Когда я училась в прошлой школе, возле нее построили спортивный центр. Я не была внутри, но снаружи он выглядел впечатляюще - высокий, красивый, яркий. Я знаю, что там дети занимаются гимнастикой, карате, боксом, легкой атлетикой.
Я думаю, это здорово, что при моей прошлой школе существует этот центр.По моему мнению, спорт это полезно для здоровья и развития организационных навыков ребенка.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
When I was in the last school sports centre was built near it. I was not inside, but outside it looked impressively-tall, handsome, bright. I know that children are involved in gymnastics, karate, boxing, track and field athletics. I think it's great that when my past school exists the Centre. In my opinion, sport is good for health and development of the organizational skills of the child.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
When I was last in school, it was built near the sports center. I was not inside, but outside it is an impressive sight - a tall, beautiful, bright. I know that there are children involved in gymnastics, karate, boxing, track and field athletics.
I think it's great that there is this tsentr.Po my opinion, sport is good for health and the development of organizational skills of the child at my last school.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
when i was in the last school, she built a sports center. i haven"t been inside, but outside it looked impressive - tall, handsome, bright. i know that there are children in gymnastics, karate, boxing, athletics.i think it"s great that in my last high school is the центр.по i think sports is good for health and develop organizational skills of the child.
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