Без эквивалентными являются слова, служащие для выражения понятий, которые отсутствуют в иной культуре и, как правило, не переводятся на другой язык одним словом, не имеют эквивалентов за пределами языка, к которому они принадлежат.
No equivalentare the words for expressing concepts that are notin another culture and, as a rule, are not transferred to anotherIn short, the language does not have equivalents outsidethe language to which they belong.
No equivalent are the words that serve to express concepts that are not in another culture and, as a rule, are not translated into another language in a word, have no equivalent outside the language to which they belong.
no equivalent are the words used for expressing concepts, there is no in culture and is generally not translated into another language. in one word, have no equivalent outside of languageto which they belong.