Последние 20 лет показатель роста ВВП в США, который для правительства перевод - Последние 20 лет показатель роста ВВП в США, который для правительства английский как сказать

Последние 20 лет показатель роста В

Последние 20 лет показатель роста ВВП в США, который для правительства является самым всеобъемлющим индикатором экономического развития, рассчитывается неверно. ВВП, отражающий общий объём товаров и услуг страны, учитывает потребление, инвестиции в промышленность и государственные расходы. Предлагается рассчитывать ВВП на основе 20 показателей. Многие из них учитывают рост ВВП путём оценки истощения природных ресурсов и расходов, связанных с загрязнением окружающей среды, преступностью и развалом семей. В доходных статьях предусмотрены, в частности, такие показатели, как стоимость домашней работы и добровольного труда.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The past 20 years, the GDP growth rate in the United States, which the Government is the most comprehensive indicator of economic development, is calculated incorrectly. GDP, reflecting the total volume of goods and services a country mindful consumption, investment in industry and public spending. It is proposed to calculate the GDP based on 20 indicators. Many of them take into account GDP growth by assessing the depletion of natural resources and the costs associated with environmental pollution Wednesday, crime and the breakdown of families. In the tenement seq. provides, inter alia, such factors as the amount of housework and voluntary work.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The last 20 years, GDP growth in the US, which is for the government is the most comprehensive indicator of economic development, is calculated incorrectly. GDP reflects the total amount of goods and services to the country, takes into account the consumption, investment in industry and government spending. It is proposed to calculate the GDP on the basis of 20 indicators. Many of them take into account the GDP growth by estimating the depletion of natural resources and the costs associated with environmental pollution, crime and the collapse of the family. The revenue items provided, inter alia, such factors as the cost of household work and voluntary work.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the past 20 years, the growth rate of gdp in the united states, which for the government is the most comprehensive measure of economic development is calculated incorrectly. gdp, the total volume of goods and services in the country, takes into account the consumption, investment in industry and government expenditure. gdp is calculated on the basis of 20 indicators. many of them are gdp growth by measuring the depletion of natural resources and the cost of environmental pollution crime and the disintegration of families. in the profitable articles included, in particular, such indicators as the value of housework and voluntary work.
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