Part 2. St.Peterburg Today. Administration.The history of St.Petersbur перевод - Part 2. St.Peterburg Today. Administration.The history of St.Petersbur английский как сказать

Part 2. St.Peterburg Today. Adminis

Part 2. St.Peterburg Today. Administration.
The history of St.Petersburg has always been bound up with the history of Russia, it is national economy, culture and science. In the 18th and 19th centuries the city developed as a naval port which gave Russia an access to the Baltic Sea.
St.Petersburg became the major economic, cultures and political center of the country. In 1712 it was proclaimed the capital of Russia.
At present St.Petersburg is a federal subject of Russia. The legislative power body of the city is the Legislative Assembly of St.Petersburg. According to the federal legislation the head of the administrative power in the city is the governer. Administratively St.Petersburg is divided into 18 districts. The districts are subdivided into municipal okrugs, municipal towns, and municipal settlements.
Present day Zt.Petersburg in not only the city of beautifull architectural ensembles and historical monuments but also the second largest industrial city of Russia and it is major trade gateway. The main industries of St.Petersburg are machine-building and transport, instrument manufacture, radio-engineering, power-engineering,autobile industry, and optical industry. Chemical light and food industries are also highly developed.
The city enterprises produce ships, cars, machine tools, turbines, and telescopes, chemicals, pharmaceutical and medical equipment. Among them there are a lot of joint ventures. Western investors are playing a growing role in the business life of St.Petersburg. By the number of created Russian-foreign joint ventures our city holds ore of
the first places in the country.
St.Petersburg has three large cargo seaports and two passenger ports. A new maritime trade port is being built now. It is construction will make it possible to provide more intensive links with foreing partners. A complex system of river ports on both banks of the Neva are interconnected with the system of seaports, and make St.Petersburg. The main link between the Baltic Sea the rest of Russia through the Volga-Baltic Waterway.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Part 2. St. Peterburg Today. Administration.The history of St. Petersburg has always been bound up with the history of Russia, it is the national economy, culture and science. In the 18th and 19th centuries the city developed as a naval port which gave Russia an access to the Baltic Sea.St. Petersburg became the major economic, cultures and political center of the country. In 1712 it was proclaimed the capital of Russia.At present St. Petersburg is a federal subject of Russia. The legislative power body of the city is the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. According to the federal legislation the head of the administrative power in the city is the governer. St. Petersburg is Administratively divided into 18 districts. The districts are subdivided into municipal okrugs, municipal towns, and municipal settlements.Present day Zt. in not only the city of beautifull architectural ensembles and historical monuments but also the second largest industrial city of Russia and it is a major trade gateway. The main industries of St. Petersburg are machine-building and transport, instrument manufacture, radio-engineering, power engineering, autobile industry, and optical industry. Chemical light and food industries are also highly developed.The city enterprises produce ships, cars, machine tools, navigation, and Sun, chemicals, pharmaceutical and medical equipment. Among them there are a lot of joint ventures. Western investors are playing a growing role in the business life of St. Petersburg. By the number of Russian-created foreign joint ventures our city holds ore of the first places in the country.St. Petersburg has three large cargo seaports and two passenger ports. A new maritime trade port is being built now. It is construction will make it possible to provide more intensive links with foreing partners. A complex system of river ports on both banks of the Neva are interconnected with the system of seaports, and make St. Petersburg. The main link between the Baltic Sea the rest of Russia through the Volga-Baltic Waterway.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Part 2. St.Peterburg Today. The Administration.
Of The St.Petersburg has the history of the always bound up closeup Been with the the history of Russia, IT is National economy, culture and science ™. The 18Th and with In 19Th Centuries the o city developed as with a naval port Gave the which Russia an the access to the Baltic the Sea.
St.Petersburg Became the major Economic, Political Cultures and center of the country. In 1712 proclaimed the WAS IT Capital of Russia.
The At present St.Petersburg is a federal are subject of Russia. The legislative power body of the city is the Legislative Assembly of St.Petersburg. According to the federal legislation the head of the administrative power in the city is the governer. Administratively St.Petersburg is divided into 18 districts. Districts are subdivided of The Municipal Into okrugs, Municipal towns, and Municipal Settlements.
Present day Zt.Petersburg in not only the beautifull o city of architectural and historical monuments ENSEMBLES But Also the: second-largest industrial o city of Russia and major IT is the gateway TRADE. The main industries of St.Petersburg are machine- building and transport, instrument manufacture, radio-engineering, power-engineering, autobile industry, and optical industry. Light and food Chemical industries has Also are highly developed.
Of The o city Enterprises Produce ships, cars, machine tools, turbines, and Telescopes, chemicals, the pharmaceutical and medical equipment. Among them there are a lot of joint ventures. Western investors are playing a growing role in the business life of St.Petersburg. The number of By Created Russian-States Foreign joint Ventures Our o city Holds ore of
the first places in the country.
St.Petersburg has a three large cargo seaports and the ports to two two passenger. A new maritime trade port is being built now. It is construction will make it possible to provide more intensive links with foreing partners. A complex system of river ports on both banks of the Neva are interconnected with the system of seaports, and make St.Petersburg. The main link between the Baltic Sea the rest of Russia through the Volga-Baltic Waterway.
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