аааа на сегодня: днем солнечно и тепло, температура около 20 °С, ветер перевод - аааа на сегодня: днем солнечно и тепло, температура около 20 °С, ветер английский как сказать

аааа на сегодня: днем солнечно и те

аааа на сегодня: днем солнечно и тепло, температура около 20 °С, ветер восточный, умеренный; ночью температура около нуля, на почве местами заморозки.

3. Зима наступает здесь в ноябре — начинают дуть север­ные ветры, из-за чего средняя температура становится ниже, выпадает первый снег.

4. Весной легкий ветер часто нагоняет облака. Небо за­тягивается тучами и погода портится.

5. Ожидается улучшение погоды — дождь прекратится и станет сухо и жарко.

6. В июле невыносимая жара привела к засухе. За месяц не выпало ни капли дождя.

7. Белые снежинки тихо кружили в воздухе и ложились на землю. К утру всё было завалено сугробами.

8. Первые лучи солнца пробились сквозь пелену тумана. К девяти туман начал рассеиваться.

9. Всходило солнце, дул теплый ветерок, над землёй курился туман.

10. Высокая ель отбрасывала тень, там можно было спас­тись от жары.

11. С неба падал мокрый снег, было холодно и сыро. Сапоги промокли, потому что под ногами тоже был талый снег.

12. После дождя прояснилось и на небе появилась много­цветная радуга. Хорошая примета.

13. Такой грозы я не припомню: гром, молния, сильные порывы ветра, а потом — град.

14. Было чудесное утро. Быстро встало солнце и иссушило капли росы на траве.

15. Сначала подмораживало. Ветви деревьев покрылись инеем. На дороге был сильный гололед. Потом начало оттаивать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Ahhh today: sunny and warm day, temperatures around 20° c, wind, moderate; night temperatures around zero, on soil Frost in places.3. Winter comes here in November — are beginning to blow North winds, causing the average temperature falls below, the first snow falls.4. Spring Breeze often evokes a cloud. The sky is tightened by clouds and the weather deteriorates.5. Improved weather — rain will cease and will be dry and hot.6. the unbearable heat in July led to the drought. For the month dropped a drop of rain.7. White snowflakes softly circling in the air and lay down on the ground. By the morning it was all been filled up with snowdrifts.8. the first rays of the Sun burst through a shroud of fog. To nine the fog began to dissipate.9. Was the Sun, the warm breeze blew over the Earth smoked fog.10. high spruce otbrasyvala shadow, there you can escape the heat.11. From the sky falling sleet, it was cold and damp. Boots soaked because underfoot too was slush.12. After the rain cleared up and in the sky appeared a multicolored rainbow. Good luck.13. Such a thunderstorm I don't recall: Thunder, lightning, strong wind gusts, and then grad.14. it was a wonderful morning. Quickly sided with Sun and issušilo drops of dew on the grass.15. First temperatures. The branches of the trees covered with rime. On the road was icy. Then start defrost.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
ahhh for today: sunny and warm day, the temperature about 20 ° C, wind east, moderate; night temperatures around zero, on the basis of the point of freezing. 3. Winter comes here in November - northerly winds begin to blow, because of what the average temperature becomes lower, the first snow. 4. Spring light wind often catches clouds. The sky is clouded and the weather worsens. 5. Expected improvement in the weather - the rain stops and becomes hot and dry. 6. In July, the unbearable heat has led to drought. A month has not dropped a single drop of rain. 7. White snowflakes silently circling in the air and fell on the ground. By morning it was filled up with snowdrifts. 8. The first rays of the sun broke through the veil of mist. By nine the fog began to dissipate. 9. The sun was rising, a warm breeze blowing over the land kurilsya fog. 10. High spruce cast a shadow, it was possible to escape the heat. 11. From the sky falling wet snow, it was cold and damp. Boots wet because under his feet, too, was melted snow. 12. After the rain cleared and the sky there was a multicolored rainbow. Good luck. 13. Such a storm, I do not remember: thunder, lightning, strong winds, and then - deg. 14. It was a wonderful morning. Quickly got the sun and dried up the drops of dew on the grass. 15. At first, it was freezing. Tree branches covered with frost. On the road there was a strong ice. Then he began to thaw.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
oh today, day, sunny and warm, the temperature is about 20 degree days, wind east, moderate; night temperatures around zero, based on places of frost.

3. winter's coming here in november север­ные winds start to blow.what is the average temperature becomes lower, the first snow.

4. in the spring of light wind clouds often make. the sky за­тягивается clouds and weather changes.

5.expected better weather the rain stops and becomes dry and hot.

6. in july the unbearable heat led to drought. for a month i have not had any rain.

7. white snowflakes quietly circling in the air and lay down on the ground.in the morning it was blocked, man сугробами.

8. the first rays of the sun into through a shroud of mist. at nine the fog began to dissipate.

9. up the sun, blowing warm wind over the earth курился fog.

10.tall spruce rejected shadow, there may be спас­тись heat.

11. wet snow falling from the sky, it was cold and damp. the boots are wet, because the ground was too талый snow.

12.after the rain cleared up and in the sky appeared много­цветная rainbow. good luck.

13. i don't remember such a storm, thunder, lightning, strong gusts of wind and hail.

14. it was a lovely morning.soon the sun came up and иссушило drops of dew on the grass.

15. first, подмораживало. the branches of the trees were covered in frost. there was heavy sleet. then began to thaw.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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