в этом сезоне это самая популярная пьесая не театрал, но я тоже очень хочу посмотреть эту пьесумы купили билеты заранее в кассе театра и теперь не должны стоять в очереди, чтобы купить билетэта пьеса ставится в этом театре уже во второй размы купили программку, чтобы узнать, кто играет главные роли, сколько актов в пьесе6) Зрительный зал вмещает 300 человек, это маленький театр. 7) Но большинство старых театров очень большие, партер в этих театрах даже делится на «передние ряды партера», «среднюю часть» и «задние ряды партера».8) За партером идет амфитеатр ,над ним бельэтаж, ложи, балкон и галерка
Результаты (
английский) 1:
this season is the most popular piece <br>I did not theater-goer, but I also really want to see this play <br>we bought tickets in advance at the theater box office and now do not have to stand in line to buy a ticket to <br>this play is put in this theater is the second time <br>we have bought a program from to find out who is starring as acts pese6) The auditorium can accommodate 300 people, a small theater. 7) But most of the old houses are very large, ground in these theaters even divided into "front rows of the stalls," "middle part" and "parterre" 8) In the parterre is an amphitheater, a mezzanine above it, box, balcony and gallery
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
this season it's the most popular play<br>I'm not a theatergoist, but I really want to see this play, too.<br>we bought tickets in advance at the theater box office and now don't have to queue to buy a ticket<br>this play is staged in this theater for the second time<br>we bought a program to find out who plays the main roles, how many acts in the play6) The auditorium holds 300 people, it's a small theater. 7) But most of the old theaters are very large, the stalls in these theaters are even divided into "front rows of the parterre," "middle part" and "back rows of the parterre.8) Behind the parterre is an amphitheater, above it a linen floor, a lodge, a balcony and a gallery
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
It's the most popular event of the season.<br>I don't have a play, but I really want to see it, too.<br>We bought tickets for the theatre ahead of time. Now we don't have to line up to buy tickets.<br>The play has been put on for the second time in this theatre.<br>We bought a program to find out who played the leading role and how many acts were interluded in the script. 10474 miles of the hall accommodates 300 people, which is a small theatre. 7) 1053o most of the old theaters are very large, and the partners of these theaters can even be divided into "party front row", "midfield" and "party back row". 8) 10447o Above are the second floor, boxes, balconies and galleries.<br>
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