В России есть частные и государственные дома престарелых. Но количеств перевод - В России есть частные и государственные дома престарелых. Но количеств английский как сказать

В России есть частные и государстве

В России есть частные и государственные дома престарелых. Но количество частных домов для престарелых намного меньше, чем государственных. Из-за плохого финансирования уровень обслуживания в государственных домах престарелых очень низкий. В частных домах престарелых способ обслуживания людей такой же как в западных странах. Они предлагают своим клиентам высокий уровень обслуживания, комфортное проживание, сбалансированное питание, организованный на высоком уровне досуг, но с высокой платой за услуги, примерно 80-150 тысяч рублей в месяц.
Также есть и недорогие частные дома престарелых за 30 тысяч рублей в месяц, но уровень обслуживания там просто ужасен. Я считаю, чтобы людям в пенсионном возрасте легче жилось, государство должно уделять больше внимания этой проблеме и улучшить государственные дома престарелых.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In Russia there are private and public nursing homes. But the number of private homes for the elderly is much smaller than the public. Due to poor funding level of service in state nursing homes is very low. In private homes for the elderly the way customer service people the same as in Western countries. They offer their customers a high level of service, comfort, balanced nutrition, organized leisure at a high level, but with a high price to pay for services, about 80-150 thousand rubles per month.There is also a cheap private homes for 30 thousand rubles per month, but the level of service there is just awful. I believe that people in retirement age are easier to live, the State should pay more attention to this problem and improve public nursing homes.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In Russia there are private and public nursing homes. But the number of private homes for the elderly are much smaller than the state. Due to the poor funding of public service in nursing homes is very low. In private nursing home care for people the way is the same as in Western countries. They offer their customers a high level of service, comfort, balanced nutrition, organized a high-level leisure, but with a high price to pay for services of about 80-150 thousand rubles a month.
There are also low-cost nursing homes for 30 thousand rubles a month, but the level of service there is terrible. I believe that people in retirement easier life, the state should pay more attention to this issue and improve public nursing homes.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In Russia there are private and public homes for the elderly. But the number of private homes for the elderly is much less, than public.Because of the poor funding for the level of service in the public old age homes is very low. In private residences for the elderly how to service people is the same as in the western countries.They offer their customers a high level of service, a comfortable and relaxing stay, balanced power, organized by the high-level leisure-time activities, but with a high card for services, approximately 80-150 thousands of roubles a month.
There are also affordable and private homes for the elderly in 30 of thousands of roubles a month, but the level of service there is simply horrid. I believe that people in the pension age is easier bleaker,The state should pay more attention to this problem and to improve public homes for the elderly.

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