Привет мед !Я была очень рада когда получила от тебя письмо, дорогой . перевод - Привет мед !Я была очень рада когда получила от тебя письмо, дорогой . английский как сказать

Привет мед !Я была очень рада когда

Привет мед !
Я была очень рада когда получила от тебя письмо, дорогой .
Я недавно пришла домой из университета, сегодня было много лекций. Я приняла душ, съела мой ужин и сейчас пишу тебе это письмо.
Я сейчас очень напряженная, потому что весь день провела сидя. Жаль что тебя нет рядом ))
Погода у нас сегодня выдалась на удивление хорошей. Весь день светило яркое весеннее солнце, а небо было невероятно чистым и безоблачным, хотя еще не тепло как летом. А вообще вся неделя была холодной и ветреной, Я даже простудилась, но Я уже писала тебе об этом.
Завтра выходной, но Я собираюсь за покупками к празднику пасхи, поэтому сегодня наверное пойду спать пораньше, что бы быть завтра бодрой и в хорошем настроении. Я завтра буду с мамой печь пасхи и красить куриные яйца в разные цвета. А после завтра мы поедем к моей бабушке.
Я буду ждать от тебя письмо, мой дорогой .
Желаю тебе хорошего дня и прекрасного вечера )
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hi honey!I was very happy when received a letter from you dear.I recently came home from University, today has been a lot of lectures. I took a shower, ate my dinner and I am writing you this letter.I am now very tense because the whole day spent sitting. It is a pity that you are not around))Weather we have today was surprisingly good. The whole day was shining a bright Spring Sun and the sky was incredibly clean and cloudless, though still not as warm in summer. And the whole week was cold and windy, I even caught a cold, but I have already written to you on this.Tomorrow the day off, but I'm going to go shopping for the holiday of Passover, so today I'll go to bed a bit earlier tomorrow, what would be cheerful and in good spirits. I will tomorrow with mom bake the Passover and paint eggs in different colors. And after tomorrow we will go to my grandma.I'll be waiting for a letter from you, my dear.I wish you a wonderful day and a wonderful evening)The whole
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Hi honey!
I was very happy when she received a letter from you, my dear.
I recently came home from the university, today was a lot of lectures. I took a shower, ate my dinner and now I am writing you this letter.
I am now very tense, because the whole day spent sitting. It is a pity that you're not around))
weather we have today was surprisingly good. The whole day was shining bright spring sun and the sky was incredibly clear and cloudless, although not as warm in the summer. In general, the whole week was cold and windy, I even caught a cold, but I already wrote to you about it.
Tomorrow is a day off, but I'm going to go shopping for the Easter holiday, so today probably go to bed early, that would be tomorrow cheerful and in good spirits. Tomorrow I'll be with my mother and oven Easter eggs painted in different colors. And then tomorrow we'll go to my grandmother.
I'll wait for a letter from you, my dear.
I wish you a nice day and a nice evening)
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hi honey !
I was very pleased when it received from you letter, expensive .
i recently came home from the university, today, it was many lectures. I took shower, my tv my dinner and now I am writing you this letter.
I am now a very tense, because the whole day was held while sitting. I'm sorry that you don't have any next to ))
weather we have today must admit to surprisingly good. The entire day flagstones bright spring sun,And the sky was incredibly clean and unobstructed view, although it is still not warm as summer. I think the whole week has been cold and windy, I even простудилась, but I already wrote you about this.
tomorrow output,But I'm going to have to take for the shopping for Easter, so today I'm going to sleep because they telecommute, that would be tomorrow savage sat and in a good mood. I tomorrow I with my sister microwave Easter and lamb serves chicken eggs in different colors.And after tomorrow, we will go to my grandmother.
I will wait for the letter from you, my dear .
i wish you a good day and the beautiful evening )
an entire
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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