Когда мистер пеготти нашел Эмили, он решил, что самое лучшее, что они могут сделать, -это уехать в Австралию.
Нелл не возражала: она чувствовала, что он добрый человек, и она была слишком утомлена, чтобы идти дальше.
Он, кажется, пишет новую статью;кажется, он работает над ней уже два месяца.
Сообщают, что экспедиция достигла места назначения.
Этот текст достаточно легкий, чтобы вы могли прочитать его без словаря
Джон попросил генри помочь ему, так как раз облачение тревеса было слишком трудным делом, чтобы он мог справиться с ним одни.
Его статья, несомненно, будет напечатана.
Мистер медсон не хочел, чтобы дэвид жил дома, и добился того, что миссис копперфильд отдала его в школу.
Вальтер скотт считается создателем исторического романа.
Я видел, как она вошла в читальный зал, взяла книги и принялась за работу.
Дора понимала, что Дэвиду необходимо поехать с мисс бетси в кентербери, и сказала, что ей будет даже побыть одной
Результаты (
английский) 1:
When Mr. pegotti found Emily, he decided that the best thing they can do is to go to Australia. Nell did not object: she felt that he was a kind man, and she was too tired to go any further. He seems to write a new article; it seems he works on it for two months. Report that the expedition reached its destination. This text is quite easy, so you can read it without a dictionaryJohn asked Henry to help him because it was too Treves vestments times difficult to cope with it alone. The article will no doubt be printed. Mr medson not hočel that David lived at home, and has ensured that Mrs Copperfield gave it to the school. Walter Scott is considered the creator of the historical novel. I saw how she entered the reading room, picked up the book and began to work. Dora knew that He needed to go with Miss Betsy in Canterbury, and said she would even get one
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
When Mr. pegotti found Emily, he decided that the best thing they can do is a move to Australia.
Nell did not mind: she felt that he was a good man, and she was too tired to go on.
It seems write a new article, it seems, he is working on it for two months.
It is reported that the expedition reached the destination.
This text is light enough so that you can read it without a dictionary
, John asked Henry to help him, so just vestments Treves was too difficult, so that it can cope with it alone.
His article, of course, will be printed.
Mr. Medson not hochel to David lived at home, and made sure that Mrs. Copperfield gave it to the school.
Walter Scott is considered the creator of the historical novel.
I've seen it entered the reading room, took the book and went to work.
Dora knew that David must go to Miss Betsy at Canterbury, and said that she would even be alone
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
When mister пеготти found Emily, he decided that the best thing that they can do, is to leave in Australia.
Нелл had not objected: it was felt that it was good people, and it was too tired to go further.
He,It seems, writes a new article;it seems, he is working on it for two months.
Reported that the expedition had reached their destination.
This text light enough, so you can read it without dictionary
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