По мнению Платона, душа человека бессмертна. Все души созданы Творцом  перевод - По мнению Платона, душа человека бессмертна. Все души созданы Творцом  английский как сказать

По мнению Платона, душа человека бе

По мнению Платона, душа человека бессмертна. Все души созданы Творцом в момент создания вселенной. Их число равняется числу небесных светил, так что на каждую душу приходится по одной звезде, которая охраняет душу в земной жизни, после соединения с телом. До начала земного существования души посещают мир чистых идей, расположенный выше звёздного неба. В зависимости от воспоминаний, сохраняемых от этого душой, она потом избирает себе тело и образ земной жизни. После смерти душа подвергается суду: праведники попадают на небо, а грешники – под землю. Через тысячу лет душе вновь предстоит избрать себе материальное тело. Души, которые три раза подряд выбирают образ жизни философов, прекращают дальнейшие перерождения и погружаются в божественное спокойствие. Все остальные переселяются по земным телам (иногда даже и не человеческим) десять тысяч лет.

Платон полагает, что человеческая душа состоит из трех частей. Одна из них, разумная, помещается в голове. Две другие части души неразумны. Одна из них благородна – это воля, живущая в груди и находящаяся в союзе с разумом. Другая неблагородна – это расположенные в желудке чувственные страсти и низшие инстинкты. У каждого из народов преобладает одна из частей души: разум – у греков, мужество – у северных варваров, влечение к низкой корысти – у финикиян и египтян.

Находясь в теле под владычеством чувственности, душа не имела бы пути к возвращению в мир идей, если бы мир явлений не имел в себе свойства, оживляющего в душе воспоминания об идеальном мире. Это – красота, возбуждающая в душе любовь. В философии Платона любовь ценится тем больше, чем полнее она освобождена от грубо-чувственных влечений. Такая любовь и получила с тех пор название «платонической».
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
According to Plato, the soul of man is immortal. All souls are created by the creator at the moment of creation of the universe. Their number was equal to the number of heavenly bodies, so that every soul a star, one who guards the soul in earthly life, after connecting with the body. Prior to the earthly existence soul attend World pure ideas placed above the starry sky. Depending on the memories that are stored from this soul, she then elects itself body and way of life on Earth. After death the soul undergoes a trial: the righteous go to heaven while sinners are under the ground. A thousand years soul once again expected to elect yourself to the material body. Soul, that three times in a row, choose lifestyle philosophers cease further rebirth and immersed in the divine mind. Everyone else moved on earthly bodies (sometimes not even human) ten thousand years.Plato believed that the human soul has three parts. One of them, sound is placed in the head. The other two parts of the soul are too limited. One of them is a noble will living in the chest and in Union with the mind. Another neblagorodna is located in the stomach of sensual passion and lower instincts. Each of peoples prevails one of the parts of the soul: mind-among the Greeks, the courage-the northern barbarians, attraction to low profit-Phoenicians long and Egyptians.Being in the body under the Dominion of the sensuality, the soul had no way to return to the world of ideas, the world of phenomena had no properties that animates the soul memories of a perfect world. This is the beauty of instituting in the soul of love. In the philosophy of Plato love is valued more than fuller it liberated from rough-sensual attractions. Such love and received since then called "Platonic".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

According to Plato, the soul of man is immortal. All souls are created by the Creator at the time of creation of the universe. Their number equals the number of the stars, so that every soul is necessary for a star that protects the soul in this life, after the connection with the body. Prior to the earthly existence of the soul is visited by the world of pure ideas, located above the starry sky. Depending on the memories retained from this soul, she then elects the body itself and the image of the earthly life. After death, the soul is subject to the court: the righteous get into heaven, and sinners - underground. A thousand years the soul once again to choose a material body. Souls who three times chosen lifestyle philosophers stop further degeneration and immersed in the divine mind. All the other bodies are moving on the earth (sometimes not even a human) for ten thousand years. Plato believed that the human soul consists of three parts. One of them, a sensible, placed in the head. The other two parts of the soul are unreasonable. One of them is noble - it is the will that lives in the chest and in alliance with reason. Other base - is located in the stomach sensual passion and lower instincts. Each of the nations dominated by one of the parts of the soul: the mind - the Greeks, the courage - the northern barbarians, attracted to the low gain - from the Phoenicians and Egyptians. Being in the body under the dominion of sensuality, the soul would have no way to return to the world of ideas, if to the world of phenomena I had the properties, animating the soul memories of a perfect world. This is - the beauty, exciting in my heart love. In the philosophy of Plato valued the more love, the more completely it is exempt from grossly sensual attraction. Such love and received since the name "platonic".

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

in plato's view, the human soul is immortal. all souls created maker at the time of the creation of the universe. their number was equal to the number of the stars, so that every soul is a starwhich is the soul of life, after the connection with the body. prior to the existence of the soul in the world of pure ideas, located above the starry sky. depending on the memoryretained from the soul, she then chooses a body and way of life. after the death of the soul is the court: the righteous go to heaven, but the wicked are under the ground.in a thousand years the soul once again to choose the material body. souls that three times in a row, choose the way of life of the philosophers, cease further reclamation and engage in divine calm.all the other moves to earthly bodies (sometimes even not human) ten thousand years.

plato believes that the human soul is composed of three parts. one of them, a sensible, is placed in the head.the other two parts of the soul, do not understand. one of them is noble is the will of living in the chest and being in league with the mind. another неблагородна is located in the stomach, sensual passion and lower instincts.each of the people is one of the parts of the soul: the mind is greek, courage is the northern barbarians, attraction to low profit, финикиян and egyptians.

in the body under the sway of sensualitythe soul would have no way to return to the world of ideas, if the world events had the properties оживляющего soul memories of a perfect world. it is a beautiful, exciting love.
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