30.Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы сейчас же не отправимс перевод - 30.Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы сейчас же не отправимс английский как сказать

30.Поезд отправляется без четверти

30.Поезд отправляется без четверти два. Если мы сейчас же не отправимся на вокзал, мы опоздаем.
31.Мы прожили в деревне два месяца, когда мой брат приехал навестить нас.
32.Мы прожили у Смитов два дня и вернулись в Лондон поездом.
33.Когда я встал, я подошел к окну. Хотя дождя уже не было, везде стояли большие лужи.
34.Джон проверил сочинения своих учеников и теперь читал книгу, которую он купил утром по дороге в школу.
35.Как она добралась сюда в такую погоду?
36.Я никогда не чувствовала себя так хорошо, как сейчас.
37.Я никогда не чувствовала себя так хорошо, как тогда.
38.Завтра я уезжаю за город на две недели.
39.После ленча я обычно занимаюсь в библиотеке часа два.
40.Не успел я дойти до угла, как услышал чьи-то шаги сзади.
41.Я дам вам знать, какие меры я приму.
42.Погода в тот день была мрачная. Холодный ветер, дувший с утра, прекратился, но дождь все еще моросил.
43.Едва я успел попрощаться с ними, как поезд тронулся.
44.Перед войной она преподавала географию в течение недолгого времени.
45.Анна сложила свои вещи и теперь ждала такси.
46.Я скажу ему, чтобы он вернул ключ, когда осмотрит дом.
47.Мы ехали около часа и потом увидели небольшое озеро.
48.Мы ехали часа два, когда, наконец, мы увидели озеро.
49.Я бродил по лесу около часа, когда увидел маленький домик. Так как я никогда не бывал в этих местах, то я не знал, кто в нем живет. Дом стоял среди деревьев, и к нему вела тропинка, по которой я шел.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
30. The train leaves a quarter to two. If we don't go now to the station, we'll miss.31. We have lived in the village for two months, when my brother came to visit us.32. We have lived with the Smiths for two days and returned to London by train.33. When I got up, I went up to the window. Although there was no rain, there were big puddles everywhere.34. John checked the writings of his students and now read the book, which he bought in the morning on the way to school. 35. As she made her way down here in this weather? 36. I've never felt so good as now. 37. I have never felt so good as it was then. 38. Tomorrow I'm leaving for the city in two weeks. 39. After lunch I usually do two hours in the library. 40. Before I walk to the corner as he heard someone steps behind.41. I will let you know what action I will take.42. the weather that day was bleak. The cold wind this elevation, wind in the morning, stopped, but still it was drizzling rain.43. I Barely had time to say goodbye to them, as the train is pulling out.44. Before the war, she taught geography for a short time.45. Anna made their stuff and now was waiting for a taxi. 46. I tell him, so he returned the key when will examine the House. 47. We drove about an hour and then saw a small lake. 48. We drove two hours, when finally we saw a lake. 49. I wandered through the forest for about an hour, when I saw the little house. Since I had never been to these places, then I don't know who it is. The House stood among the trees, and it was the path that I was walking.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
30.Poezd sent a quarter to two. If we do not go to the station, we'll be late.
31.My lived in the village for two months when my brother came to visit us.
32.My Smith lived for two days and returned to London by train.
33.Kogda I got up, I went to the window. Although the rain was over, there were large puddles everywhere.
34.Dzhon checked writings of his students and now read the book, which he had bought in the morning on the way to school.
35.Kak she got here in this weather?
36.YA never felt so well, as it is now.
37.YA never felt as good as then.
38.Zavtra I leave out of town for two weeks.
39.Posle lunch I usually do in the library for two hours.
40.Ne before I could walk to the corner, I heard footsteps behind.
41.YA'll let you know what steps I take.
42.Pogoda that day was gloomy. Cold wind blowing in the morning, had stopped, but the rain was still drizzling.
43.Edva I had to say goodbye to them as the train started.
44.Pered war she taught geography for a short time.
45.Anna folded his things and now waiting for a taxi .
46.YA tell him to back key when inspect the house.
47.My drove about an hour and then saw a small lake.
48.My drove two hours, when finally we saw the lake.
49.YA wandered through the woods around hours, when I saw a little house. Since I had never been to these places, I do not know who lives in it. The house stood among the trees, and it led to the path on which I was walking.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
30.The train leaves without a quarter two. If we now do not depart at the station, we are main thing.
31.We have lived in the village two months, when my brother come visit us.
32.We have lived in Смитов two days and returned to London by train.
33.When i am seated, i approached the window. Although rain had not already been, everywhere were large puddles.
34.John has verified writings their pupils and now was reading a book,He bought this morning on the road to school.
35.As she auction house Christie here in such weather?
36.I have never felt myself so well, as it is now.
37.I have never felt myself so well, as it was then.
38.Tomorrow, I'm leaving the city for two weeks.
39.After lunch i usually am in the library hour two.
40.can't I walk to the corner, as well as heard the steps back.
41.I will give you to know what measures i will.
42.Weather on the day was bleak. Cold wind, дувшии in the morning, stopped, but rain is still моросил.
43.barely i had to say goodbye to them, as well as the train moved.
44.Before the war she taught geography in time.
45.Anna relinquished their belongings and now waited for a taxi.
46.I say to him, so he returned the key, when inspect the house.
47.We drove about an hour and then we saw a small lake.
48.We drove two hours, when, finally, we saw the lake.
49.I roamed the forest about an hour, when I saw a small lodge. As I had never been to these places, i do not know,Those who live in it. The house stood among the trees, and it has survived, on which I was walking.
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