Драконт (Draco) - афинский законодатель, чьи крайне суровые законы предусматривали только одно наказание - смерть - как за незначительные нарушения, так и за тяжкие преступления, совершенные в Афинах. Его имя теперь связывают с жестоким и безжалостным - "драконовские меры", "драконовы законы", "драконовский кодекс".
Кодекс Драконта, который принято датировать 621 г. до н.э., не был первым записанным сводом афинских законов, но он, возможно, был первым всеобъемлющим кодексом или переработкой предыдущих законов.
Позднее Солон отменил законы, созданные Драконтом, и издал новые, оставив лишь прежнее наказание за убийство.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Draco (Draco)-Athenian Lawgiver whose extremely harsh laws included only one sentence-death-as for minor violations and for serious crimes committed in Athens. His name is now associated with the cruel and ruthless-"draconian measures", "draconian laws", "draconian".Draco's code, which is to date 621 BC, was not the first recorded body of Athenian laws, but he may have been the first comprehensive code or processing of previous laws.Later, Solon repealed laws created by Drakontom, and issued new, leaving only the old punishment for murder.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Draco (Draco) - Athenian legislator, whose extremely severe laws provide for only one punishment - death - both for minor infractions and for the serious crimes committed in Athens. His name is now associated with the cruel and ruthless - "draconian", "draconian laws", "draconian code."
Code of Draco, which is usually dated to 621 BC, was not the first recorded set of Athenian laws, but he, It may have been the first comprehensive code or processing of the previous laws.
Later, Solon canceled the laws of Draco started, and issued a new, leaving only the old punishment for murder.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
драконт (draco) - the athenian legislator whose very strict laws were only one punishment is death - as for minor violations, and for the serious crimes committed in athens. his name is now associated with the brutal and ruthless "draconian", "dragon"s laws", "драконовский code".the code драконта who accepted dating 621. bc, was first described by the athenians laws, but he may have been the first comprehensive code or the processing of previous laws.later, solon repealed the laws created by the драконтом, and issued a new, leaving only the previous punishment for murder.
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