1) Я по горло сыт всеми полезными советами, которые мне дают все друзь перевод - 1) Я по горло сыт всеми полезными советами, которые мне дают все друзь английский как сказать

1) Я по горло сыт всеми полезными с

1) Я по горло сыт всеми полезными советами, которые мне дают все друзья и знакомые. Они мне советуют взять себя в руки и надеяться на лучшее. Но у меня совсем нет денег, и я не знаю, где из взять, потому что уже два месяца не могу найти приличную работу. Почему мне никто не может предложить конкретный выход из данной ситуации вместо пустых слов?
2) Мне совсем никуда не хочется идти в такую отвратительную погоду. Я бы лучше полежал на диване с хорошей книгой в руках. Давай останемся дома. Зачем нам эта лекция? - Я с тобой совершенно несогласен. У нас не часто бывают лекции таких ученых как профессор Скотт. Ради бога, поторопись, иначе мы опоздаем.
3) Чья это одежда и почему она не в шкафу? Почему ты никогда не убираешь у себя в комнате? Я не понимаю, как это получилось, что у нас в семье растет такой неряха. Мама, не сердись. Бабушка говорила мне, что у тебя в детстве были такие же плохие привычки, как у меня сейчас, но это все прошло с переходным возрастом.
4) Я всегда восхищался энциклопедическими знаниями профессора Стивенсона. Он свободно говорил на семи иностранных языках, знал очень много об истории Европейских народов, мог цитировать латинских и греческих поэтов. Его всегда интересовала политика, и его считали экспертом по вопросам международных отношений. Лн узнавал классические музыкальные произведения с первых нот, и мог часами дискутировать о литературе. А его специальностью была ядерная физика, изучению которой он посвятил всю свою жизнь.
5) Кто те симпатичные девушки, беседующие со старой миссис Барлоу? - То дочери Джил и Сэма Гринбаум. Я бы узнала их, даже не зная, кто они. Они точная копия своих родителей.
6) Доктор Мэнсон, вы знакомы с мисс Лейдер? - Да, мы встречались с ней у вашей тети. Она ведь дочь тех самых Лейдеров, которые приехали в наш город в прошлом году, не так ли? - Нет, она их племянница.
7) Как вы доехали, дядя Тед? - Разве можно хорошо доехать по такой дороге? Это двухчасовое путешествие чуть не убило меня! Если бы не 50-я годовщина свадьбы твоих родителей, я бы не за что н предпринял такое путешествие!
8) Вы уверены, что статья Стива Бейкера будет опубликована во всех завтрашних газетах? - Уверен, что да. Интервью его босса было таким шокирующим, что интерес всех журналистов теперь прикован к предложениям Стива, как решить проблему парникового эффекта. Его статья, наверняка, будет опубликована во всех основных газетах.
Вы думайте, один пятиминутный разговор может изменить всю жизнь человека? - Несомненно, если он произошел в нужном месте, в нужный час и с нужным человеком. Так было с моим отцом. Он встретил мою маму на автобусной остановке, когда торопился на занятия в университет. Они проговорили даже меньше пяти минут, но глаза моей мамы произвели на отца такое впечатление, что он искал ее потом 10 лет. Когда они снова встретились, то больше не расставались.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1) I'm fed up of all the useful tips that I give all friends and acquaintances. I advise to pull yourself together and hope for the best. But I have no money and I don't know where from take two months because I can't find a decent job. Why nobody can propose a specific way out of this situation, instead of empty words? 2) I really didn't want to go into such ugly weather. I'd better lay on the couch with a good book in hand. Let's stay at home. Why do we need this lecture? -I'm with you completely disagree. We do not often lectures such scientists as Professor Scott. For God's sake, hurry up, otherwise we'll miss.3) whose clothes and why it's not in your closet? Why you'll never get rid of in my room? I don't understand how it happened, that our family is growing such a slob. Mom, don't get mad. Granny told me that you got as a kid were the same bad habits like I have now, but it all went with the transitional age. 4) I have always admired the encyclopedic knowledge of Professor Stevenson. He freely spoke in seven foreign languages, knew a lot about the history of the European peoples, could quote the Latin and Greek poets. He was always interested in politics, and he was considered an expert on international relations. LF learned classical music from the first notes, and could spend hours discussing literature. But his specialty was the study of nuclear physics, to which he has devoted his entire life. 5) who are the cute girls there with old Mrs. Barlow? -The daughter of Jill and Sam Greenbaum. I'd learned them without even knowing who they are. They are an exact copy of their parents.6) Dr. Manson, are you familiar with Miss Lejder? -Yes, we met with her your aunt. She is the daughter of the Lejderov, who came to our city last year, isn't it? -No, it's their niece. 7) As you drove, uncle Ted? -Can one really good drive on this road? This is a two-hour journey almost killed me! If it were not for the 50-th anniversary of your parents, I wouldn't be for that n has taken this journey! 8) you are sure that the article Steve Baker, will be published in all newspapers of tomorrow? -Sure, Yes. Interview with his boss was so shocking that the interest of all journalists now confined to proposals, Steve, how to solve the problem of the greenhouse effect. His article, for sure, will be published in all major newspapers. You think, one five-minute conversation can change the whole human life? -Certainly, if it occurred in the right place at the right time and with the right person. So it was with my dad. He met my mother at the bus stop, when in a hurry for classes at the University. They have even less than five minutes, but my mom's eyes fired on his father's impression that he sought her then 10 years. When they met again, no longer separated.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1) I'm fed up with all the tips that I give all the friends and acquaintances. They advised me to pull myself together and hope for the best. But I have no money and I do not know where to take out, because two months can not find a decent job. Why do I have no one to offer a concrete way out of this situation instead of empty words?
2) I really will not want to go into such a hideous weather. I'd rather lay on the couch with a good book in hand. Let's stay home. Why do we need this lecture? - I'm with you totally disagree. We do not often lectures of scholars such as Professor Scott. For God's sake, hurry up, otherwise we'll be late.
3) Whose clothing and why it was not in the closet? Why do you never removed in my room? I do not understand how it happened that in our family grows a slut. Mom, do not be angry. My grandmother told me that you have a child had the same bad habits as I have now, but it all passed puberty.
4) I have always admired encyclopedic knowledge of Professor Stevenson. He is fluent in seven languages, I knew a lot about the history of the European peoples could quote Latin and Greek poets. He was always interested in politics, and he was considered an expert on international relations. AH learned classical music from the first notes, and could spend hours debating about literature. His specialty was nuclear physics, the study of which he devoted his life.
5) Who are the pretty girls, talking to old Mrs. Barlow? - That's daughter Jill and Sam Greenbaum. I would have recognized them, not even knowing who they are. They are an exact copy of their parents.
6) Dr. Manson, you're familiar with Ms. Leider? - Yes, I met her at your aunt. She's the daughter of the very Leider, who came to our city last year, is not it? - No, it is their niece.
7) How do you arrived, Uncle Ted? - Is it possible to get well on this road? This two-hour journey nearly killed me! If not for the 50th wedding anniversary of your parents, I would not for that district has undertaken such a journey!
8) you believe an article by Steve Baker will be published in all the newspapers tomorrow? - I'm sure it is. Interviews his boss was so shocking that the interest of all journalists are now confined to the proposals Steve, how to solve the problem of the greenhouse effect. His article is likely to be published in all major newspapers.
You think one five-minute conversation can change the whole life of a person? - Sure, if it occurred in the right place at the right time and with the right person. So it was with my father. He met my mother at a bus stop when in a hurry to classes at the university. They talked even less than five minutes, but my mother's eyes at his father made ​​such an impression that he was looking for her then 10 years. When they met again, it is no longer apart.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1) i'm fed up with all the valuable advice that i give all of my friends and acquaintances. i want to get myself together and hope for the best. but i have no money, and i don't know where to get,because two months already, can't find a decent job. why i can not offer a way out of this situation, instead of empty words?
2) i really don't want to go in this nasty weather.i'd better lay on the couch with a good book in hand. let's stay at home. why this lecture? i completely disagree with you. we don't often lectures such scholars as professor scott. for god's sake, come on. hurry up.otherwise we'll be late.
3), whose clothes and why she's not in the closet? why don't you clean your room? i don't know how it happened, what we have in the family is a pedant. mom, please don't be mad. grandma told mewhat do you have in childhood were the same bad habits, like me now, but it's all gone with the transitional age.
4) i have always admired энциклопедическими knowledge professor stevenson.he spoke fluent in seven foreign languages, knew very much about the history of the european peoples, could speak latin and greek poets. he was always interested in politicsand he was considered an expert on international relations. лн learnt classical music from the first note, and could spend hours talking about literature. his specialty was the nuclear physics.the study to which he devoted his entire life.
5) who is the cute girls, беседующие with old mrs. barlow? - daughter jill and sam greenbaum. i would recognize them without even knowing who they are. it is an exact copy of their parents.6) dr. manson, have you met miss лейдер? - yes, we met with your aunt. she is the daughter of the лейдеров who arrived in our city last year, isn't it? - no, she's my niece.
7) how did you get here, uncle ted?- did you get a good way? this two-hour journey almost killed me! if not for the 50th anniversary of your parents, i would not that he has made such a journey.
8) are you suresteve baker that the article will be published in all the papers tomorrow? - sure, yeah. interview, his boss was so shocking that the interest of all journalists now confined to proposals of stevehow to solve the problem of greenhouse effect. the article must be published in all the major newspapers.
do you think one five minute conversation may change your life? - sure,if he was in the right place at the right time and with the right person. it happened to my father. he met my mother at the bus stop when in a hurry to class in the university. they talked even less than five minutes.but my mother's eyes have the impression that he was looking for the next 10 years. when they met again, no longer separated.
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