Насколько я могу судить, я полностью заполнил все поля в заявке, прикр перевод - Насколько я могу судить, я полностью заполнил все поля в заявке, прикр английский как сказать

Насколько я могу судить, я полность

Насколько я могу судить, я полностью заполнил все поля в заявке, прикрепил документы
Если Вам потребуется какая-нибудь дополнительная информация или документ, я буду рад предоставить Вам их по Вашей просьбе.

По поводу помощи и дополнительных вопросов.
Я могу лишь быть уверенным за себя, в моем твердом желании, у меня есть здоровые руки и здоровые ноги, ясная голова на плечах, и твердое знание того, где я сейчас и к чему хочу стремиться. Я уверен в своих чистых намерениях и сильной воле пройти этот непростой путь до конца, знаю, что у меня есть дисциплина, и понимание того, куда именно я так хочу попасть, есть моральная устойчивость и понимание того, что ради цели необходимо пожертвовать комфортом и привычным образом жизни, я знаю, что еду не на отдых, а готовлюсь к тяжелому труду, и я хочу этого, не только ради денег, но и как новый вызов и новый глоток в своей жизни, в чем я так сильно нуждаюсь сейчас, и к чему я непоколебимо открыт всей душой.
Единственное, о чем я беспокоюсь - мой английский не идеальный, в виду отсутствия у меня в последнее время какой-либо разговорной практики разговорного. именно за этим я в первую очередь и еду, не в Польшу или скажем в Португалию, а именно в США, к носителям языка, ибо я очень сильно хочу обладать уверенными знаниями в самом главном языке на планете, понимаю важность этого знания для моих дальнейших перспектив в жизни. Так же я готов, что первые дни мне будет непривычно и непросто, но уверен, как и на корабле мне нужно лишь немного времени, чтобы освоиться, немного времени и практики, тренингов, чтобы уверенно выполнять свою работу.

Для меня крайне важно это интервью, и очень важна эта программа, может есть какие-либо темы или вопросы которые мне стоит поднять для лучшей подготовки к нему?
Пожалуйста, сообщите мне дату и время интервью, когда вам будет удобно.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
As far as I'm concerned, I'm completely filled in all fields in the application form, attached documentsIf you need any additional information or document, I will be happy to provide them to you at your request.About the assistance and additional questions.I can only be sure of myself, in my strong desire, I have a healthy arm and healthy legs, a clear head on your shoulders and a solid knowledge of where I am now and what I want to aspire to. I'm sure in their pure intentions and strong will to pass this difficult path to the end, I know that I have the discipline and understanding of exactly where I want to hit, there's a mental toughness and understanding that for the sake of the goal, it is necessary to sacrifice the comfort and familiar way of life, I know I'm not going to rest and prepare for the hard work, and I want thisnot only for money but also as a new challenge and a new breath in my life, what I so desperately need now and what I unswervingly open soul. The only thing I'm worried-my English is not perfect, in the absence of me recently of a spoken conversation. for this I am in first place and the food is not in Poland or say in Portugal, namely in the United States, native speaker, because I very much want to have certain knowledge of the most important language in the world, understand the importance of this knowledge for my future prospects in life. As I ready that early days I will be extremely difficult, but I'm sure as the boat I need only a little time to get comfortable, a little time and practice, training to confidently carry out their work.For me it is essential to this interview, it is very important and can have any themes or issues that I have raised for better preparation for it?Please tell me the date and time of the interview, when you need to.Thank you.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
As far as I'm concerned, I completely filled in all the fields in the application, attach a document
If you need any additional information or document, I will be happy to provide you with them at your request. As for the assistance and additional questions. I can only be sure of yourself in my firm desire, I have healthy hands and feet healthy, clear head on his shoulders, and a solid knowledge of where I am and what I want to strive for. I am confident in their pure intentions and strong will pass this difficult path to the end, I know that I have the discipline, and an understanding of exactly where I want to go, there is mental toughness and understanding that is necessary for the purpose of sacrifice comfort and familiar way of life, I know I am not going to rest, and getting ready for the hard work, and I want to, not just for the money, but as a new challenge and a new breath in my life, what I need so much now, and to What I firmly open with all my heart. The only thing I'm worried - my English is not perfect, in the absence of my recently a conversational speaking practice. it's why I'm in the first place and the food, not in Poland or say in Portugal, namely in the United States, to the native speakers, because I very much want to have a sure knowledge of the most important language in the world, understand the importance of this knowledge for my future prospects in life. So I prepared that the first few days I will be unusual and difficult, but I'm sure as the ship I need a little time to get comfortable, a little time and practice, training to confidently carry out their work. For me, it is imperative that interview, and very important this program can have any topics or issues that I should pick for the best prepare for it? Please let me know the date and time of the interview at your convenience. Thank you.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
As far as I can judge, I have fully completed all of the fields in the application, this documents
if you need any further information or a document, I will be happy to provide you their at your request.

On the assistance and additional issues.
I can only be sure of themselves, in my firm wish, I have a healthy hands and healthy legs, clear the head on the shoulders, and a firm knowledge of the,Where I am now and what I want to pursue. I am confident in its net intent and strong political will to take this difficult path to the end, I don't know that I have a discipline, and an understanding that, where it is I want to navigate to,There is a moral stability and understanding that must be sacrificed to the comfort and familiar way of life, I know that food is not to rest, and I'll start to hard labor, and I want to, not only for the sake-laundering,But, as soon as a new challenge and a new breath in its life, which I so much need now, and i steadfastly is open throughout the soul.
The only thing I'm really worried about - my English is not perfect,In view of the uncertainty of the i have in recent times of any conversation or practice spoken. It is for this i first, and food, not in Poland or say in Portugal, and it is in the United States, the media language,Because I am very much want to be sure that knowledge in the main language on the planet, I understand the importance of this knowledge for my future prospects in life. So, I am ready,The first few days that I would be uncomfortable and it is not easy, but I am sure, as well as the boat i need only a little bit of time to become accustomed, a little bit of time and practice, training, to confidently perform their work.

For me it is very important this is an interview, and it is very important that the program, it may have any topics or issues that I should raise to better prepare for it?
please, please let me know the date and time for the interview,When you will be comfortable.lord Thank You.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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