Concerning the pictures following remarks:1. picture 2060: there is at перевод - Concerning the pictures following remarks:1. picture 2060: there is at английский как сказать

Concerning the pictures following r

Concerning the pictures following remarks:
1. picture 2060: there is at least 1500 liters of air in this flexitank.
Flexitanks should be loaded without air (max 50 liter). Air makes the liquid "dance" in the flexitank and makes the pressure on the film 5 times higher.
This is why the film broke. You see that the container is completely bulged (picture 2062). This means the liquid has moved far too much and destroyed the container.
2. There is no 24000 liyer in this flexitank. When flexiytak is filled, distance between roof and flexitank is +/- 44 cm. As I see on the picture this is a lot more than 44 cm so flexitank is not full so wave created by impact is a lot bigger so forces on the film are a lot higher than with a good filled flexitank.
3. Picture 2064: the bulkhead is not installed as per instructions: there are 2 bars under the valve instead of one, Other bars are not hung in bulkhead board in its right position with cable ties. Effect is that the bulkhead system bends more which decreases tension even more on flexitank and wave gets bigger in second impact.
4. Picture 2060: the side bars in the container to reinforce the side walls should be placed (hidden) inside the corrugated part of the side wall and should not come out of the corrugation. Like it is installed in the picture, side bar can stop the wave of the liquid and break the film.

Alex, a crash test is driving the flexitak to the limit. Therefor all parameters have to be correct. I see too many errors in fitting and loading that increase the pressure on flexitank film and bulkhead far too much.
Result is a container that hs bulged far too much simply because the wave created was far too big.

Please be careful with these things if you do a renewed test or the same will happen.

If any questions about my explanantions, please ask. I want you to fully understand the impact of these errors to learn and improve ok?

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Concerning the pictures the following remarks:1. picture 2060: there is at least 1500 liters of air in this flexitank.Flexitanks should be loaded without air (max 50 liter). Air makes the liquid "dance" in the flexitank and makes the pressure on the film 5 times higher.This is why the film broke. You see that the container is completely bulged (picture 2062). This means the liquid has moved far too much and destroyed the container.2. There is no liyer 24000 in this flexitank. When flexiytak is filled, the distance between roof and flexitank is +/-44 cm. As I see on the picture this is a lot more than 44 cm so flexitank is not full so wave created by impact is a lot bigger so forces on the film are a lot higher than with a good filled flexitank.3. Picture 2064: the bulkhead is not installed as per instructions: there are 2 bars under the valve instead of one, the Other bars are not hung in bulkhead board in its right position with cable ties. The effect is that the bulkhead system bends more which decreases the tension even more on flexitank and wave gets bigger in second impact.4. Picture 2060: the side bars in the container to reinforce the side walls should be placed (hidden) inside the corrugated part of the side wall and should not come out of the corrugation. Like it is pre-installed in the picture, side bar can stop the wave of the liquid and break the film.Alex, a crash test is driving the flexitak to the limit. Therefor all parameters have to be correct. I see too many errors in fitting and loading that increase the pressure on flexitank film and bulkhead far too much.The result is a container that hs bulged far too much simply because the wave created was far too big.Please be careful with these things if you do a renewed test or the same will happen.If any questions about my explanantions, please ask. I want you to fully understand the impact of these errors to learn and improve ok?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Concerning the pictures following remarks:
1. 2060 picture: there is at least 1500 of air in liters this flexitank.
Flexitanks should be loaded without air (max 50 liter). Air makes the liquid "dance" in the flexitank and makes the pressure on the film higher 5 times.
This is why the film broke. You see that the container is completely bulged (picture 2062). This means the liquid has moved far too much and destroyed the container.
2. There is no 24000 liyer in this flexitank. When flexiytak is filled, distance between roof and flexitank is +/- 44 cm. As I see on the picture this is a lot more than 44 cm so flexitank is not full so wave created by impact is a lot bigger so forces on the film are a lot higher than with a good filled flexitank.
3. Picture 2064: the bulkhead is not installed as per instructions: there are 2 bars under the valve instead of one, Other bars are not hung in bulkhead board in its right position with cable ties. Effect is that the bulkhead system bends more which decreases tension even more on flexitank and wave gets bigger in second impact.
4. Picture 2060: the side bars in the container to reinforce the side walls should be placed (hidden) inside the corrugated part of the side wall and should not come out of the corrugation. It is installed Like in the picture, side bar can stop the wave of the liquid and break the film. Alex, a crash test is driving the flexitak to the limit. Therefor all parameters have to be correct. I see too many errors in fitting and loading that increase the pressure on flexitank film and bulkhead far too much. Result is a container that hs bulged far too much simply because the wave created was far too big. Please be careful with these things if you a renewed test do or the same will happen. If any questions about my explanantions, please ask. I want you to fully understand the impact of these errors to learn and improve ok?

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
concerning the pictures following remarks:
1. picture 2060: there is at least 1500 liters of air in this flexitank.
Flexitanks should be loaded without air (max 50 liter). air makes the of "dance" in the flexitank and makes the pressure on the film 5 times higher. this is why the film). you see that the container is completely bulged (picture 2062).this means the liquid has moved far too much and destroyed the container.
2. there is no 24000 liyer in this flexitank. when flexiytak is filled, the distance between roof and flexitank is / 44 cm. as i see on the picture this is a lot more than 44 cm. the flexitank is not full. the wave created by impact is a lot bigger. the forces on the film are a lot higher than with a good all flexitank.
3.picture 2064: the bulkhead is not installed as per instructions, there are two bars under the valve instead of one, the other bars are not hung in bulkhead board in its right position with cable ties. effect is that the bulkhead system bends more which decreases tension even more on flexitank and wave gets bigger in the second impact.
4. picture 2060.the side bars in the container to reinforce the side walls should be placed (hidden) inside the corrugated part of the side wall and should not come out of the corrugation. like it is installed in the other side bar, can stop the wave of the off and break the film.

alex, a crash test is driving the flexitak to the limit. Therefor all parameters have to be correct.i see too many errors in in and loading and increase the pressure on flexitank film and bulkhead far too much. "the result is a container that hs bulged far too much simply because the wave created was far too big.

please be careful with these things if you do a renewed test or the same will happen."
if any questions about my explanantions, please ask.i want you to fully understand the impact of these errors to learn and improve ok?

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