Связи с общественностью в кризисных ситуацияхИногда возникают катастро перевод - Связи с общественностью в кризисных ситуацияхИногда возникают катастро английский как сказать

Связи с общественностью в кризисных

Связи с общественностью в кризисных ситуациях
Иногда возникают катастрофические ситуации, требующие немедленных и эффективных действий, подобных применению пожарной машины или спасательной шлюпки при сигнале SOS. Этот тип деятельности паблик рилейшнз называется «экстремальные связи с общественностью» или «кризисное управление». Такие ситуации могут возникнуть в результате катастроф, подобных случившейся в Чернобыле. Другие проблемы могут возникнуть вследствие насильственного поглощения компании или финансового краха.

Успешное кризисное управление зависит от трех ключевых элементов:

1.Согласованная политика компании по управлению в экстремальной ситуации.
2.Проверенные средства связи, приспособления и оборудование.
3.Ключевой персонал, прошедший подготовку, необходимую для принятия немедленных мер в случае серьезной аварии; его представители будут выступать от имени компании на пресс-конференциях, телевидении или говорить по телефону.

Политика компании
Без полной оценки высшим руководством важности кризисного плана крайне сложно, если вообще возможно, составить всестороннюю программу по паблик рилейшнз и подготовить персонал, способный осуществить ее.

Средства связи
Начать следует с подготовки ключевого персонала в вашей собственной компании. В этот курс подготовки должны входить занятия по ведению телефонных переговоров, выступлениям на радио, практические занятия по участию в телевизионных интервью. Подготовленному таким образом персоналу потребуются надежные средства связи: телефон, телекс и. т д. Обычные средства в кризисной ситуации могут оказаться бесполезными.

Ключевой персонал
Катастрофы могут происходить в любое время суток, поэтому ключевой персонал должен находиться в готовности все 24 часа в сутки. Это значит, что; должно быть несколько групп, дежурящих по графику.

Действия в экстремальной ситуации
В кризисной ситуации важными факторами являются: немедленная реакция, обеспечение средств массовой информации точными сведениями, наличие всей технической информации, любые возможные действия в интереса! пострадавших и их родственников.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Public relations in crisis situationsSometimes disastrous situations requiring immediate and effective actions, such as the use of a fire engine or lifeboat when the SOS signal. This type of public relations activities called "extreme public relations" or "crisis management". Such situations may arise from disasters such as occurred in Chernobyl. Other problems may arise as a result of the forcible takeover of the company or financial ruin.Successful crisis management depends on three key elements:1. Coherent policy management firm in an extreme situation.2. Proven communication tools, devices and equipment.3. Key personnel trained, needed to take immediate action in the event of a major accident; his representatives will speak on behalf of the company at press conferences, television or talking on the phone.The policy of the companyWithout a full assessment of the senior management of the importance of the crisis plan is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to draw up a comprehensive programme for public relations and to prepare staff capable to implement it.Means of communicationStart by training key personnel in your own company. This training should include courses on conducting telephone conversations, performances on radio, hands-on participation in television interviews. Prepared in this way staff will require reliable means of communication: telephone, telex and t. d. conventional means in crisis may be useless.Key personnelDisasters can occur at any time of the day, so key personnel must be kept ready all 12:00 am a day. This means that; must be some teams based on schedule.Actions in extreme situationsIn a crisis situation, the important factors are: immediate response, providing media information, the presence of all the technical information, any possible action in interest! victims and their relatives.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Public relations in crisis situations
Sometimes there are catastrophic situations requiring immediate and effective action such as the use of fire engine or rescue boat at the SOS signal. This type of activity of public relations called "extreme public relations" or "crisis management." Such situations may arise from catastrophes like Chernobyl. Other problems may occur as a result of the forcible takeover or financial ruin.

Successful crisis management depends on three key elements:

1.Soglasovannaya company policy in an emergency situation management.
2.Proverennye means of communication, tools and equipment.
3.Klyuchevoy personnel trained, needed to take immediate action in the event of a serious accident; its representatives will speak on behalf of the company at the press conferences, television or talking on the phone.

The company's policy
is extremely difficult without a full assessment of the importance of senior management of the crisis plan, if not impossible, to create a comprehensive program of public relations and prepare staff able to implement it.

should start with training of key personnel in your own company. In the course of training should include lessons on conducting telephone conversations, speeches on radio, practical training to participate in a television interview. So trained personnel require reliable means of communication: telephone, telex and. etc.. Conventional means in a crisis situation may be useless.

Key Personnel
Accidents can happen at any time, so the key personnel must be ready 24 hours a day. It means that; there should be several groups on duty schedule.

Actions in an emergency situation
in a crisis situation are important factors: immediate response, ensuring the media accurate information, the presence of all the technical information, any possible action in the interest! victims and their relatives. Actions in an emergency situation in a crisis situation are important factors: immediate response, ensuring the media accurate information, the presence of all the technical information, any possible action in the interest! victims and their relatives. Actions in an emergency situation in a crisis situation are important factors: immediate response, ensuring the media accurate information, the presence of all the technical information, any possible action in the interest! victims and their relatives.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
public relations in crisis situationssometimes there's a catastrophic emergency, requiring immediate and effective action, such as the fire truck or rescue boats to signal the sos. this type of public рилейшнз is called "extreme the общественностью» or" crisis management ". such a situation may arise as a result of accidents, such as at chernobyl. other problems may arise as a consequence of violent takeover or financial collapse.successful crisis management depends on three key elements:1.согласованная policy management company in the extreme situation.2.проверенные communication tools, devices and equipment.3.ключевой personnel trained to take immediate action in the event of a serious accident; its representatives will speak on behalf of the company at the press conferences, television or talk on the phone.the policy of the companywithout a full evaluation of the senior leadership of the crisis plan is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to develop a comprehensive program of public рилейшнз and prepare personnel, able to implement it.means of communicationthis process should begin with training key staff in your own company. this training should include training on maintenance of telephone, radio presentations, workshops on participation in a tv interview. by thus personnel will require reliable communications: telephone, telex and. t d. the usual means in crisis may not be beneficial.key personnelthe disaster may occur at any time of the day, however, the key personnel must be available 24 hours a day. this means that, there must be a few groups дежурящих on schedule.disaster recoveryin a crisis situation, important factors are: the immediate reaction to the media particulars, complete technical information, all possible actions of interest. victims and their relatives.
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