Дома в нашем городеВ нашем городе преобладают разные типы домов. Самые перевод - Дома в нашем городеВ нашем городе преобладают разные типы домов. Самые английский как сказать

Дома в нашем городеВ нашем городе п

Дома в нашем городе
В нашем городе преобладают разные типы домов. Самые распространенные дома- частные одноэтажные дома. Это кирпичные дома построенные в разных стилях, но большинство домов похожи друг на друга. Эти дома преимущественно на окраине города, в центре их не много. В центре преобладаю многоэтажные монолитные дома. В таком я и живу. Основа здания, это несущие конструкции, которые возводятся из бетона и его разновидностей. Многоэтажное строительство позволяет проектировать и строить здания любых форм и размеров. Создаются различные арки, закругленные стены. Так в моем доме существует арка, которая соединяет два дома. Снаружи стены этих здания облицовываются кирпичом, фасадной плиткой и другими отделочными материалами. Так же в нашем городе есть особняки, но их очень мало, их можно пересчитать по пальцам, так же как и двухквартирных зданий. Старинных зданий на городских улицах немного. Есть такие дома которые не пригодны для жизни, которые требуют реконструкции.
Стоимость дома зависит от места, где он расположен, от его площади и этажности. Большое влияние на цену жилья оказывает наличие земельного участка и хозяйственных построек.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
At home in our cityIn our city are dominated by different types of houses. The most common home-private one-storey houses. This brick houses built in different styles, but most of the houses are similar to each other. These houses are mainly on the outskirts of the city, at the heart of their not much. In the Centre of preobladaû multistory monolithic House. In that I live. Foundation of a building, it's supporting structures that are built of concrete and its varieties. High-rise construction allows you to design and build buildings of all shapes and sizes. Creates different arches, rounded walls. So in my house there is an arch, which connects the two homes. The exterior walls of the building are revetted with brickwork façade tiles, and other finishing materials. In our city there are mansions, but they are few, they can be counted on the fingers of one hand, as well as semi-detached buildings. Old buildings on city streets a bit. There are homes that are not suitable for living, which require renovation. The value of the House depends on the place where it is located, from his area and number of storeys. A great influence on the price of housing is the availability of land and outbuildings.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Houses in our city
in our town is dominated by different types of houses. The most common home- private one-story houses. This brick houses built in different styles, but most of the houses look alike. These homes mostly on the outskirts of the city, in the center there are not many. In the center of the predominant monolithic multi-storey houses. In this I live. The foundation of the building is load-bearing structures, which are built of concrete and its variants. Multistory building allows you to design and construct buildings of all shapes and sizes. Create a variety of arches, curved walls. So in my house there is an arch that connects the two houses. The exterior walls of the building veneered brick facade tiles and other finishing materials. Just in our city have a mansion, but very few of them, they can be counted on the fingers, as well as semi-detached houses. Old buildings in the city streets a bit. There are houses that are not suitable for life, which require reconstruction.
The cost of the house depends on the place where it is located, of the size and number of storeys. Great influence on the price of housing has the presence of land and outbuildings.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
At home in our city
in our city are dominated by different types of houses. The most common home- private single storey home. The brick houses were built in different styles, but the majority of the houses are similar to one another.These homes mainly in the outskirts of the city, at the center of their is not much. In the center преобладаю tall monolithic at home. In such i and live. The basis for the building, the axle design,Which are being erected in concrete and its varieties. A multi-story construction allows you to design and build the buildings all forms and sizes. Created various arch, rounded walls.So in my house there is a arch, which connects the two homes. Outside the walls of the buildings visualization brick walls, tiled entrance and other finishing materials. In the same in our city there are mansions, but their very little,They can be counted on the fingers, as well as двухквартирных buildings. Ancient buildings in the city streets. There are some homes that are not suitable for life, which require reconstruction.
The cost at home depends on the place, where it is located, from its size and productions. A great influence on the price housing provides for land and business buildings.
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