Родился в 1452 году вблизи города Винчи (откуда и произошла приставка  перевод - Родился в 1452 году вблизи города Винчи (откуда и произошла приставка  английский как сказать

Родился в 1452 году вблизи города В

Родился в 1452 году вблизи города Винчи (откуда и произошла приставка его фамилии). Его художественные увлечения не ограничиваются живописью, архитектурой и скульптурой. Не смотря на громадные заслуги в области точных наук (математики, физики) и естествознания, Леонардо не находил достаточной поддержки и понимания. Лишь спустя многие годы его работы были по-настоящему оценены.
Увлекаясь идеей создания летательного аппарата, Леонардо да Винчи разработал сначала простейший аппарат (Дедала и Икара) на основе крыльев. Новой его идеей стал аэроплан с полным управлением. Однако ее воплотить в жизнь не удалось из-за отсутствия мотора. Также знаменитой идеей ученого является аппарат с вертикальным взлетом и посадкой.
Изучая законы жидкости и гидравлику в целом, Леонардо внес значительный вклад в теорию шлюзов, портов канализации, проверив идеи на практике.
Знаменитыми картинами Леонардо да Винчи являются «Тайная вечеря», «Мадонна с горностаем», «Мона Лиза» и многие другие. Леонардо был требователен и точен во всех своих делах. Даже увлекаясь живописью, он настаивал на полном изучении объекта перед началом рисунка.
Рукописи Леонардо да Винчи бесценны. Их полностью опубликовали лишь в 19-20 веках, хотя еще при жизни автор мечтал издать часть З. В своих заметках Леонардо отмечал не просто размышления, а дополнял их рисунками, чертежами, описанием.
Будучи талантливым во многих областях, Леонардо да Винчи внес значимый вклад в историю архитектуры, искусства, физики. Умер великий ученый во Франции в 1519 году
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Born in 1452, near the town of Vinci (whence his surname prefix occurred). His artistic interests are not limited to painting, architecture and sculpture. Despite the tremendous achievements in the field of exact sciences (mathematics, physics) and natural science, Leonardo did not find sufficient support and understanding. Only after many years, his work has been truly appreciated.Fascinated by the idea of creating an aircraft, Leonardo da Vinci developed the first simple apparatus (Daedalus and Icarus) based on the wings. His idea became the new airplane, fully managed. However, it could not be implemented due to lack of motor. The famous scientist's idea is a machine with vertical takeoff and landing.By studying the laws of fluid and hydraulic systems in General, Leonardo made a significant contribution to the theory of locks, ports, sanitation, checking the ideas in practice.Famous paintings of Leonardo da Vinci's last supper, "the Madonna with an ermine", "Mona Lisa" and many others. Leonardo was exacting and precise in all its affairs. Even when painting, he insisted on a full study of the object before you begin drawing.The manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci are priceless. Their fully published only 19-20 centuries, although during the life of the author wanted to publish part of h. Leonardo wrote in his notes not just reflections, and complemented their paintings, drawings, description.Being talented in many areas, Leonardo da Vinci made a significant contribution to the history of architecture, art, physics. Great scientist died in France in the year 1519
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Born in 1452 near the town of Vinci (hence the prefix of his name). His artistic passions are not limited to painting, architecture and sculpture. Despite the tremendous achievements in the field of exact sciences (mathematics, physics) and the natural sciences, Leonardo did not find sufficient support and understanding. Only after many years, his work has been really appreciated.
Carried away by the idea of creating a flying machine, Leonardo da Vinci designed a simple first aid (Daedalus and Icarus) based on the wings. New was the idea of his airplane with full control. But her realize it was not possible due to lack of engine. Also, the idea of the famous scientist is a vehicle with vertical takeoff and landing.
By studying the laws of fluid and hydraulics in general, Leonardo made ​​a significant contribution to the theory of gateway ports drain, checking the ideas into practice.
the famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci are the "Last Supper", "Madonna Ermine "," Mona Lisa "and many others. Leonardo was exacting and precise in all his affairs. Even started painting, he insisted on the full study before drawing the object.
The manuscripts of Leonardo da Vinci's priceless. They are published in full only in the 19-20 centuries, even during the lifetime of the author wanted to publish part of Z. In his notes Leonardo celebrated not just thinking, but complements them with drawings, drawings, descriptions.
Being talented in many fields, Leonardo da Vinci made ​​a significant contribution in the history of architecture, art and physics. He died a great scholar in France in 1519
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Born in 1452, near the town of Vinci (where there was an attachment and its name). His artistic hobbies are not limited to painting, architecture and sculpture.Even though the great merit in the field of exact sciences (mathematics, physics and natural sciences, Leonardo not found sufficient support and understanding. Only after many years of work were truly appreciated.
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