Потом мы готовим еду и накрываем на стол.Ни один наш новый год не обходится без жаркое и салата Оливье.но в первую очередь мы покупаем подарки.это моё самое любимое занятие.
Then we cook food and cover the desk. None of our new year is complete without a roast and salad Olivier. but first we buy gifts. This is my favorite pastime.
Then we cook food and cover to stol.Ni one of our New Year is complete without a roast and salad Olive.no first we buy podarki.eto my most favorite pastime.
then we're going to стол.ни and cover with one of our new year's day without meat and salad оливье.но primarily we buy подарки.это my favorite pastime.