Объем продаж сотовых телефонов в первом квартале 2004 года вырос на 40 перевод - Объем продаж сотовых телефонов в первом квартале 2004 года вырос на 40 английский как сказать

Объем продаж сотовых телефонов в пе

Объем продаж сотовых телефонов в первом квартале 2004 года вырос на 40% по сравнению с тем же периодом прошлого года. К такому выводу пришла компания Strategy Analytics, опубликовавшая вчера исследование рынка мобильной связи. Эксперты отмечают, что продажи могли выйти на нынешний уровень еще в конце 2003 года, когда покупатели в массовом порядке стали менять трубки на новые, но тогда популярных моделей на всех не хватило. Только после Нового года производители смогли удовлетворить отложенный спрос.
По результатам первого квартала более чем на 50% выросли продажи почти у всех крупнейших производителей трубок: Samsung, LG, SonyEricsson и Motorola. Хуже, чем у остальных, шли дела у Nokia: за отчетный период ее продажи выросли всего на 19%. Как указывают эксперты Strategy Analytics, Nokia не успела полностью обновить линейку своих телефонов в 2004 году и не воспользовалась дефицитом, возникшим на рынке в конце прошлого года.
"В прошлом году во всем мире просто бешеной популярностью стали пользоваться телефоны-'раскладушки' с цветными экранами и встроенными фотоаппаратами,— говорит аналитик из Strategy Analytics Нил Мостон.— Nokia не смогла удовлетворить растущий спрос на такие модели телефонов, а остальные игроки удачно воспользовались конъюнктурой рынка с выгодой для себя". По данным Strategy Analytics, в прошлом году в мире было продано 84 млн телефонов со встроенными фотокамерами, примерно 70% из них были "раскладушками". В этом году, по оценкам Strategy Analytics, ожидается удвоение объема продаж телефонов с камерами, а также более чем двукратный рост доли этих телефонов в общем количестве трубок — с 16 до 28%.
При общем росте продаж в первом квартале 2004 года доля Nokia на рынке уменьшилась на 5,6%. Почти все потерянные лидером проценты достались другим крупным игрокам: Motorola увеличила свою долю с 14,5 до 16,5%, Samsung — c 10,1 до 13,1%. Как отмечают в Strategy Analytics, Nokia стремится исправить положение: во второй четверти 2004 года она выпустит на рынок сразу несколько моделей средней ценовой категории, полностью соответствующих общемировой тенденции: это будут "раскладушки" с камерой и цветным экраном.
Высокий спрос на мобильные телефоны, согласно прогнозам Strategy Analytics, сохранится до конца года.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sales of cell phones in the first quarter of 2004 increased by 40% compared with the same period last year. To this conclusion came company Strategy Analytics, published today a study of mobile communication market. Experts note that sales might go to the current level in the end of the year 2003, when buyers began to change en masse to new tubes, but popular models at all was not enough. Only after the new year, the producers were able to meet pent-up demand. Based on the results of the first quarter by more than 50% increased sales of almost all of the largest manufacturers of handsets: Samsung, LG, SonyEricsson and Motorola. Worse than the other, went Nokia is doing: during the reporting period, its sales have grown only on 19%. According to Strategy Analytics experts, Nokia has not had time to fully update its line of phones in the year 2004 and missed deficit arising on the market at the end of last year. "In the past year worldwide just became wildly popular phones-'raskladushki ' with color screens and built-in cameras," said Strategy Analytics analyst Neil Moston-Nokia has not been able to meet the growing demand for such phones, while the remaining players successfully used market profitably. According to Strategy Analytics, worldwide last year were sold 84 million phones with built-in cameras, about 70% of them were "additional folding beds". This year, according to estimates by Strategy Analytics, a doubling of expected sales of camera phones, as well as more than two-fold increase in the proportion of these phones in the total number of handsets — with 16 to 28%. While the overall sales growth in the first quarter of 2004 Nokia's share on the market decreased by 5.6%. Almost all lost interest leader went to the other major players: Motorola increased its share from 14.5 to 16.5%, Samsung — c 10.1 to 13.1%. According to Strategy Analytics, Nokia aims to remedy that situation: in the second quarter of 2004 year she will release to the market several mid-range models, fully relevant worldwide trends: it will be "folded" with a camera and a color screen. High demand for mobile phones, according to Strategy Analytics predicted to continue until the end of the year.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The volume of mobile phone sales in the first quarter of 2004 increased by 40% compared with the same period last year. This is the conclusion the company Strategy Analytics, published a study of the mobile market yesterday. Experts point out that sales could reach the current level at the end of 2003, when buyers began en masse to change the tube in the new, but then popular models at all not enough. Just after New Year's producers were able to meet the pent-up demand.
According to the results of the first quarter more than 50% increased sales in nearly all major manufacturers of handsets: Samsung, LG, SonyEricsson and Motorola. Worse than the other, things went from Nokia: the reporting period, its sales increased by only 19%. Experts indicate Strategy Analytics, Nokia has not had time to completely renew its line of phones in 2004, and did not use the deficit arising on the market at the end of last year.
"Last year all over the world just wide popularity began to use telephones'raskladushki 'with color screens and built-in cameras, - says the analyst of Strategy Analytics Neil Moston.- Nokia was unable to meet the growing demand for such models of phones, and the remaining players successfully used market conditions to their advantage. " According to Strategy Analytics, last year 84 million phones with integrated cameras have been sold worldwide, about 70% of them were "clamshell". This year, it is estimated Strategy Analytics, it is expected to double sales of phones with cameras, as well as more than a twofold increase in the share of these phones in total handsets - from 16 to 28%.
With a total sales growth in the first quarter of 2004 the share of Nokia fell 5.6% in the market. Almost all of the lost leader got to interest other major players: Motorola increased its share from 14,5 to 16,5%, Samsung - c 10,1 to 13,1%. As noted in the Strategy Analytics, Nokia seeks to correct the situation: in the second quarter of 2004 it will release into the market several models of mid-range, full compliance with the global trend: it will be "clamshell" camera and color screen.
Strong demand for mobile phones, according to Strategy Analytics predicted to continue until the end of the year. With a total sales growth in the first quarter of 2004 the share of Nokia fell 5.6% in the market. Almost all of the lost leader got to interest other major players: Motorola increased its share from 14,5 to 16,5%, Samsung - c 10,1 to 13,1%. As noted in the Strategy Analytics, Nokia seeks to correct the situation: in the second quarter of 2004 it will release into the market several models of mid-range, full compliance with the global trend: it will be "clamshell" camera and color screen. Strong demand for mobile phones, according to Strategy Analytics predicted to continue until the end of the year. With a total sales growth in the first quarter of 2004 the share of Nokia fell 5.6% in the market. Almost all of the lost leader got to interest other major players: Motorola increased its share from 14,5 to 16,5%, Samsung - c 10,1 to 13,1%. As noted in the Strategy Analytics, Nokia seeks to correct the situation: in the second quarter of 2004 it will release into the market several models of mid-range, full compliance with the global trend: it will be "clamshell" camera and color screen. Strong demand for mobile phones, according to Strategy Analytics predicted to continue until the end of the year. Nokia is committed to rectify the situation: in the second quarter of 2004 it will release into the market several models of mid-range, full compliance with the global trend: it will be "clamshell" camera and color screen. Strong demand for mobile phones, according to Strategy Analytics predicted to continue until the end of the year. Nokia is committed to rectify the situation: in the second quarter of 2004 it will release into the market several models of mid-range, full compliance with the global trend: it will be "clamshell" camera and color screen. Strong demand for mobile phones, according to Strategy Analytics predicted to continue until the end of the year.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
sales of mobile phones in the first quarter of 2004 increased by 40% compared with the same period last year. that is company strategy analytics, опубликовавшая yesterday, the study of mobile communication market. experts note that the sale could go on the current level is still at the end of 2003, when buyers in droves to change the tubes on the new popular models, but then there's not enough. just after the new year, the producers were able to meet pending demand.according to the first quarter, more than 50%, sales grew at almost all major manufacturers of tubes: samsung, lg, sonyericsson, motorola. worse than the rest, went from nokia, during the reporting period, sales rose by 19%. experts indicate strategy analytics, nokia does not get the full update of its phones in 2004 and had a deficit that emerged in the market at the end of last year."in the past year in the world just become a popular phones' cot 'with colour screens and built-in cameras, says analyst with strategy analytics neal мостон. - nokia could not meet the growing demand for such models of phones, and other players successfully took advantage of market conditions to profitably". according to the strategy analytics, last year the world was sold to 84 million phones with built-in cameras, approximately 70% of them were "раскладушками". this year, it is estimated that the strategy analytics, is expected to double the sales of cell phones with cameras, and more than double the increase in the proportion of these cells in the total number of tubes from 16 to 28%.the overall growth in sales in the first quarter of 2004, the market share of nokia declined by 5.6%. almost all the lost leader of interest were other major players: motorola has increased its share from 14.5 to 16.5%, samsung, from 10.1 to 13.1%. according to the strategy analytics, nokia aims to remedy the situation, in the second quarter of 2004, it will release to the market a few models of medium price category completely relevant global trends: it will "know" with a camera and a color screen.the high demand for mobile phones, according to projections, strategy analytics will continue to the end of the year.
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