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Живите в свое удовольствие. Весьма

Живите в свое удовольствие. Весьма интересно следующее утверждение ученых: до той поры пока биологическое и физиологическое время внутри одного организма совпадает, человек живет. Сразу возникает резонный вопрос: как же сделать так, чтобы два этих показателя совпадали как можно дольше? И что руководит каждым из них? Ведь хочется насладиться жизнью максимально - настолько, насколько это вообще возможно. А у некоторых даже закрадывается крамольная мысль: "Может быть, реально повернуть время вспять или остановить его. И тогда - здравствуй, вечная жизнь!" Это задача, над которой бьются и в биологии, и в физиологии, и в биоритмологии. "В ней нет и не может быть единственного фактора, который привел бы к серьезному сдвигу. Поскольку проблема - многофакторная", - утверждает Аркадий Максимов. Ничего подобного произойти в принципе не может, утверждают другие исследователи. Это так же невозможно, как невозможно рассчитать максимальную продолжительность человеческой жизни. "Никто не знает, сколько наш организм должен прожить на самом деле. Просто нет основы для расчета, - утверждает Александр Алимов. - Для того чтобы теоретически рассчитать, сколько мы можем прожить, нужно иметь очень хорошую теорию, но ее нет. Мы просто не знаем, как со временем меняется течение процессов". В связи с этим нельзя не вспомнить об одном любопытном исследовании, проведенном в медицинском колледже Baylor в Хьюстоне под руководством профессора Дэвида Иглмана. Впечатлившись фильмом "Матрица", исследователи попытались, насколько это возможно, растянуть кажущееся время человека наподобие того, как оно текло у главного героя - "избранного" Нео. Ученые сочли идеальными условия максимального стресса, в которые они и поместили испытуемых. Участников эксперимента сбрасывали с пятидесятиметровой вышки на специальную сетку, которая и спасала их жизнь в последний момент. Результаты поразили исследователей: людям, падающим со скоростью 113 километров в час, казалось, что время тянется в три раза дольше, чем тем, которые наблюдали за падением со стороны. Однако все проводимые эксперименты во всем их разнообразии говорят об одном: если физиологическое, кажущееся, время течет заметно медленнее или быстрее, чем биологическое, то потенциал последнего уменьшается. Из этой формулы выходит, что, пребывая в постоянном спокойствии, человек может продлить свою жизнь. По сути это утверждение верно: чем больше наше физиологическое время совпадает с биологическим, тем медленнее стареет организм. Но готов ли каждый жить без риска, без авантюр, без романтических приключений, не поддавшись желанию сполна ощутить все прелести этого грешного мира? Скорее всего нет. Наверное, только самые стойкие способны выдерживать постоянное спокойствие, устояв перед соблазнами. Получается, что любители активной жизни обречены на быстрое вымирание. Это только гипотеза, однако время у прожигателей жизни, уверены ученые, точно течет по-другому
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Live for your pleasure. Very interesting the following affirmation of scholars: while the biological and physiological time within a single organism is the same, the person lives. A reasonable question arises: How do you make it so that the two figures match as long as possible? And that directs each of them? Because I want to enjoy life as much as possible-as much as possible. And some even creeps into kramol′naâ thought: "maybe actually turn back the clock or stop it. And then-Hello, eternal life! "is a task on which the beat and in biology, and Physiology, and bioritmologii. "It is not and cannot be the only factor that would lead to a major shift. Since the problem of multifactor "Arkady Maximov. Anything like this happen in principle cannot argue other researchers. It is just as impossible as it is impossible to calculate the maximum length of human life. "Nobody knows how much our body should live in reality. There is simply no basis for calculating, argues Alexander Alimov. -In order to theoretically calculate how we can survive, we need to have a very good theory, but its not. We just don't know how changes over time during the process. In this regard, we cannot fail to remember about one curious study in Baylor Medical College in Houston under the leadership of Professor David Iglmana. Impressed by the movie "the matrix", researchers tried, as far as possible, the stretch seemingly human time just as it flowed near the main hero-"chosen" neo. Scientists found ideal conditions of maximum stress, in which they placed the examinees. Participants dumped with 50 towers on a special grid that and saved their lives at the last moment. The results startled researchers: people falling at a speed of 113 kilometers per hour, it seemed that time lasts three times longer than those who observed the fall. However, all conducted experiments in all their diversity to say one thing: If the physiological, seeming, time flows slower or faster than biological, the last potential decreases. From this formula, it turns out that, being in constant serenity, a person can extend its life. In fact this is true: the more our physiological time coincides with the slower biological aging body. But each ready to live without risk, without adventures without romantic adventure, not yielding to desire wholly experience all the delights of this sinful world? Most likely not. Probably only the most persistent are able to withstand constant serenity, by overcoming the temptations. It turns out that the lovers of active life doomed to rapid extinction. This is just conjecture, however, time life prožigatelej sure scientists accurately flows differently
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Live happily. It is interesting to scientists following statement: until such time until the biological and physiological time within a single organism is the same, the person lives. Immediately there is a reasonable question: how do you make sure that these two numbers to match as long as possible? And that leads each of them? After all, I want to enjoy life as much as possible - as much as possible. And some even creeps seditious thought: "Maybe it really turn back the clock and stop it and then - hello, eternal life.!" It is a task of which beat in biology and physiology, and in biorhythmology. "It is not and can not be the only factor that would lead to a serious shift Since the problem -. Multifactorial," - says Arkady Maximov. Nothing like this can not happen in principle, say other researchers. It is as impossible as it is impossible to calculate the maximum length of human life. "Nobody knows how much our bodies have to live in reality is simply no basis for the calculation, -. Says Alexander Alimov -. In order to theoretically calculate how much we can spend, you need to have a very good theory, but it is not we simply do not. we know how to change over time during the process. " In this regard, one can not forget about a curious study conducted at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, led by Professor David Eagleman. Impressed by the film "The Matrix", researchers have tried, as far as possible to stretch the apparent human time, like how it flowed from the main character - the "chosen" Neo. Scientists have found the ideal conditions of maximum stress, in which they placed the subjects. Participants were dropped from fifty-meter tower on a special grid, which saved their lives at the last moment. Results surprised the researchers: people falling at a speed of 113 kilometers per hour, it seemed that the time lasts three times longer than those who watched the collapse of the part. However, all of the experiments conducted in all their diversity are talking about one thing: if the physiological, seemingly, time flows much slower or faster than the biological, the latter potential is reduced. From this formula it follows that, staying in constant peace, man can prolong his life. In fact, this statement is true: the more our physiological time coincides with the biological, the slower the aging body. But whether one is willing to live without risk, without adventures, without the romantic adventures, not yielding to the request of fully enjoy all the delights of this sinful world? Probably not. Perhaps only the most resistant to withstand the constant calm, resist the temptation. It turns out that an active life lovers are doomed to rapid extinction. This is only a hypothesis, but the time at the fast livers, scientists believe, just flows differently
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
live in your own pleasure. it"s very interesting that the scientists: until when biological and physiological time within the same organism coincides, a person lives. once a reasonable question: how to make these two target fit together as long as possible. and that is all of them? because i want to enjoy life as much as possible. and some even закрадывается крамольная thought: "perhaps really to go back in time and stop him. and then - - eternal life! " it is a challenge on which ride in biology and physiology, and in биоритмологии. " it is not and cannot be the only factor that would lead to a serious shift. because the problem is multidimensional, argues arkady maximov. nothing like that happened in principle can not argue the other researchers. it is just as impossible as possible to calculate the maximum human life. " no one knows what our body needs to live actually. there is no basis for the calculation, argues alexander alimov. in order to theoretically calculate, how much can we live, you need to have a very good theory, but it is not. we just don"t know how to change with time during the processes. in this regard, we cannot remember one любопытном study conducted at the medical college of Baylor in houston, led by professor david иглмана. впечатлившись movie "the matrix", researchers have tried, as far as possible, to stretch the time rights just as it flowed from the main character is "elected" neo. scientists found the ideal conditions the maximum stress, in which they placed the test subjects. participants were dumped in пятидесятиметровой tower at the ad hoc grid that saved their lives in the last minute. the results in the research: people fall at 113 kilometers an hour, it seemed, that time is three times longer than those who watched the fall by. however, all the experiments in all their diversity, they all say the same: if physiological, apparent time runs significantly slower or faster than the biological, the capacity of the latter is reduced. from the formula is that for permanent peace, man can prolong its life. in fact, this statement is true, the more our physiological time coincides with the biological, the slower the aging organism. but if every live without risk, no adventures, without romantic adventure, not giving in to his desire all the comforts of this world? probably not. probably only the most persistent can withstand the calm before the
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