To divide administrative offences on species as a definition supported перевод - To divide administrative offences on species as a definition supported английский как сказать

To divide administrative offences o

To divide administrative offences on species as a definition supported a generic object, i.e. public relations in a specific area of State and public life, public administration. Types of administrative offences, depending on the generic object, grouped into administrative code chapters of section II of the special part.
Based on this criterion entails the following types of administrative offences:

1. Administrative offences, infringing on citizens ' rights. (chap. 5, sect. 5.1-5.44) to data offences include: violation of the right of a citizen to acquaint with the list of voters for the referendum; conduct of a pre-election campaign during its period of prohibition and in places where it is prohibited by law; manufacture or distribute anonymous propaganda materials; bribing voters, voters, illegal use of material support to a candidate, a registered candidate, the electoral Union, electoral bloc; violation of legislation on freedom of conscience, freedom of belief and religious associations; violation of the legislation on labour and labour protection; dismissal of employees in connection with collective labour dispute and the announcement of the strike; failure by parents or other legal representatives of minors and the obligation to maintain rearing; violation of the law on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing; denying citizen information; coercion to participate or to forgo participation in the strike.
2. Administrative offences, infringing on the health, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and public morals. They include, inter alia: hiding the source of HIV infection, venereal disease and contacts that create a risk of contamination: the illegal occupation of private medical practice, a private pharmaceutical activities either folk medicine (healing); the illegal acquisition or possession of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, as well as the turnover of their analogues; the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription; prostitution; income from prostitution, if this income is associated with the occupation of another person's prostitution, and several others.
3. Administrative offences in the area of the protection of property. (Chapter 7, art. 7.1-7.4). These include: seizure of a land parcel without permission; destruction of special characters; infringement of copyright and related rights, inventor and patent rights; violation of the requirements of conservation, management and protection of objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of federal importance, their territories and their protection zones, etc.
4. Administrative offences in the area of environmental protection and natural resources management. It is the concealment or distortion of environmental information; damage of lands; violation of requirements for protection of the subsoil and hydromineral resources; violation of the rules of protection of water objects; violation of regulations of water use; violation of the rules of protection of atmospheric air; violation of the rules; illegal cutting, digging or damage trees, shrubs or vines; destruction of animal habitats; violation of requirements for protection of forests; violation of rules of fire safety in forests; violation of the rules regarding the use of fauna; protection violation and use of natural resources on specially protected natural territories; violation of the rules of protection of fish stocks, etc.
5. Administrative offences in the manufacturing, construction and energy. These include: breach of the requirements of industrial safety; violation of the requirements of normative documents in the field of construction; violation of the rules for the use of Atomic Energy and nuclear and radioactive substances; damage of electrical networks; damage of thermal networks, fuel lines, committed through negligence; wasted expenditure of energy resources, etc.
6. Administrative violations in agriculture, veterinary medicine and land reclamation. For example, violation of rules controlling quarantine, highly dangerous and dangerous pests of plants, plant pathogens, plants, weeds; failure to take measures to ensure the protection of crops, storage and processing of crops; violation of the rules of quarantine of animals or other veterinary-sanitary regulations; concealment of information about sudden death or simultaneous mass animal diseases; violation of the rules for the operation of drainage systems or separately located hydrotechnical constructions.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
To divide administrative offences on species as a definition supported a generic object, i.e. public relations in a specific area of State and public life, public administration. Types of administrative offences, depending on the generic object, grouped into administrative code chapters of section II of the special part.Based on this criterion entails the following types of administrative offences:1. Administrative offences, infringing on citizens ' rights. (chap. 5, sect. 5.1-5.44) to data include offences: violation of the right of a citizen to acquaint with the list of voters for the referendum; conduct of a pre-election campaign during its period of prohibition and in places where it is prohibited by law; manufacture or distribute anonymous propaganda materials; bribing voters, voters, illegal use of material support to a candidate, a registered candidate, the electoral Union, electoral bloc; violation of legislation on freedom of the Sub-conscience, freedom of belief and religious associations; violation of the legislation on labour and labour protection; dismissal of employees in connection with collective labour dispute and the announcement of the strike; failure by parents or other legal representatives of rest and the obligation to maintain rearing; violation of the law on assemblies, meetings, ' demonstrations, processions and picketing; denying citizen information; coercion to participate or to be able to forgo participation in the strike.2. Administrative offences, infringing on the health, sanitary and published the well-being of the population and public morals. They include, inter alia: hiding the source of HIV infection, venereal disease and contacts that create a risk of contamination: the illegal occupation of private medical practice, a private pharmaceutical activities either folk medicine (healing); the illegal acquisition or possession of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, as well as the turnover of their analogues; the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription; prostitution; income from prostitution, if this income is associated with the occupation of another person's prostitution, and several others.3. Administrative offences in the area of the protection of property. (Chapter 7, art. 7.1-7.4). These include: seizure of a land parcel without permission; destruction of special characters; infringement of copyright and related rights, inventor and patent rights; violation of the requirements of conservation, management and protection of objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of federal importance, their territories and their protection zones, etc.4. Administrative offences in the area of environmental protection and natural resources management. It is the concealment or distortion of environmental information; damage of lands; violation of requirements for protection of the subsoil and hydromineral .resources; violation of the rules of protection of water objects; violation of regulations of water use; violation of the rules of protection of atmospheric air; violation of the rules; illegal cutting, digging or damage trees, shrubs or vines; destruction of animal habitats; violation of requirements for protection of forests; violation of rules of fire safety in forests; violation of the rules regarding the use of fauna; protection violation and use of natural resources on specially protected natural territories; violation of the rules of protection of fish stocks, etc.5. Administrative offences in the manufacturing, construction and energy. These include: breach of the requirements of industrial safety; violation of the requirements of normative documents in the field of construction; violation of the rules for the use of Atomic Energy and nuclear and radioactive substances; damage of electrical networks; damage of thermal networks, fuel lines, committed through negligence; wasted expenditure of energy resources, etc.6. Administrative violations in agriculture, veterinary medicine and land reclamation. For example, violation of rules controlling quarantine, highly dangerous and dangerous pests of plants, plant pathogens, plants, weeds; failure to take measures to ensure the protection of crops, storage and processing of crops; violation of the rules of quarantine of animals or other veterinary-sanitary regulations; concealment of information about sudden death or simultaneous mass animal diseases; violation of the rules for the operation of drainage systems or separately located hydrotechnical constructions.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
To divide administrative offences on species as a definition supported a generic object, ie public relations in a specific area of State and public life, public administration. Of administrative offences Types, depending on the generic object, grouped into administrative below code chapters of section II of the special part.
Based on this criterion entails the following types of administrative offences: 1. Administrative offences, infringing on citizens' rights. (chap. 5, sect. 5.1-5.44) to data offences include: violation of the right of a citizen to acquaint with the list of voters for the referendum; conduct of a pre-election campaign during its period of prohibition and in places where it is prohibited by law; manufacture or distribute anonymous propaganda materials; bribing voters, voters, illegal use of material support to a candidate, a registered candidate, the electoral Union, electoral bloc; violation of legislation on freedom of conscience, freedom of belief and religious associations; violation of the legislation on labour and labour protection; dismissal of employees in connection with collective labour dispute and the announcement of the strike; failure by parents or other legal representatives of minors and the obligation to maintain rearing; violation of the law on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing; denying citizen information; coercion to participate or to forgo participation in the strike. 2. Administrative offences, infringing on the health, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and public morals. They include, inter alia: hiding the source of HIV infection, venereal disease and contacts that create a risk of contamination: the illegal occupation of private medical practice, a private pharmaceutical activities either folk medicine (healing); the illegal acquisition or possession of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances, as well as the turnover of their analogues; the consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor's prescription; prostitution; income from prostitution, if this income is associated with the occupation of another person's prostitution, and several others. 3. Administrative offences in the area of the protection of property. (Chapter 7, art. 7.1-7.4). These include: seizure of a land parcel without permission; destruction of special characters; infringement of copyright and related rights, inventor and patent rights; violation of the requirements of conservation, management and protection of objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of federal importance, their territories and their protection zones, etc. 4. Administrative offences in the area of environmental protection and natural resources management. It is the concealment or distortion of environmental information; damage of lands; violation of requirements for protection of the subsoil and hydromineral resources; violation of the rules of protection of water objects; violation of regulations of water use; violation of the rules of protection of atmospheric air; violation of the rules; illegal cutting, digging or damage trees, shrubs or vines; destruction of animal habitats; violation of requirements for protection of forests; violation of rules of fire safety in forests; violation of the rules regarding the use of fauna; protection violation and use of natural resources on specially protected natural territories; violation of the rules of protection of fish stocks, etc. 5. Administrative offences in the manufacturing, construction and energy. These include: breach of the requirements of industrial safety; violation of the requirements of normative documents in the field of construction; violation of the rules for the use of Atomic Energy and nuclear and radioactive substances; damage of electrical networks; damage of thermal networks, fuel lines, committed through negligence; wasted expenditure of energy resources, etc. 6. Administrative violations in agriculture, veterinary medicine and land reclamation. For example, violation of rules controlling quarantine, highly dangerous and dangerous pests of plants, plant pathogens, plants, weeds; failure to take measures to ensure the protection of crops, storage and processing of crops; violation of the rules of quarantine of animals or other veterinary-sanitary regulations; concealment of information about sudden death or simultaneous mass animal diseases; violation of the rules for the operation of drainage systems or separately located hydrotechnical constructions.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
to divide administrative offences on species as a definition to a generic object, i.e. public relations in a specific area of state and public life, public administration. types of administrative offences, between on the generic object, grouped into administrative code chapters of section ii of the special part.based on this criterion entails the following types of administrative offences:

1. administrative offences, infringing on citizens' rights. (chap. 5, sect. 5.1-5.44) to data offences include: violation of the right of a citizen to acquaint with the list of voters for the referendum; the conduct of a pre election campaign during its period of prohibition and in places where it is prohibited by law;manufacture or distribute anonymous on the materials; bribing voters, voters, illegal use of material support to a candidate, a registered candidate, the accessible by e-mail at electoral union, accessible by e-mail at electoral bloc; violation of legislation on freedom of conscience, freedom of belief and religious associations; violation of the legislation on labour and labour protection.dismissal of employees in connection with collective labour dispute and the announcement of the strike; failure by parents or other legal representatives of minors and the obligation to maintain rearing; violation of the law on assemblies, meetings, demonstrations, processions and picketing; denying citizen information; coercion to participate or to forgo participation in the strike.
2.administrative offences, infringing on the health, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population and public morals. they include, inter alia: hiding the source of hiv infection, venereal disease and contacts that create a risk of contamination, the illegal occupation of private medical practice, a private financial activities either folk medicine (healing).
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