Я согласна с тобой. Для меня более ценно получить что-то с трудом, борясь, чем просто так. Я считаю это более правильно. Просто так у меня никогда ничего не получалось, а по жизни в принципе не везло. Но в какой-то степени я довольна, что мой путь именно такой, а не другой.
Хаха, как раз с расслаблением у меня всё нормально. Никогда не паниковала по пустякам. Я тоже люблю вслушиваться в звуки природы - в этом есть что-то особенное. Как будто вся жизнь и история проходит через тебя, в этом есть её незримая сила - мне это безумно нравиться. Правда музыку послушать я тоже люблю - это мне тоже очень помогает справиться с усталостью, особенно если это сопряжено с рисованием.
Хмм... это довольно сложный вопрос. Я бы не сказала, что я какая-то особенная, просто... Возможно я просто не так воспитана. Я понимаю, что есть люди, думающие как я просто пока мне не довелось их встретить. Я просто порой думаю о немного странных вещах. Современное общество порой раздражает меня, я не всегда могу его понять. Печально видеть, как оно разлагается, в каких-то аспектах даже гниёт. Я не говорю, что всё плохо, есть и хорошие вещи, но к сожалению, на фоне всего плохого они блекнут. Я бы не сказала, что это причина, просто один из аспектов. Я просто никогда об этом не задумывалась, немного сложно ответить.
Прости, я не особо сильна в английском, надеюсь, что меня можно хотя бы приблизительно понять.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
I agree with you. For me is more valuable to get something with difficulty, struggling than just so. I think it is more correct. Just because I have never worked for a living and, in principle, not luck. But to some extent I am happy that my path exactly rather than another. Haha, just with the relaxation I have everything OK. Never panikovala nonsense. I also love listening to nature sounds-this is something special. As if all life and history goes through you, there's her invisible force me this insanely please. True music listen to I also love is me too really helps to cope with fatigue, especially if it involves drawing.Hmm ... This is a rather complicated question. I wouldn't say that I have some special, simple ... Maybe I'm just not so polite. I understand that there are people who think as I simply haven't until I meet them. I just think sometimes about a few strange things. Modern society sometimes annoys me, I can not always understand it. Sad to see, as it decomposes, some aspects even rot. I'm not saying that everything is bad, there are good things, but unfortunately, in the midst of all the bad they fade. I wouldn't say that this is the reason, just one aspect. I just never was meant to be a bit difficult to answer.I'm sorry, I'm not very good at English, I hope I can understand at least approximately.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
I agree with you. For me it is more valuable to get something hard fighting than nothing. I think it is more correct. Just because I have never received anything, but in life, in principle, no luck. But to some extent I am pleased that my way is this, and not another. Haha, just relaxing with me everything is fine. Do not panic over nothing. I also love to listen to the sounds of nature - there is something special. As if all life and history passes through you, this is its invisible force - me madly in love. True to listen to music I love - it also helps me to cope with fatigue, especially if it involves drawing. Hmm ... that's a pretty tough question. I would not say that I have some special, just ... Maybe I'm just not brought up. I understand that there are people who think I just until I had a chance to meet them. I just sometimes think about things a little bit strange. Modern society is sometimes annoys me, I can not always understand it. It is sad to see how it can be expanded in some respects even rot. I'm not saying that everything is bad, there are good things, but unfortunately, amid all the bad they fade. I would not say that this is the reason, just one aspect. I just never thought about it a bit difficult to answer. I'm sorry, I'm not very good at English, I hope that I can be at least roughly understand.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
i agree with you. for me, the more valuable to get something hard, fighting than just so. i think it's more correctly. just i have never worked, but in life, in principle, not luck.but, to some extent, i am pleased that my way is, and not another.
haha, just relaxing i'm fine. don't panic over nothing.i like to listen to the sounds of nature - it is something special. like all of life, and the story goes through you, that makes her invisible force that i really like.you hear some music i love it i really helps to cope with fatigue, especially if it involves drawing.
oh... it's a complicated question. i wouldn't say i was someone special, it's just...maybe i'm just not well behaved. i know that there are people who like me just as i don't have to meet them. i just sometimes think of some strange things. modern society sometimes annoys mei can't always understand it. it's sad to see how it is, in some respects even rotting. i'm not saying it's bad, there are good things, but unfortunately, in the face of bad, bad things they see. i wouldn't say
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