Привет, красивая молодая девушка.
Я пишу на английском языке, возможно пишу неправильно и некрасиво. Поставишь за мой иностранный язык двойку. Но, я хотел бы написать письмо именно так, на языке Шекспира. Ещё лучше было бы написать письмо на языке Александра Дюма, но я думаю ты меня совсем не поймешь, так как я его знаю чуть менее чем никак. Я попытаюсь неумение прикрыть комплиментом – ты прекрасная)
Сначала я придумал написать письмо от имени неизвестного человека, чтобы ты гадала, кто это мог быть. Потом подумал – а смысл? Поэтому я просто не подписываюсь .
Я познакомился с тобой недавно. И я знаю тебя очень мало. Однако понял, что ты многогранная личность. С тобой интересно общаться. У тебя красивые глаза. Ты говорила, что тебе про это все говорят, но этот факт из тех, которые можно говорить для тебя много раз. Снова скрываю кое-что комплиментом . Кстати, как ты относишься к такой мысли, что слово «комплимент» в таких случаях - это неправильное слово? Многие люди, когда говорят комплименты, часто специально приукрашивают что-то.
Ещё ты веселая. Но у меня ощущение, что последние дни ты задумчивая. Я могу ошибаться. Насчет причин я не буду гадать, возможно ты сама расскажешь как-нибудь. Но я хотел бы заявить, не грусти! Для плохого настроения нет причин. Ты мало отвечаешь, наверное, работаешь. В интернет, наверное, специально не выходишь, отдыхаешь от него. Поэтому я зову тебя куда-нибудь, чтобы пообщаться. Минутка саморекламы: вдруг и я скрываю в себе что-то интересное =)). А так хотел бы быть на одной волне.
ЗЫ: на обратной стороне картинка для поднятия настроения
Если захочешь, попроси, я подпишу письмо.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Hi, beautiful young girl.I write in English, you may write wrong and ugly. If you set for my foreign language Deuce. But, I would like to write a letter to exactly the language of Shakespeare. Even better would be to write a letter in the language of Alexandre Dumas, but I think you got me really won't understand because I know him a little less than nothing. I will try to cover up their inability to compliment you beautiful)First I came up with to write a letter on behalf of an unknown person, that you read who it could be. Then thought-and the meaning? So I just don't subscribe .I met with you recently. And I know you very little. However, I realized that you're a multifaceted personality. Interesting to communicate with you. You have beautiful eyes. You said that you are all talking about it, but the fact that we can talk to you many times. Again hide something compliment . By the way, what do you think of such an idea, that the word "compliment" in such cases is the wrong word? Many people, when they say compliments, often specially priukrašivaût something. You are more cheerful. But I have a feeling that the last days you're thoughtful. I could be wrong. About the reasons I won't speculate, might tell you something. But I would say don't be sad! To bad mood, there is no reason. You're little you probably work. Internet access is probably not specifically come out, have a rest from it. Therefore, I call you to go somewhere to chat. Minute self-promotion: suddenly and I hide something interesting =)). And would like to be on the same wavelength.PS: on the back side of the picture to uplift your moodIf you want, please ask, I will sign the letter.Best wishes
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
Hello, beautiful young girl.
I am writing in English may write wrong and ugly. I put my foreign language for two. But I would like to write a letter that way, in the language of Shakespeare. Even better would be to write a letter in the language of Alexandre Dumas, but I think you did not understand, because I know him a little less than nothing. I will try to cover up the inability to compliment - you are beautiful)
I first came up to write a letter on behalf of an unknown person, that you wondered who it could be. Then I thought - and the meaning? So I just do not subscribe .
I met with you recently. And I know you very little. However, I understand that you are a multi-faceted personality. It is interesting to talk to you. You have beautiful eyes. You said that you all speak about it, but the fact of those who can speak for you many times. Again I hide something compliment . By the way, how do you feel about the thought that the word "compliment" in such cases - it is not the right word? Many people, when they say compliments often embellish special something.
More you cheerful. But I have a feeling that you are the last days of brooding. I could be wrong. As for the reasons I will not guess maybe you yourself tell me somehow. But I would say, do not be sad! To bad mood no reason. You little answer probably work. The Internet is probably not specifically go out, have a rest from it. I therefore call on you somewhere to hang out. Minute self-promotion: suddenly I'm a something interesting =)). And so I would like to be on the same wavelength.
PS: on the back of the picture to lift the mood
If you want, ask, I will sign the letter. Regards,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 3:
hey, pretty young girl.
i write in english, can write wrong and ugly. as for my foreign language 2. but, i would like to write a letter that, in the language of shakespeare.better still would be to write a letter to the language of alexandre dumas, but i think you really do not understand, as i know him a little less than nothing. i'll try the inability to compliment you beautiful).first, i have to write a letter on behalf of an unknown person, so you wonder who it could be. then i thought, what's the point? so i just won't do it .
i met you earlier. and i know you very little.however, understand that you're a multifaceted personality. you're sweet. you have beautiful eyes. you said that you say about it all, but the fact of those who can talk to you many times.again hiding something compliment. by the way, what do you think of the idea that the word "комплимент» in such cases is not the word. many people, when they compliment.often, especially приукрашивают something. "the more you funny. but i have a feeling that the last few days you're serious. i could be wrong. about the reason why i won't guess, maybe you can tell me anything. but i would like to saydon't be sad! in a bad mood no reason. you don't answer, i guess work. in the internet, i specifically do not break, the rest of him. so i call you somewhere else to talk to.a moment of self promotion: if i hide myself something interesting =)). and so i would like to be on the same wavelength.
зы: on the back side of the picture for uplifting
if you want to ask, i will sign the letter.
with best regards.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..