В комнате Джона был ужасный беспорядок, но когда сестра воспользовалас перевод - В комнате Джона был ужасный беспорядок, но когда сестра воспользовалас английский как сказать

В комнате Джона был ужасный беспоря

В комнате Джона был ужасный беспорядок, но когда сестра воспользовалась его отсутствием и прибрала там немного, он очень рассердился и сказал, что теперь он не может ничего там найти. 2. Вы опять испортили всю работу. Неужели вам не стыдно так безразлич­но ко всему относиться? 3. Она спутала все мои планы, заставив меня прождать ее четыре часа. 4. Мы услышали, как треснула ветка, кто-то подходил к нам. 5. Как ты небрежна! Треснула мамина люби­мая ваза, разве можно было мыть ее кипятком? 6. Сейчас уже небе­зопасно переходить реку: во льду образовались трещины. 7. Краска на подоконнике потрескалась, придется соскоблить ее, прежде чем красить его заново. 8. Регулярная тренировка способствовала его ус­пеху на соревнованиях. 9. Он отказался дать стихи в нашу стенгазе­ту, а теперь уже нет времени просить кого-нибудь другого сделать это. 10. Американский художник Рокуэлл Кент пополнил коллекцию картин музея имени А.С.Пушкина своими произведениями. 11. Он говорил с таким жаром, что никто не остался равнодушным. 12. Как только вы расскажете ему об этом, у него сразу же исправится на­строение. 13. Вы правильно отнеслись к критике, другого я от вас и не ожидала. 14. Я помню, что где-то еще осталось полбутылки клубничного сока. По вкусу его ни с чем на свете не сравнить. 15. Этот не­знакомый нам фрукт сначала показался всем неприятным на вкус, но потом мы привыкли утолять им жажду. 16. Мы все знали ее как женщину с тонким вкусом. 17. Я не люблю вкус моркови. Не кладите ее пожалуйста, в салат. 18. В этом магазине такой выбор товаров, что вы, безусловно, найдете себе что-нибудь по вкусу. 19. Он любит пошутить, но многие его шутки дурного вкуса. 20. Какая досада! Огур­цы горчат.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In room John was a horrible mess, but when my sister took advantage of his absence and took a little bit out there, he's very angry and said that now he can't find anything. 2. you again spoiled the whole job. Did you not ashamed so indifferent to all relate? 3. It confused all my plans, forcing me to wait for her for four hours. 4. We heard how cracked branch, someone approached us. 5. How do you my! Cracked mamina favorite vase, unless you can wash it with boiled water? 6. It is now unsafe to cross the River: in the ice cracks. 7. paint on a window sill is cracked need to scour it before you paint it again. 8. regular exercise contributed to his success at competitions. 9. He refused to give the verses in our out the wall newspaper, and now there is no time to ask someone else to do it. 10. American artist Rockwell Kent joins a collection of paintings of the Museum named after a.s. Pushkin works. 11. He talked with such verve that no one remained indifferent. 12. As soon as you tell him about it, he immediately corrected mood. 13. you are correct attitude towards criticism, another you and I did not expect. 14. I remember that somewhere else was left half a bottle of Strawberry juice. To taste it with nothing else don't compare. 15. This stranger fruit at first seemed all the unpleasant taste, but then we're used to quench thirst for them. 16. We all knew her as a woman with a delicate taste. 17. I don't like the taste of carrots. Do not put it in the salad. 18. This store such a selection of products that you will certainly find something to your liking. 19. He loves to joke, but many of his jokes in bad taste. 20. Whoa! Gorčat cucumbers.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The room John was a terrible mess, but when my sister took advantage of his absence and tidied up there a little bit, he got very angry and said that now he can not find anything there. 2. Once again you are spoiled all the work. Are not you ashamed to apathetic attitude? 3. It upset all my plans, forcing me to wait for her for four hours. 4. We have heard the cracked branch, someone came up to us. 5. How do you careless! I cracked my mother's favorite vase, unless you can wash it with boiling water? 6. It is now safe to cross the river: in the ice cracks. 7. The paint is chipping on the windowsill, it is necessary to scrape it before dyeing it again. 8. Regular exercise has contributed to his success in the competition. 9. He refused to give the poems on our wall newspaper, and now is not the time to ask someone else to do it. 10. American artist Rockwell Kent joins a collection of paintings of the museum Pushkin his works. 11. He spoke with such fervor that nobody remained indifferent. 12. As soon as you tell him about it, he immediately corrected mood. 13. You have correctly reacted to criticism from the other, I did not expect you to. 14. I remember that somewhere else is left half a bottle of strawberry juice. To taste it with anything in the world can not be compared. 15. This fruit is unknown to us all at first seemed an unpleasant taste, but then we are used to quench their thirst. 16. We all knew her as a woman with a delicate taste. 17. I do not like the taste of carrots. Do not put it please salad. 18. In this shop a variety of products that you will certainly find himself something to taste. 19. He likes to joke, but many of his jokes in bad taste. 20. What a shame! Cucumbers taste bitter.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
john's room was a mess, but when sister took advantage of his absence and put up a little, he was very angry and said, now he can't find anything there. 2. you've ruined the whole job.are you not ashamed that безразлич­но to refer to? 3. she confused my plans, forcing me waiting for four hours. 4. we heard how cracked branch, who is coming to the us. 5. how do you loose!люби­мая broke mom's vase, have to wash her boiling water? 6. now небе­зопасно to cross the river, the ice formed cracks. 7. the paint on the window broken, you have to scrape it off.before painting it again. 8. regular exercise has ус­пеху in competition. 9. he refused to give a poem in our стенгазе­ту, now is no time to ask someone else to do it. 10.american artist rockwell kent this museum for his works of painting language. 11. he spoke with a fever that nobody was indifferent. 12. once you tell him about it.he immediately to correct на­строение. 13. you have criticized other what you didn't expect. 14. i remember that there's still half a bottle of strawberry juice. you have nothing in the world can't compare. 15.this не­знакомый us fruit at first seemed all the unpleasant taste, but then we'd bury them thirsty. 16. we all knew her as a woman with a taste. 17. i don't like the taste of carrots. don't put it in a salad, please. 18.in this store the goods, you will no doubt find anything you like. 19. he likes to joke, but many of his jokes, bad taste. 20. what a shame! огур­цы горчат.
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