Языковая школа это здорово! Много людей мечтают о такой форме обучения перевод - Языковая школа это здорово! Много людей мечтают о такой форме обучения английский как сказать

Языковая школа это здорово! Много л

Языковая школа это здорово! Много людей мечтают о такой форме обучения. Я учусь в обычной школе, но мы изучаем английский язык 3 раза в неделю. У меня хороший преподаватель. Так как этот учитель является моим классным руководителем, то изучение идет легче, так как у нас хорошее понимание друг друга. А самый главный, сильный и самый лучший мой учитель английского языка это Саетлана Викторовна, мой репетитор. Мой идеал знаний и владения английским языком. Этот человек учит меня всему, что знает сама. Я очень стараюсь получить как можно больше знаний. Мне очень нравится изучение языка и в общем общение с этим человеком. Я использую английский язык по мере необходимости. Стараюсь говорить и писать на нем чаще сейчас. Практиковать язык можно и в своем стране, но за границей намного лучше, это ведь очень большой опыт и приобретение новых слов и выражений. Я считаю, что знания английского языка просто необходимы. Во первых, это очень интересный язык. Во-вторых, это же так здорово заводить новых друзей разной национальности, а кто поможет в этом, как язык?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The language school is great! Many people dream of such a form of education. I study in a normal school, but we learn English 3 times a week. I have a good teacher. Since the teacher is the class teacher, then learning is easier, as we have a good understanding of each other. And most important, the strongest and the best my English teacher is Saetlana V., my tutor. My ideal and knowledge of English. This man taught me everything that he knows. I really try to get as much knowledge. I really like learning a language and in general communication with that person. I use the English language as required. Try to speak and write on it more often now. You can practice the language and in his country, but abroad is much better, it's really a great experience and the acquisition of new words and expressions. I believe that the English language skills are essential. First, This is a very interesting language. Secondly, it is so great to make new friends of different nationalities and who will help in this language?
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Language school is great! Many people dream of such a form of education. I go to a regular school, but learning English 3 times a week. I have a good teacher. Since this teacher is my class teacher, the study is easier since we have a good understanding of each other. And most important, strongest and the best my English teacher is Saetlana V., my tutor. My ideal of knowledge and proficiency in English. This man taught me everything he knows herself. I try very hard to get as much knowledge. I enjoy learning the language and overall communication with this person. I use the English language as required. I try to speak and write on it more often now. You can practice the language and in his country, but abroad is much better, it's a lot of experience and the acquisition of new words and expressions. I believe that the English language skills are essential. Firstly, it is a very interesting language. Secondly, it's so great to make new friends of different nationalities, and who will help, as a language?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Language school is cool! Many people dream of such a form of education. I'm in a normal school, but we are studying English language 3 times a week. I have a good teacher.As the teacher is my teacher leader, the study is easier, as we have a good understanding each other. And the most important,A strong and the best my teacher English language this Саетлана blankets, my La Fura dels Baus. My ideal knowledge and English language proficiency. This person has taught me all that he knows is itself.I'm trying to get as much knowledge as possible. I like to study language and in the overall communication with this man. I am using English language as necessary. I try to speak and write in it more often now.Practice language can be and in his country, but also abroad is much better, it is a very large experience and the acquisition of new words and expressions. I believe that knowledge of English language is required. In the first place,This is a very interesting language. Secondly, this same so good start new friends with different nationality, and who will help you in this, as well as language?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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