И вот мы продали дом и, как стая перелетных ласточек, унеслись на юг от хмурого английского лета.
Путешествовали мы налегке, взяв с собой только то, что считали жизненно необходимым. Когда на таможне мы открыли для досмотра свой багаж, содержимое чемоданов со всей наглядностью продемонстрировало характер и интересы каждого из нас. Багаж Марго, например, состоял из вороха, одежды, трех книг с советами, как сохранить стройную фигуру, . В чемодане Лесли оказалось два свитера и пара трусов, куда были завернуты два револьвера, духовой пистолет, книжка под названием «Будь сам себе оружейным мастером» и большая бутыль смазочного масла, которая подтекала, Ларри вез с собой два сундука книг и чемоданчик с одеждой. Мамин багаж был разумно поделен между одеждой и книгами по кулинарии и садоводству. Я взял с собой в путешествие только то, что могло скрасить длинную, скучную дорогу: четыре книги по зоологии, сачок для бабочек, собаку
Результаты (
английский) 1:
And so we sold the House and, like a flock of migrating swallows, uneslis′ South from the gloomy English summer.We traveled light, taking only what was considered vital. When we opened for customs inspection of the contents of your luggage, suitcases with clearly demonstrated character and interests of each of us. Luggage Margo, for example, consisted of a heap of clothes, three books with tips, how to keep a slender figure. In the case of Leslie turned two sweaters and a pair of panties, which wrapped up a revolver, two brass gun book titled "be themselves and gunsmith big bottle of lubricating oil, which had a leak, Larry drove with two chests of books and a small suitcase with clothes. Mama's baggage has been reasonably divided between clothing and books on cooking and gardening. I took with me on a journey of just what could brighten up the long, boring way: four books on zoology, fish net for butterflies, dog
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
So we sold the house, and a flock of migrating swallows, sped to the south of the gloomy British summer. We traveled light, taking only what they considered vital. When the customs inspection, we discovered our luggage, the contents of the suitcase with all demonstrate the character and interests of each of us. Baggage Margot, for example, consisted of a heap, garments, three books with tips on how to maintain a slim figure. In the suitcase Leslie had two sweaters and a pair of underpants, which were wrapped two guns, pellet gun, a book titled "Be myself gunsmith" and a large bottle of lubricating oil that is leaking, Larry brought with him two chests of books and bag with clothing. Mother's luggage was sensibly divided between clothes and books on cooking and gardening. I took a trip only that could brighten up a long, boring road: four books on zoology, net for butterflies, dog
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
so we sold the house and as a migratory swallows went south from brown english summer.
we traveled light, taking with them only what they thought was vital.when we opened the customs inspection of the luggage, the luggage is clearly demonstrated, the nature and the interests of all of us. baggage - for example, consisted of a lot of, clothingthree books of advice, how to keep slim figure. in the case of leslie found two sweaters and a pair of shorts, which were wrapped in two gun, air guna book entitled "be your own weapons мастером» and a big bottle of lubricating oil, which подтекала, larry took with me two box of books and a suitcase with clothes.your luggage is divided between the clothes and books on cooking and gardening. i took a trip only that could help make a long, dull way: four books on zoology, butterfly net.the dog.
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