В настоящее время многие все чаще стали предпочитают электронные возмо перевод - В настоящее время многие все чаще стали предпочитают электронные возмо английский как сказать

В настоящее время многие все чаще с

В настоящее время многие все чаще стали предпочитают электронные возможности продемонстрировать свои фотографии. Однако как показывает практика, этот метод хранения информации сопряжено с риском, потому что современные средства массовой информации не дает 100% гарантию безопасности всех ваших изображений.
1. лучшие фотографии, хранящиеся в печатных vide. Новый продукт, который позволяет вам наслаждаться фотографиями на долгие годы.
2. альбомы с семейными фотографиями - один из самых дорогих семейных сокровищ. Я память о важных событиях в вашей жизни на много лет
После перехода к цифровой фотографии впервые стал только магазин фотографии на вашем компьютере, а потом подумал, лучше его. Теперь самые красивые фотографии печатных и хранится в альбоме. Это приятно иногда смотреть через маленький альбом. И чтобы показать кому-то проще, потому что печатный фотоальбом выборочно, и тонны фотографий других людей в компьютере редко любит смотреть. Но параллельно, я все равно копировать их на диск, на всякий случай. Самые любимые фотографии, висит на стене в рамах и каждое событие попытке напечатать несколько альбомов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Currently, many increasingly prefer electronic opportunities to showcase their photos. However, in practice, this method of storing information involves risk, because modern media does not give 100% guarantee the security of all your images. 1. the best photographs stored in printed vide. A new product that allows you to enjoy your photos for years to come. 2. albums of family photographs-one of the most expensive family treasures. I memory about important events in your life for many years After the transition to digital photography first became the only store pictures on your computer, and then thought better of it. Now most beautiful photos printed and stored in the album. It's nice sometimes to look through a small album. And to show someone is simpler because the printed album selectively, and tons of photos of other people in the computer rarely likes to watch. But in parallel, I copy them to disk, just in case. Favorite photos hanging on the wall in frames and each event you try to print multiple albums.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Currently, many became increasingly prefer electronic opportunities to showcase their photos. However, as practice shows, this method of storing information associated with the risk, because modern media does not give a 100% guarantee the safety of all your images.
1. Best pictures stored in the print vide. The new product, which allows you to enjoy your photos for years to come.
2. albums with family photos - one of the most expensive family treasures. I have the memory of important events in your life for many years
after the transition to digital photography for the first time became the only store photos on your computer, and then thought better of it. Now the most beautiful photos printed and stored in an album. It's nice sometimes to look through a small album. And to show someone easier, because the printed photo album selectively, and a ton of pictures of other people in the computer rarely likes to watch. But in parallel, I still copy them to disk, just in case. Most favorite photos hanging on the wall in frames and each event you try to print multiple albums.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
currently, many are increasingly become the preferred electronic opportunities to showcase their photos. however, practice shows that this method for information storage is associated with the risk, because the media is not 100% guarantee security for all your images.1. the best photos stored in the print vibe. the new product that allows you to enjoy the photos for years.2. albums with family photos - one of the most expensive family treasures. i remember important events in your life for many years.after the transition to digital images for the first time, was the only store photos on your computer, and then thought better of him. now, the most beautiful photos printed and stored in the album. this is kind of nice looking through a photo album. so to show someone simply because the printed photo album, selectively, and tons of pictures of other people in the computer rarely likes to watch. but at the same time, i still copy on disk, just in case. favourite picture hangs on the wall frames, and each event attempt to print a few albums.
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