2. Она ахнула, пошатнулась и наверно бы упала, если бы Базаров не подд перевод - 2. Она ахнула, пошатнулась и наверно бы упала, если бы Базаров не подд английский как сказать

2. Она ахнула, пошатнулась и наверн

2. Она ахнула, пошатнулась и наверно бы упала, если бы Базаров не поддержал ее. (Тургенев)
3. Если бы Григорий Иванович мог предвидеть эту встречу, то конечно б он поворотил в сторону (to turn in another direction)... (Пушкин)
4. Нет, у меня нет и гордости. Если бы была гордость, я не поставил бы себя (to put oneself) в такое положение. (Л. Толстой)
5. Если бы он мог слышать, что говорили ее родители в этот вечер, если б он мог перенестись на точку зрения семьи (to put oneself at the point of view of somebody) и узнать, что Кити будет несчастна, если он не женится на ней, он бы очень удивился и не поверил бы этому. (Л. Толстой)
6. «Да приезжай теперь ко мне» , — сказал Левин.. . «Я бы приехал к тебе, если бы знал, что не найду Сергея Ивановича» . (Л. Толстой)
7. Он бы тотчас ушел, если бы не Лиза.. . (Тургенев)
8. Ежели бы княжна Марья в состоянии была думать в эту минуту, она еще более чем m-lle Bourienne удивилась бы перемене, происшедшей в ней
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
2. She gasped, shaken and probably would be dropped if the Markets did not support it. (Turgenev) 3. If Grigory Ivanovich could have foreseen this, then of course he povorotil to the side (to turn in another direction. "). (Pushkin (Town)) 4. No, I have no pride. If there was pride, I would not put myself (to put oneself) in this situation. (L. Tolstoy) 5. If he could hear that talked her parents this evening, if he could go back to the point of view of the family (to put oneself at the point of view of somebody) and find out what Kitty would be unhappy if he marries her, he would be very surprised and could not believe it. (L. Tolstoy) 6. "Oh come now to me," said Levin.. . "I'd come for you, if I knew that found Sergei Ivanovich". (L. Tolstoy) 7. He would have immediately gone if not for Lisa a. .. . (Turgenev) 8. If the Princess Marya able to think at this moment, it's still more than m-lle Bourienne surprised the change that occurred in the
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
2. She gasped, staggered and would probably have fallen if Bazarov did not support it. (Turgenev)
3. If Grigory could have foreseen this meeting, then of course he had a turn towards (to turn in another direction) ... (Pushkin)
4. No, I do not have and pride. If there was pride, I would not bet myself (to put oneself) in such a position. (Leo Tolstoy)
5. If he could hear what her parents said this evening, if he could travel back to the point of view of the family (to put oneself at the point of view of somebody) and learn that Kitty would be unhappy if he did not marry her, he would be very surprised and would not have believed it. (Leo Tolstoy)
6. "Yes, come to me now," - said Levin ... "I would come to you if I knew I would not find Sergei Ivanovich." (Leo Tolstoy)
7. He would have immediately gone if not for Lisa ... (Turgenev)
8. Had Princess Mary was able to think at this moment, it is still more than m-lle Bourienne surprised to change that occurred in it
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
2. It song Chattanooga choo-choo, waver and probably would be dropped if the bazaars is not supported it. (Listening)
3. If Grigory Ivanovich could foresee this meeting, it is of course a thou mayest to the side (to turn in another direсtiоn) ... (Pushkin)
4. No,I have no and pride. If you would have been proud, I would not put to themselves (to put оneself) in such a situation. (L. Thick)
5. If it could have to hear that said her parents in this evening,If he could have a veranda on the point of view of family (to put оneself at the point of view of Ternheim) and to know that Kitty will be way, if he is not married her, he would be very confused and did not believe that. (L. Thick)
6."Yes come now to me", - said Levin. . "I would have come to you, if you would know, that is not Naidu Sergei Ivanovich" . (L. Thick)
7. He would have immediately resigned, if not Lisa. . (Listening)
8.Indebtedness to field-marshal Mikhail Kutuzov: Sergei Aleksashkin in condition was to think in this minute, it is even more than m-lle"" technology for extremely low latency Bоurienne surprised would be changing, which has occurred in it
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