Еще пару лет назад перспектива покинуть свой маленький городок даже на перевод - Еще пару лет назад перспектива покинуть свой маленький городок даже на английский как сказать

Еще пару лет назад перспектива поки

Еще пару лет назад перспектива покинуть свой маленький городок даже на непродолжительное время казалась мне чем-то абсурдным. Но жизнь идет и вносит свои коррективы.
Иностранный язык я привыкла слышать с самого детства, так мама моя по специальности преподаватель немецкого языка. Она мне помогла осознать , что знания языков открывает новые горизонты в нашей жизни. Поэтому я выбрала именно иностранную филологию и стала учить английский язык , так как понимаю, что он самый нужный, самый глобальный и самый перспективный язык в мире.
Мое желание к изучению английского языка дало мне толчок для переезда в большой город (Киев ), где я поступила в университет по специальности иностранная филология. С этого момента я переоценила свои взгляды, расширила свой кругозор и продолжаю развиваться дальше. В этом году я активно начала поиски возможности усовершенствовать мой английский в англоязычной стране. Однозначно, знакомство с другой культурой раскрывает границы познания мира. Желание совершенствоваться в своей будущей специальности привело меня к этой программе. Это как раз то, что я искала. Я в восторге от ее перспектив и буду стараться сделать все от меня зависящее, чтобы в ней поучаствовать. Что я могу рассказать о себе : я старательная студентка педагогического университета в Киеве, учусь на специальности иностранных языков, дополнительно занимаюсь изучением английского языка на специализированных курсах, записалась на участие в волонтерских программах по оказанию помощи людям с ограниченными возможностями, помогаю деткам в изучении английского языка. Так же я состою в клубе : Театр слова. Там собирается молодое поколение, чтобы делиться своими идеями на благо будущего страны, находить единомышленников и продолжать двигаться в нужно направлении с большим энтузиазмом.
Дополнительные курсы английского языка я посещаю, чтобы не ограничиваться знаниями английского языка которые нам дают в университете. Эти курсы так же мне помогают в изучении методик преподавания английского языка , ведь по профессии я будущий педагог английского языка и не хочу упускать наималейшей возможности узнать что-то новое .
В нашей стране сейчас не хватает педагогов , которые любят свой предмет и умею качественно донести его новым поколениям. Так как этот вопрос меня сильно волнует, я хочу сделать все возможное для улучшения образования начиная с себя. Этим летом я была волонтером в детском лагере , где я смогла организовать специальные уроки по английскому языку, поговорить с большим количеством детей, чтобы узнать их пожелания для школы. Я находила общий язык с детьми , проводила с ними увлекательные занятия, научилась работать с ними и развивала свои лидерские качества. Многие дети спрашивают про Вашу страну, и мне жаль, что я не могу на своем опыте рассказать все преимущества Вашего языка, культуры и образа мышления. Я поняла, что мне очень нужен практический опыт изучения английского языка непосредственно в Вашей стране. Очень трудно донести до людей необходимость изучения языка и правильности его восприятия, если на данном этапе я сама его изучаю только в теории.
Я очень хочу, чтобы моя страна стала свободной и процветающей европейской страной. Этого можно достичь только воспитывая новые поколения в демократическом духе, используя мировую практику. Я как педагог могу научить только тому, чему научилась я сама и живая практика изучения английского языка нужна мне как воздух.
Ваша программа идеальна для меня в этом плане , тем более ,что вы предлагаете волонтерский опыт! Я бы хотела попробовать себя и в качестве волонтера в международных проектах.
Надеюсь, что если мне выпадет шанс побывать в США, я смогу получить опыт который так необходим в моей стране и который я смогу донести молодому поколению, как учитель.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The prospect of a couple of years ago to leave his small town even for a short time seemed to me something absurd. But life goes on and makes adjustments. Foreign language I used to hear as a child, so my mother on a speciality the teacher of the German language. She helped me realize that the knowledge of languages opens up new horizons in our lives. So I had chosen foreign philology and began teaching English because I understand that it is the most appropriate, most global and most promising language in the world.My desire to study the English language gave me the push to move to a big city (Kyiv), where I entered University majoring in foreign Philology. From that moment on I corrected value their views, has expanded its horizons and continue to develop further. This year I start actively searching for opportunities to improve my English in an English-speaking country. Uniquely, familiarity with other cultures reveals the frontiers of the world. Desire to improve his future specialty led me to this program. This is just what I was looking for. I am in awe of her prospects and will try to do everything I can to take part in it. What I can tell about myself: I am a diligent student of Pedagogical University in Kiev, studying on speciality foreign languages, Additionally I am studying English language in specialized courses, signed up to participate in volunteer programs to assist people with disabilities, helping children to learn English. So I am in the Club: the theatre of the word. There's going to a younger generation, to share their ideas for the future of the country, to find like-minded people and to continue to move in the direction you want to with great enthusiasm.Additional English language courses I attend, so as not to limit itself to the knowledge of the English language that we give at the University. These courses just help me in learning methods of English language teaching, because I'm a future teacher of English and I do not want to lose naimalejšej opportunity to learn something new. In our country now lacking teachers who love their subject and know how to deliver it to a qualitatively new generations. Because the issue was of great concern to me, I want to do everything possible to improve education, starting with myself. This summer I was a volunteer in the children's camp, where I was able to arrange a special English lessons, talk with lots of children to know their wishes for the school. I found a common language with the children, conducted with them exciting classes, learned how to work with them and develop their leadership skills. Many children ask about your country, and I'm sorry that I can't tell from my own experience all the benefits of your language, culture and way of thinking. I realized that I really need a practical experience of learning English in your country directly. It is very difficult to convey to people the need for language learning and its correct perception, at this point, I had him learn only in theory.I really want my country became free and prosperous European country. This can only be achieved by educating new generations in a democratic spirit, using international practices. I as a teacher can teach only what I had learned to live and practice learning English do I need air. Your program is ideal for me in this respect, the more that you offer volunteer experience! I'd like to try it myself and as a volunteer in international projects.I hope that if I roll a chance to visit the United States, can I get an experience that is so necessary in my country and that I will be able to inform the young generation as a teacher.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

A couple of years ago, the prospect of leaving his small town, even for a short time seemed to me something absurd. But life goes on and brings about changes.
Foreign language I used to hear from childhood, so my mother as a teacher of German language. It helped me realize that the knowledge of languages ​​opens up new horizons in our lives. So I chose Foreign Languages ​​and began to learn English, because I understand that he is the most appropriate, the most global and the most promising language in the world.
My desire to learn English gave me the impetus to move to the big city (Kiev), where I He entered the university with a degree in foreign philology. Since then I have overestimated their views, broaden their horizons and continue to develop further. This year, I actively started looking for an opportunity to improve my English in an English speaking country. Definitely, familiarity with another culture reveals the boundaries of knowledge in the world. The desire to improve in their future profession led me to this program. This is exactly what I was looking for. I'm excited about its prospects and will try to do everything I can to take part in it. What can I tell you about myself: I am a diligent student of the Pedagogical University in Kiev, studying at the specialty of foreign languages, in addition engaged in the study of English in specialized courses, signed up to participate in volunteer programs to assist people with disabilities, helping the kiddies to learn English . So I'm in the club Theater words. There's going to the younger generation to share their ideas for the future of the country, to find like-minded people and to continue to move in the right direction with great enthusiasm.
More English language courses I attend not to be limited knowledge of the English language that we give to the university. These courses also help me to study methods of teaching English language, because by profession I am a future teacher of English and I do not want to miss naimaleyshey opportunity to learn something new.
Our country is not enough teachers who love their subject and know how to qualitatively carry it new generations. Since this issue of great concern to me, I want to do everything possible to improve education starting with yourself. This summer I was a volunteer at a children's camp, where I was able to arrange special classes in English, talk to a lot of children to learn their wishes for the school. I found a common language with children, spend time with them captivating lessons learned to work with them and develop their leadership skills. Many children ask about your country, and I'm sorry that I can not tell you from experience the benefits of your language, culture and way of thinking. I realized that I really need experience to learn English directly to your country. It is very difficult to convey to people the need to study the language and the correctness of his perception, at this stage, if I myself study it only in theory.
I want my country to become free and prosperous European country. This can be achieved only educating new generations in a democratic spirit, using international practice. I as a teacher can teach only what I had learned myself and live the practice of learning English I need the air.
Your program is perfect for me in this respect, the more that you offer volunteer experiences! I would like to try his hand as a volunteer and in international projects.
I hope that if I get a chance to visit the United States, I can get the experience which is so necessary in my country and that I can convey to the young generation as a teacher.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

a couple of years ago, prospect to leave their small town even briefly seemed something absurd. but life goes on and is making some adjustments.
foreign language i'm used to since i was a child, my mother as a teacher of german language. she helped me understand that language knowledge opens new horizons in our life.therefore, i choose the foreign филологию and taught english, as i understand that he is right, the global and the most important language in the world.my desire to study english gave me the impetus to move to the big city (kiev), where i was in the university, majoring in foreign philology. from this moment i misjudged their viewsexpanded my horizons and continue to move forward. this year, i actively search for opportunities to improve my english in the english speaking country. clearly,familiarity with the other culture, reveals the limits of cognition of the world. desire to excel in their future profession led me to this program. that's just what i was looking for.i'm very excited about the prospects and will try my best to do my utmost to get involved. what can i tell about myself: i am willing student teacher training university in kyiv.study on the speciality of foreign languages, further studying english studies in specialized coursessigned up to participate in volunteer programmes to assist people with disabilities, helping children to learn english. so i'm at the club: the words.there's a young generation to share their ideas for the future of the country, to find like-minded people, and move in the right direction with great enthusiasm.additional english courses i attend to not be limited knowledge of english which we do in the university. these courses i also help in studying the methods of teaching englishby profession i am a teacher of english and don't want to let наималейшей opportunities to learn something new.
in our country is short of teachers.who love my subject and can qualitatively make him to new generations. so the question i really care, i want to do everything possible to improve the education, starting with myself.this summer i was a volunteer in the children's camp, where i was able to organize special classes in english, talk with a large number of children to learn their wishes for the school.i get along with children, spend with them exciting class, learned how to work with them and develop their leadership skills. many children ask about your country, and i'm sorryi can't tell his experience all the benefits of your language, culture and way of thinking. i realized that i really need practical experience learning english directly in your country.it is very difficult to convey to the people, the language and the correctness of the perception, if at this stage, i own study only in theory.
i really wantto my country became free and prosperous european country. this can only be achieved by fostering new generation in a democratic spirit, using the global practice. i like the teacher can teach only onei've learned i was a practice of learning english, i need air.
your program is perfect for me in this respect, the more that you are offering volunteer experience.i'd like to try it myself and as a volunteer in the international projects.
i hope that if i'd ever get a chance to visit thei can experience so essential in my country that i can tell the younger generation, as a teacher.
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