Кельвин, дорогой, здравствуй! Ты опять замолчал, не пишешь ни мне ,ни папе. Я понимаю,что ты очень переживаешь за Паульса, но папа тоже переживает. Ему сейчас очень трудно. У него проблемы, не отпускают к вам пока не закончится контракт. Ты не пишешь, он считает себя плохим отцом и думает,что ты тоже его обвиняешь в том,что произошло с Паульсом. Но он этого не заслужил, он очень любит вас. Мы сейчас должны быть вместе и поддерживать друг друга. Прошу тебя напиши папе письмо, пусть он немного успокоится, пусть знает, что ты любишь его. Мне очень больно видеть как он страдает. Дорогой, если у тебя есть скайп, то мы можем поговорить, сможем ближе познакомиться.Как себя чувствует Паульс? Ты не пишешь, он сейчас в больнице? Как мне хотелось бы быть рядом с вами, мои дорогие. Ответь мне пожалуйста. Целую и обнимаю вас ,тете Дженни
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Calvin, darling, hello! You paused again, do not write to me or dad. I understand that you are very worried for Pauwels, but the father also is going through. He is now very difficult. He's in trouble,do not let go to you until you end the contract. You do not write, he considers himself a bad father, and thinks that you, too, he was accused of what happened with Paulsen. But he did not deserve this, he loves you.We're meant to be together and support each other. I beg you to write to the Pope a letter, let it calm down a bit, let him know that you love him. I'd hate to see him suffer. Honey, if you have Skype,We can talk, we can close poznakomitsya.Kak feels Pauls? You're not writing, he's in the hospital? How I wish I could be there for you, my dear. Answer me please. I kiss and hug you, Aunt Jenny
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..

Результаты (
английский) 2:
Calvin, my dear, Hello! You again paused, not write neither me nor my father. I understand that you really really care for Paul′sa, but the Pope is going through. It is now very difficult. He has problems, not released to you until the end of the contract. You're not writing, he considers himself a bad father and thinks you're too blame him for what happened with Paul′som. But he did not deserve, he loves you. We should be together and support each other. Please write a letter to the Pope, let it calm down a bit, let him know that you love him. I am very pained as he suffers. Dear, if you have Skype, then we can talk, we can have a closer look. feels Like Paul 's? You're not writing, he is now in hospital? How I wish I could be there with you, my dear. Answer me please. I kiss and hug you, aunt Jenny
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Calvin, expensive, hello! You Again Winston raised his head again, not artists or neither me ,no pope. I understand that you are very much higher beause the Паульса, but pope is going through. It is now very difficult. It had problems,Do not release to you until you finish the contract. I do not find interesting hipsters, he considers himself to be a bad father and thinks,that you will do it in the обвиняешь,what happened to Паульсом. But it does not deserve, he loves you very much.We are now to be together and to support each other. I request that you write your letter from Pope Benedict XVI, let it wilt a little, let them know that you love it. I have a very painful to see how he was suffering. Dear, if you have a news /,We can talk, we will be able to learn more about.As feels the? I do not find interesting hipsters, he is now in the hospital? As I would like to be next to you, my dear. But nobody answered me please. A whole and hug you ,tete Jenny
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