making preparation for a journeyК отдыху на морском курорте необходимо перевод - making preparation for a journeyК отдыху на морском курорте необходимо английский как сказать

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making preparation for a journey
К отдыху на морском курорте необходимо тщательно подготовиться. В первую очередь решите, какие вещи вы возьмете в поездку. Просмотрите свой гардероб, возможно, нужно будет что-то докупить. В таком случае составьте список предстоящих покупок. В жарких странах вам не понадобится большое количество вещей. Главное, возьмите удобную пляжную обувь, пару купальников и легкую одежду из натуральных тканей. После этого подберите солнцезащитные средства и средства по уходу за кожей после загара.
Продумайте содержимое дорожной аптечки. В ней обязательно должны присутствовать болеутоляющие и жаропонижающие средства, препараты, помогающие при проблемах с желудком и кишечником, а также средства от аллергии, укусов и ожогов. Если вы страдаете хроническими заболеваниями, не забудьте положить лекарства, которые выписал вам врач.
Отправляясь в путешествие в страны, не предназначенным для «лежачего» отдыха, начните подготовку с изучения тех мест, которые вы собираетесь посетить. Найдите на карте месторасположение вашего отеля и посмотрите, каким образом можно добраться до центра и до основных достопримечательностей. Как правило, во всех европейских отелях вновь прибывшим гостям выдают карту города. Если вы будете подготовлены, вам будет значительно проще ориентироваться, и вы сэкономите свое время

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
making preparation for a journeyTo rest on the sea should be carefully prepared. First of all decide what things you take on a trip. Review your wardrobe, you might want to buy something. In such a case, make a list of upcoming purchases. In hot countries you do not need a large number of things. Importantly, take comfortable beach shoes, a couple of swimsuits and light clothes made of natural fabrics. Then pick a sunscreen and skin care after sunburn.2Consider the contents of the road kits. It must be an analgesic and antipyretic preparations to help with problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as funds from allergies, bites and burns. If you suffer from chronic diseases, don't forget to put a medication that was prescribed by a doctor for you.3Going on a trip in the country, not intended for "lying" rest, start preparing to explore those places you intend to visit. Locate on the map the location of your hotel and see how you can reach the Centre and the main attractions. As a rule, all European hotels to newly arrived guests give out a map of the city. If you're prepared, it will be much easier to navigate, and you'll save your time
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
making preparation for a journey
to rest in the seaside resort it is necessary to carefully prepare. First of all, decide what things you take on a trip. Look at your wardrobe, you may need to be something to purchase. In this case, make a list of upcoming purchases. In hot countries, you do not need a lot of things. Home, take a comfortable beach shoes, a couple of bathing suits and light clothes made ​​of natural fabrics. After that, pick up sunscreen and skin care after sunbathing.
Think about the contents of the road first aid kit. It must be present analgesic and antipyretics medications to help in case of problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as funds from allergies, bites and burns. If you suffer from chronic diseases, do not forget to put the medicines that the doctor wrote to you.
Going on a trip in the country, is not intended to "lying" rest, start training with a study of the places you are visiting. Locate on a map the location of your hotel and see how to get to the center and to the main attractions. As a rule, all European hotels newly arrived guests give the city map. If you are prepared, you will be much easier to navigate, and you will save your time

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
making preparation for a journeyto rest at the seaside resort should be carefully prepared. first decide what things you would like to visit. go through your wardrobe may have something to buy. in such a case, make a list of future purchases. in hot countries you don"t need many things. just take a couple of swimwear and beach shoes, light clothing from natural fabrics. after that, the means of sunscreen and after sun skin care.2create the road kit. it must necessarily be painkillers and anti inflammatories means drugs to help with problems with the stomach and intestines, as well as means of allergies, stings and burns. if you are suffering from chronic diseases, do not forget to put the medicine that the doctor prescribed.3going on a trip to the country, not intended for "лежачего» rest, start preparing to explore the places you plan to visit. find on the map the location of your hotel and see how you can reach the centre and major attractions. as a rule, all european hotels newly arrived guests get a map of the city. if you are prepared, you will be much easier to navigate, and you will save your time
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