3.4. В случае отсутствия у Поставщика в полном, частичном объеме необх перевод - 3.4. В случае отсутствия у Поставщика в полном, частичном объеме необх английский как сказать

3.4. В случае отсутствия у Поставщи

3.4. В случае отсутствия у Поставщика в полном, частичном объеме необходимого Покупателю Товара Поставщик посредством электронной почты уведомляет об этом Покупателя.
3.6. Поставка товара производится после согласования Сторонами содержания Заказа одним из следующих способов:
3.6.1. Доставка Товара силами Покупателя путем получения Товара Покупателем со склада Поставщика (самовывоз), находящегося по адресу: _____________________________________________________________________;
3.6.2. Доставка Товара осуществляется силами Поставщика до согласованного места погрузки в авто или ж/д транспорт Покупателя по адресу: г. Санкт-Петербург, ул. Софийская, 95, тел. 8-812-772-55-07, 8-981-829-36-33
3.6.3. Доставка Товара осуществляется силами Поставщика путем доставки Товара до склада Покупателя, находящегося по адресу: 620024, РФ, Свердловская область, г. Екатеринбург, ул. Предельная, д.57А.
При наличии нескольких адресов доставка осуществляется согласно карте дислокации грузополучателей Покупателя, которая является неотъемлемым приложением к настоящему Договору.
3.7. При заключении настоящего Договора Стороны пришли к соглашению о порядке доставки Товара в соответствии с пп.__________ настоящего Договора.
3.8. Погрузка Товара осуществляется силами и средствами Поставщика. Разгрузка Товара осуществляется силами и средствами Покупателя.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
3.4. in case of absence of the supplier in full, partially necessary Product Supplier to the buyer via e-mail shall so notify buyer. 3.6. supply of goods is made after the Parties of Order one of the following ways:3.6.1. delivery of the goods by the Buyer through the receipt of the goods by the buyer to the supplier's warehouse (EXW), located at: _____________________________________________________________________;3.6.2. the goods are delivered by the Vendor to the agreed place of loading in auto or railway transport Buyer at: Saint-Petersburg, UL. Sofia, 95, Tel. 8-812-772-55-07, 8-981-829-36-333.6.3. goods delivery is carried out by the supplier by delivering the goods to the buyer's warehouse, located at the address: 620024, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, UL. Limit, d. 57A.If there are multiple address delivery is carried out according to the map location of consignees Buyer, which is annexed to this Treaty.3.7. at the conclusion of this Treaty, the parties came to an agreement on the delivery of goods in accordance with paragraphs _ this Treaty.3.8. the Loading of the goods is carried out by a supplier. Unloading is carried out by a buyer.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
3.4. In the absence of the Supplier in full, partial volume required buyers of goods Supplier by e-mail notify the Purchaser.
3.6. Delivery of goods is made ​​after approval by the Parties contents Order one of the following ways:
3.6.1. Delivery of the Goods by the Purchaser by the goods are delivered to the warehouse of the Supplier (self), located at the address: _____________________________________________________________________;
3.6.2. The goods are delivered by the Supplier to the agreed place of loading in the auto / Railway Transportation Buyer at St. Petersburg, ul. Sofia, 95, tel. 8-812-772-55-07, 8-981-829-36-33
3.6.3. The goods are delivered by the Supplier by delivering the goods to the buyer's warehouse, located at the address: 620024, Russia, Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, ul. Reserve, d.57A.
If you have multiple addresses delivery is carried out according to the map of the dislocation of the consignees of the Buyer, which is the integral part of this Treaty.
3.7. In entering into this Agreement, the Parties have agreed on the order of delivery of the goods in accordance with paragraphs .__________ of this Agreement.
3.8. Loading of goods is carried out by means of and Supplier. Unloading of goods is carried out by means of and the Purchaser.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
3.4 . In the absence of the supplier in the full, partial volume required buyer goods supplier by e-mail shall so notify the buyer.
3.6 .Delivery is made after the parties agreed the order one of the following methods:
3.6.1 . Delivery goods by the customer by obtaining a buyer from the parts supplier (enterprise information),Located at address: _____________________________________________________________________;
3.6.2 . Product delivery is carried out by a service provider to the agreed place of loading in auto or railway transport Buyer at address: St. Petersburg,City: Sofia, 95, tel. 8-812 -772-55-07, 8-981 -829-36 -33
3.6.3 . Product delivery is carried out by a service provider by delivering goods to Buyer's warehouse, located at address: 620024, Russia, Moscow, Ekaterinburg.Limit, s.57A.
if there are multiple addresses delivery is carried out according to the map location consignees buyer, which is an integral application to this Treaty.
3.7 .The conclusion of the present Treaty, the parties came to an agreement on the delivery of goods in accordance with pp.__________ this Treaty.
3.8 . Loading goods is carried out by forces and means a service provider.Unloading goods is carried out by forces and means the buyer.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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