Overview of current and future research prioritiesIncrease in mass and перевод - Overview of current and future research prioritiesIncrease in mass and английский как сказать

Overview of current and future rese

Overview of current and future research priorities

Increase in mass and weight of freight trains
Development of technical means for increasing car and axle loading
Development of high-speed traffic
Track and rolling stock interaction
Saving of fuel, energy and material resources
Increase in operational efficiency of passenger rolling stock
Environmental program
Certification, standardization and metrology
Tests and safe operation of rolling stock
Improvement of economy and finances management
Improvement of labour efficiency

VNIIZHT includes:

18 scientific departments
6 branches located all over Russia
Postgraduate Study and Dissertational Council
Total number of employees (including those in branches) is over 1700, including 34 Academic Doctors and 154 Candidates of Sciences (PhD).
VNIIZHT has branches in:

Ural region (Yekaterinburg city)
Volga region (Nizhniy Novgorod city)
Siberia (Irkutsk city)
Planning and design office (Moscow)
Test Loop (Moscow)
High-speed ground (Northern Caucasus region)
- See more at: http://www.railway-research.org/JSC-Railway-Research-Institute#sthash.qg4Z1f8H.dpuf
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Overview of current and future research priorities

Increase in mass and weight of freight trains
Development of technical means for increasing car and axle loading
Development of high-speed traffic
Track and rolling stock interaction
Saving of fuel, energy and material resources
Increase in operational efficiency of passenger rolling stock

Certification program, the Environmental standardization and metrology
Tests and safe operation of the rolling stock
Improvement of economy and finances management
Improvement of labour efficiency Team

VNIIZHT includes: 18 scientific departments

6 branches located all over Russia
Are Study and Dissertational Council
Total number of employees (including those in branches) is over 1700, including 34 Academic Doctors and Candidates of Sciences 154.
VNIIZHT has branches in:

Ural region (Yekaterinburg city)
Volga region (Nizhniy Novgorod city)
Siberia (Irkutsk city)
Planning and design office (Moscow)
Test Loop (Moscow)
High ground (Northern Caucasus region)
-See more at: http://www.railway-research.org/JSC-Railway-Research-Institute # sthash. qg4Z1f8H. dpuf
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Overview of Current and future research Priorities Increase in mass and Weight of Freight trains Development of Technical Means for Increasing car axle loading and Development of High-Speed ​​traffic Track and rolling stock Interaction Saving of fuel, energy and material Resources Increase in Operational efficiency of passenger rolling stock program Environmental Certification, Standardization and Metrology and Tests Safe operation of rolling stock Improvement of economy and Finances Management Improvement of Labour efficiency Team VNIIZHT includes: 18 scientific departments Located 6 branches All over Russia Postgraduate Study and Council Dissertational Total number of employees (Including those in branches) is over 1700, including 34 Academic Doctors and 154 Candidates of Sciences (PhD). VNIIZHT has branches in: Ural Region (Yekaterinburg city) Volga Region (Nizhniy Novgorod city) Siberia (Irkutsk city) Planning and design office (Moscow ) Test Loop (Moscow) High-Speed ​​Ground (Northern Caucasus Region) - See more at: # http://www.railway-research.org/JSC-Railway-Research-Institute sthash.qg4Z1f8H.dpuf

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Overview of current and future research priorities

increase in mass and weight of specialised trains
development of technical means for increasing car and axle loading
development of high-speed traffic
track and rolling stock interaction
saving of fuel, energy and material resources
increase in operational efficiency of passenger rolling stock
environmental program
certification,Standardization and metrоlоgy
tests and safe operation of rolling stock
of economy and management
roughly three quarters of labor efficiency

VNIIZHT includes:lord 18 scientific humanitarian
6 brаnсhes St pancras all over Russia
Pоstgrаduаte Study and Dissertаtiоnаl Council
Total number of employees (including those in brаnсhes) is over 1700,including 34 academic Dосtоrs and 154 Candidates of Sciences (economics) .
VNIIZHT has brаnсhes in:lord VSMPO is a long-term region (writing our city name city)
Volga region (Nizhniy Nоvgоrоd city)
Amatñ (Irkutsk city)
planning and design office (Moscow)
test loop (Moscow)
high-speed ground (Northern Caucasus region)
- See more at: http://www.rаilwаy-reseаrсh.оrg/JSC-Rаilwаy-Reseаrсh-Institute#sthаsh.qg4Z1f8H.dpuf
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