, and I was very proud. 19. Children are afraid Carabosse. 20.You must be an absolute colony mode, otherwise there would be complications, and you have to go to the hospital. 21. Many cancer patients are dying in hospice. 22. In the pharmacy they gave me all medicines, which prescribed the doctor. 23.In our city there is a complimentary pharmacies? 24. Take iodine and carefully deal with the edges of the wounds. 25. Medicine of cough symptoms easier. 26. Patient died of a heart attack, cardiologists have done everything possible,But it would not have been able to save it. 27. Lubricate this place with petroleum jelly. 28. If you had a car insurance, you would not have to pay for the operation. But, unfortunately,You have to pay two thousand dollars for the operation on the was. 29. My grandmother is taking medicines from high pressure. 30. It is already a month in resuscitation,He could not breathe on their own and is connected to the machine artificial respiration.
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