1. Эта студентка чрезвычайно застенчива. Ей, возможно, будет трудно на перевод - 1. Эта студентка чрезвычайно застенчива. Ей, возможно, будет трудно на английский как сказать

1. Эта студентка чрезвычайно застен

1. Эта студентка чрезвычайно застенчива. Ей, возможно, будет трудно наладить контакт с группой. 2. В некотором отношении ее объяснениям можно верить. 3. Он преуспел в жизни. 4. Джо всегда оказывал на нее большое влияние. 5. Ковры пострадали от сырости.
6. Ваш рассказ напоминает сюжет фильма, который я не так давно видел. 7. Большое скопление ядерного оружия в современном мире поднимает чрезвычайно важную проблему его скорейшего уничтожения. 8. Переход средней школы к одиннадцатилетнему обязатель­ ному образованию ставит разнообразные задачи перед учителями. 9. В результате их обсуждения мистер Мэйсон получит всю необхо­ димую информацию. 10. У режиссера были серьезные трудности с новой труппой. 11. Как ты относишься к классической музыке? — Она не в моем вкусе. Я больше люблю джаз. 12. Ученые надеются, что в XXI веке жители Земли смогут вступить в контакт с иными ци­ вилизациями. 13. Обилие рек и озер имеет большое влияние на обра­ зование микроклимата местности. 14. Мистер Мэнсвес с достоин­ ством отреагировал на замечание своего брата. 15. Он высказался достаточно ясно. 16. Его группа занимается изучением воздействия этого вещества на жизнь микроорганизмов. 17. Эти овощи по форме напоминают груши. Что это?
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. The student is extremely shy. It may be difficult to establish contact with the group. 2. In some respects her explanations can be believed. 3. He succeeded in life. 4. Joe has always been a big influence on her. 5. Carpets were affected by dampness.6. your story resembles the plot of the film that I saw not long ago. 7. A large concentration of nuclear weapons in the world today raises the crucial issue of its speedy destruction. 8. Transition from high school to a mandatory education Board puts a variety of challenges for teachers. 9. As a result of their discussion, Mr Mason will receive all the necessary information required. 10. The Director had serious difficulties with the new company. 11. What do you think of classic music? It's not to my taste. I'm more like Jazz. 12. Scientists hope that in the twenty-first century the inhabitants of the Earth will be able to come into contact with other Qi vilizaciâmi. 13. The abundance of rivers and lakes has a great impact on the image of a microclimate of terrain. 14. Mr. Mènsves with worthy Government reacted to a comment by his brother. 15. He expressed clearly enough. 16. his group is studying the effects of this substance on the lives of microorganisms. 17. These vegetables under the form remind pears. What is this?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. This student is extremely shy. It may be difficult to establish contact with the group. 2. In a way, it is possible to believe the explanation. 3. He succeeded in life. 4. Joe always exerted a great influence on her. 5. Carpets affected by moisture.
6. Your story is reminiscent of the plot of the film that I saw not so long ago. 7. A large accumulation of nuclear weapons in the world today raises the crucial problem of its speedy destruction. 8. Go to the eleven-year high school compulsory education developed a variety of poses challenges for teachers. 9. As a result of their discussions, Mr. Mason will get all the information de- sired req. 10. The director had serious difficulties with the new troupe. 11. What is your attitude to classical music? - She's not my type. I do love jazz. 12. Scientists hope that in the XXI century Earth's inhabitants will be able to make contact with other civilizations. 13. The abundance of rivers and lakes has a major influence on the formations of the microclimate areas. 14. Mr. Mensves a worthy stvom reacted to the remark of his brother. 15. He spoke clearly enough. 16. His group has been studying the impact of this matter on the life of microorganisms. 17. These vegetables shaped like a pear. What is it?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. that student is extremely shy. it may be difficult to establish contact with the group. 2. in some respects, it explained that you can trust. 3. he succeeded in life. 4. joe had always been on a lot of weight. 5.the carpets were affected by damp.
6. your story reminds me of a movie i saw not long ago. 7.a large concentration of nuclear weapons in the world today raises the crucial problem of its early destruction. 8.the transition to the eleven year old secondary school education is обязатель­ had various tasks for the teachers. 9. as a result of their discussion, mr. mason gets all the необхо­ димую information. 10.have had serious difficulties with the new director of the company. 11. how do you like classical music? - she's not my type. i love jazz. 12. scientists hopein the twenty-first century, the world will be able to make contact with other ци­ вилизациями. 13. the abundance of rivers and lakes has a great influence on one обра­ microclimate areas. 14.mr. мэнсвес with достоин­ government responded to the comment of his brother. 15. he spoke clearly enough. 16. his group is studying the effects of this substance on the life of microorganisms. 17.these vegetables shaped like pears. what is it?
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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