Вступительную песню к этому сериалу написал Дрейк Белл, сыгравший роль перевод - Вступительную песню к этому сериалу написал Дрейк Белл, сыгравший роль английский как сказать

Вступительную песню к этому сериалу

Вступительную песню к этому сериалу
написал Дрейк Белл, сыгравший роль
Дрейка Паркера в сериале «Дрейк и Джош».

В сериале содержится много продукции
похожей на продукцию Apple только со
значком груши. Например: iPod —
«Грушепод», App Store — «ГрушеСтор».

Действие сериала происходит в той же
вселенной, что и «Дрейк и Джош» и
«Виктория-победительница». Во всех трех
сериалах встречается продукция с
логотипом в виде груши.

2 и 3 сезоны снимались вместе.И серия
iCarly Awards должна была войти во 2 сезон.

Персонаж сериала — Спенсер, постоянно
делает скульптуры. Но возможно ли эти
странные механизмы назвать скульптурами?

Карли играет актриса, которая играла сестру
Дрейка и Джоша — Меган в другом сериале
Дрейк и Джош.

Все родственники Сэм имеют судимость, за
исключением трёх членов семьи.

Актер играющий за Спенсера ( брата Карли )
также встречается в одной серии сериала
Дрейк и Джош в роли чокнутого работника
кинотеатра, он увольняется по той причине
что Джош жалуется на подстаканник.

В сериале содержится много продукции,
которая похожа на продукцию Apple только
со значком груши. Примечательно, что
груша не надкусана.

Действие сериала происходит в той же
вселенной, что и «Дрейк и Джош» и
«Виктория Победительница». Во всех трех
сериалах встречается продукция с
логотипом ввиде груши. Также продюсером
всех трех сериалов является Ден Шнайдер.

В серии, где Спенсер нашел игру
"Крысолов”, в момент где он попросил
сэндвич, он даже не играл

В серии iBloop появляется Дрейк Белл, он
исполняет роль Дрейка Паркера. Он
принимает Карли за свою сестру Меган и
спрашивает где Джош и мама с папой.

В серии, где Спенсер изменился в делового
мужчину под Рождество по желанию Карли,
он говорит по телефону и упоминает имя
Дэна Шнайдера(Автора идеи "ICarly”).

В проектах Дэна Шнайдера, таких как "Дрейк
и Джош”, "Ай-Карли” и "Виктория-
победительница”, актёры,исполняющие
главные роли, также пели заглавные песни к
сериалам.( "Дрейк и Джош” . Песня "I found
away” . Исполняет Дрейк Белл. "Ай-Карли”.
Пеcня "Leave it all to me”. Исполняет
Миранда Косгроув. "Виктория-
победительница”. Песня "Make it shine”.
Исполняет Виктория Джастис)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The opening song for this show
wrote Drake Bell, who played the role of ~ Drake Parker in the TV series "Drake & Josh."

The series contains many similar products * Only for products with apple pear
icon. For example: ipod -
"Grushepod», app store - «GrusheStor."

The series takes place in the same universe
as the "Drake and Josh" and
"Victoria victorious." In all three TV series

found products with the logo in the form of a pear.

Seasons 2 and 3 were taken vmeste.I series
icarly awards was to enter the 2nd season.

Character series - Spencer, constantly
makes sculptures. The question is whether these mechanisms are called
strange sculptures?

Carly is played by actress,who played his sister
Drake and Josh - Megan in the other series
Drake and Josh.

All of Sam's relatives have a criminal record, with the exception of
three family members.

The actor who plays for Spencer (brother of Charles)
also found in one series of the show
Drake and Josh as wacky worker
theater, he is dismissed for the reason that Josh
complains about the cup holder.

The series contains a lot of production
which is similar to apple products only
marked with pears. It is noteworthy that
pear not bitten.

The series takes place in the same universe
as the "Drake and Josh" and
"Victoria winner." In all three
serials common products with the logo
vvide pears. Also a producer
all three series is Dan Schneider.

In the series, where Spencer found the game
"Pied Piper" at the moment where he asked
sandwich, he did not even play

In a series of ibloop appears Drake Bell,
he plays the role of Drake Parker.
He takes his sister Carly and Megan
asks where Josh and mom and dad.

In the series, where Spencer has changed in the business *man on Christmas optional Carly
he says on the phone and mentions the name of
Dan Schneider (Author's ideas "icarly").

Projects Dan Schneider, such as "* Drake & Josh", "I-Carly" and "Victoria -
winner, "the actors,
performing leading roles, also sang the title song to the TV series
. ("Drake and Josh." Song "i found
away". Performed by Drake Bell. "Ai-Carly."
Pecnya "leave it all to me". Performed
Miranda Cosgrove. "Victoria
winner."The song "make it shine".
Singer Victoria Justice)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The opening theme song to the TV series
posted by Drake Bell, who played the role of Drake Parker in the television series
"Drake and Josh".

In the TV series contains many products
like Apple products from the
symbol pears. For example: iPod
"Grušepod" App Store "GrušeStor".

The series takes place in the same universe as the
"Drake and Josh" and "
" victorious ". In all three series meets with

logo in the form of a PEAR.

2 and 3 seasons were filmed together.
series iCarly Awards had come into season 2.

Character is Spencer, constantly
makes sculptures. But whether these mechanisms are strange sculptures

Actress, plays Carley who played sister
Drake and Josh-Megan in another TV series
Drake and Josh.

All the relatives have a criminal record for Sam
but three members of the family.

Actor playing for Spencer (brother of Carly)
It is also found in the same series show
Drake and Josh as a loony worker
cinema, he is dismissed for the reason that Josh
complains about a cup holder.

In the series contain many products,
which is similar to the Apple products only
with pears. It is noteworthy that
PEAR is not nadkusana.

The series takes place in the same universe as the
"Drake and Josh" and "Victoria
Winner." In all three
series meets with
logo in the form of a PEAR. The producer
all three serials was Dan Schneider.

In a series where Spencer found a game
"Pied Piper", at the time where he asked
sandwich, it's not even played

In iBloop appears Drake Bell, he played the role of Drake Parker
. He
takes Carly for her sister Megan and
asked where Josh and MOM and dad.

In a series where Spencer has changed in the business
man at Christmas according to Carli,
it says by phone and mention the name of
Dan Schneider (Author of "ICarly").

Dan Schneider projects such as "Drake and Josh"
, "Carly" and "Victoria-the winner of the" Sookie Stackhouse
starring roles, also singing the title song
series.("Drake and Josh" song "I found away".
performed by Drake Bell. "Carly".
Pecnâ "Leave it all to me". Performs
Miranda Cosgrove. "Victoria
winner." The song "Make it shine".
By Victoria Justice)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Opening a song to this from
wrote Drake Bell, played the role
Drake Parker in "Drake and Josh". The Lord anti-semitism contains many products
similar to Apple products only with
icon pears. For example: the ipod -
"Грушепод", App Store - "ГрушеСтор". Lord action drama series occurs in the same
universe, that of the "Drake and Josh" and
"Victoria-hymn". In all of the three
series meets products with
logo in the form of a pear.

2 And 3 seasons removed together.And the series
iCаrly awards should have been logged in 2 season. Lord superhero series - Spencer, constantly
makes sculptures. But whether it is possible these
strange mechanisms include sculptures? Lord Carly plays an actress,Which played a sister
Drake and where are you now - Megan in another anti-semitism
Drake and Josh. Lord all relatives Sam are convicted, the
except for the three members of the family. Lord actor playing for Spencer ( brother Carly )
Also occurs in a single episodes of a series
Drake and Josh in the role чокнутого worker
theater, he dismissed for the reason
that Josh complains of the cup holder. The Lord anti-semitism contains many products,
Which is similar to the Apple products only
with the icon pears. It is noteworthy that
pear is not надкусана. Lord action drama series occurs in the same
universe, that of the "Drake and Josh" and
"Victoria hymn". In all of the three
Series meets products with
logo more you spend pears. Also producer
all three soaps is a den Schneider. Lord in the series, where Spencer found game
"China's tailwind thanks", at the same time where he asked
sandwich, he is not even played

In the series iBlооp appears Drake Bell, he
performs the role Drake Parker. He
takes Carly for her sister Megan and
asked where Josh and his mom with the Pope. Lord in the series, where Spencer has changed in business
A man under the Christmas wishes Carly Fiorina,
he said on the phone and also refers to the name
Dan connection(Author's ideas of "ICаrly" ). Lord in projects Dan connection, such as the "Drake
and Josh", "i-Carly" and "Victoria-
hymn", cast,Performing
the main role, as well as sang-songs to
Oybek.( "Drake and Josh" . The song "I found
away" . Performs Drake Bell. "I-Carly".
Song "leave it all to me". Performs
Miranda visibility. "Victoria-
hymn".The song "Make it shine".
Performs Victoria Annie)
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