. 6. В комнате много мусора. Его нужно выбросить 7. Как квартира отапл перевод - . 6. В комнате много мусора. Его нужно выбросить 7. Как квартира отапл английский как сказать

. 6. В комнате много мусора. Его ну

. 6. В комнате много мусора. Его нужно выбросить 7. Как квартира отапливается? Здесь есть камин, но его можно убрать и установить Центральное отопление. 8. Прошлые владельцы не смотрели за домом, Поэтому он в плохом состоянии. доме необходимо поменять всю проводку. 10. В комнате очень душно, нужно установить Кондиционер. 11. Тот старый стол нужно выбросить. 12. Пол у нас покрыт линолеумом, стены
9. В доме необходимо поменять всю проводку. 10. В комнате очень душно, нужно установить Кондиционер. 11. Тот старый стол нужно выбросить. 12. Пол у нас покрыт линолеумом, стены поклеены обоями, потолок побелен. 13. Трубы протекают. их нужно ремонтировать Немедленно. 14. Крыша в плохом состоянии. Она протекает. Ее нужно отремонтировать 15. Пол нужно поремонтировать. Некоторые доски отсутствуют, некоторые сгнили. 16. Кресло скрипит. С ним нужно что-то сделать 17 Мы немедленно бы хотели въехать в квартиру 18. что-то случилось с плитой. Ее нужно посмотреть. 19. у Смитов очень старый дом. Eго нужно отремонтировать. В доме нет центрального отопления, к полы и протекает тому же скрипят Крыша.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. 6. In the room a lot of garbage. You need to throw a 7. As the apartment is heated? It has a fireplace, but it can be removed and installed central heating. 8. past owners had not looked behind the House, so it is in poor condition. the House should change all the wiring. 10. In the room very stuffy, you need to install air conditioning. 11. The old table must be discarded. 12. Paul we've covered with linoleum, wall9. The House must change all the wiring. 10. In the room very stuffy, you need to install air conditioning. 11. The old table must be discarded. 12. Paul we've covered with linoleum, Soundproofed walls, whitewashed ceiling wallpaper. 13. The pipes leak. they must be repaired immediately. 14. The roof is in poor condition. It is leaking. It needs to be repaired 15. Paul need to poremontirovat'. Some boards are missing, some rotted. 16. the Chair creaks. With him to do something, we would immediately 17 enter apartment 18. something happened to the stove. You need to look at. 19. The Smiths have a very old House. You need to repair. The House has no central heating, to the floors creak, and the same Roof.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. 6. In the room a lot of garbage. It should be discarded 7. apartment heated? There is a fireplace, but you can remove and install central heating. 8. The last owners were not looking for a home, so he in a bad condition. the house is necessary to change the whole wiring. 10. The room is very stuffy, you need to install air conditioning. 11. That old table should be discarded. 12. Paul we covered with linoleum, the walls
9. In the house you need to change the whole wiring. 10. The room is very stuffy, you need to install air conditioning. 11. That old table should be discarded. 12. Paul we covered with linoleum, the walls pokleit wallpaper, ceiling whitewashed. 13. Pipes leak. they need to be repaired immediately. 14. The roof is in poor condition. It flows. It needs to be repaired 15. Gender poremontirovat need. Some boards are missing, some rotted. 16. The chair creaks. With him to do something 17 We would like to immediately enter the apartment 18 something happened to the stove. It is necessary to look. 19. Smith is a very old house. Instead it needs to be repaired. The house has no central heating in the floors and runs the same roof creak.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. 6. in the room a lot of debris. he needed to get 7. as the heated? there is a fire, but it is possible to remove and install central heating. 8. previous owners have not looked for the house, so he is in a bad condition. the house need to change the wiring. 10. the room is very stuffy, you need to install air conditioning. 11. that old table, you must throw away. 12. the floor is covered with linoleum, wall9. the house need to change the wiring. 10. the room is very stuffy, you need to install air conditioning. 11. that old table, you must throw away. 12. the floor is covered with linoleum поклеены wallpaper, wall, ceiling побелен. 13. leaky pipes. they need to repair immediately. 14. the roof is in bad condition. it's leaking. it needs to repair 15. paul got поремонтировать. some boards are some rotten. 16. chair creaking. he needs something to do 17 we now would like to enter the apartment 18. something happened to the stove. i need to see. 19. smith is a very old house. his need to be repaired. in the house there is no central heating, floors and the roof's leaking.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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