Лондонский глаз (London Eye) - одно из крупнейших колёс обозрения в ми перевод - Лондонский глаз (London Eye) - одно из крупнейших колёс обозрения в ми английский как сказать

Лондонский глаз (London Eye) - одно

Лондонский глаз (London Eye) - одно из крупнейших колёс обозрения в мире, расположенное в лондонском районе Ламбет.

Колесо обозрения «Лондонский Глаз» высотой в 135 метров и весящее больше, чем 250 двухъярусных автобусов является наиболее зрелищной достопримечательностью, появившейся в городе за последнее время. Сверху открываются потрясающие виды на основные значимые места Лондона, и представляют городскую географию в перспективе. Колесо обозрения - проект архитекторов Дэвида Маркса и Джулии Барфилд, победивший на конкурсе проектов построек в честь наступления нового тысячелетия. Оно было построено к встрече XXI в. на берегу Темзы, и поначалу было намечено его демонтировать в 2005 г. Но количество желающих «полетать» на колесе столь велико, что сейчас речь об этом не идет, хотя колесо и не приносит дохода. На колесе закреплены 32 прозрачные капсулы, каждая вмещает 25 человек. Воплощение проекта в жизнь заняло шесть лет и вовлекло в процесс сотни людей из пяти европейских стран.

«Лондонский глаз» также известен как «Колесо Миллениума». «Лондонский глаз» вращается со скоростью 0.85 футов в секунду, одно вращение занимает около 30 минут. У «Лондонского глаза» очень малая скорость вращения, что позволяет пассажирам легко сойти с него на землю
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
London Eye (London Eye) is one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world, located in the London Borough of Lambeth.Ferris wheel London Eye height of 135 meters and 3,500 kgs more than 250 double-deck buses is the most spectacular tourist attraction in the city for the last time. At the top is a breathtaking view of the main significant places in London and represent the city's geography in term. Ferris wheel-project architects David Marks and Julia Barfield, the winner of the competition of projects of buildings after the advent of the new millennium. It was built to meet the 21st century on the banks of the Thames, and at first it was scheduled to be dismantled in 2005 but the number of people willing to "fly" on the wheel is so great that it this is not the case, although the wheel and do not yield revenue. On the wheel are 32 transparent capsules, each can hold up to 25 people. The project took six years and involved in the process, hundreds of people in five European countries.The London Eye is also known as the "Millennium Wheel". London Eye rotates at 0.85 feet per second, one rotation takes approximately 30 minutes. The "London Eye" is very low rotational speed, which allows passengers to easily get away with it on the ground
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
London Eye (London Eye) - one of the largest Ferris wheel in the world, located in the London borough of Lambeth. The Ferris wheel "London Eye" height of 135 meters and weighing more than 250 double-deck buses is the most spectacular sight, appeared in the city in recent years . Top offers stunning views of the main important places in London, and represent the urban geography perspective. Ferris - project architects David Marks and Julia Barfield, who won the design competition in honor of the buildings of the new millennium. It was built to face the XXI century. on the banks of the Thames, and was initially planned to dismantle it in 2005. But the number of those wishing to "fly" on the wheel so great that now we are not talking about it, although the wheel and no income. On the fixed wheel 32 transparent capsules, each can accommodate 25 people. Implementation of projects took six years, and in the process has involved hundreds of people from five European countries. "The London Eye" is also known as the "Millennium Wheel". "London Eye" rotates at 0.85 feet per second, one rotation takes about 30 minutes. The "London Eye" very low speed of rotation, which allows passengers to easily get off the ground

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The London Eye (London Eye) - one of the world's largest observation wheel in the world, located in the London area from Lambeth.Lord the London Eye height in 135 meters and весящее more,than 250 our double decker buses is the most spectacular landmark, that appears in the city in the recent past. Top with fantastic views of the basic meaningful places London,And constitute urban geography in the long term. The flyer - draft architects David Marx and Julia Barfield, winner of the contest projects buildings, in honor of a new millennium.It was built to the summit at the twenty-first century bank Thames Valley, and initially was scheduled for his dismounted in 2005. But the number of those who want the "virtual tours" on the wheel is so great that it is now a question on this is not a question,Although wheel and does not generate revenue. The wheel are 32 transparent capsules, each holds 25 people. Translation Project in life took six years and impatience shown in the process hundreds of people from five European countries.

The London Eye, also known as the "Wheel renewed effort". The "London eye" rotates at 0.85 feet per second, a single rotation takes 30 minutes. The "London eye" is very low-speed,That allows passengers to easily get off with him to the ground
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